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[Vote] Symmetrical Beauty - Detective Game

Article Publish : 08/16/2024 16:58

🚢 One or the other... sometimes it makes no difference 🚢

📕Story Background

A cargo ship from Japan was sailing on the sea. Captain Cohen stretched his arms after finishing his log of yesterday’s activities. He stepped out of his room, and planned to go to the deck for a cigarette to lift his spirits.

When Captain Cohen returned to his room, he found that the money in his drawer was stolen. The only people who typically have the permission to enter the captain's room are the other crew members: James, Brian, and Webber. After a moment of consideration, Captain Cohen decided to question them one by one.

Cohen knocked on James’s door and asked, “Did you enter my room?” James replied, “No. I wanted to deliver some documents to you just now. When I knocked on your door, I found you weren’t in the room.”

Cohen then found Brian in the kitchen. Brian was washing a bowl. Cohen approached Brian and asked, “Did you enter my room?” Brian responded, “I’ve been eating in the kitchen.” The chef backed up Brian's answer.

“Who stole my money?” Cohen wondered in the hallway. At that moment, Webber showed up in the end of the hallway. Seeing Webber, Cohen quickly stepped forward and asked, “What were you doing just now?” Webber replied, “I noticed a flag on the ship was hanging upside down, so I climbed up to adjust it.”

After hearing all those replies, Captain Cohen thought for a moment and immediately concluded that one of them was lying. Detectives, can you figure out who the captain determined was the thief?

(This story is absolutely fictional. Any inconsistencies with common sense work for the plot.)

🔍Known Clues

  1. The goods transported by this cargo ship are produced in Japan, and all the flags hanging on this ship are Japanese national flags.
  2. All of the crew members are from non-Japanese countries.

🕵️‍Questions and Discussions for YOU

  1. WHO do you think is most likely to be the thief?
  2. WHAT do you think might be the motivation for it? (Open-ended)
  3. What's your favourite sports events to watch in the Olympics? Please share with us. (Open-ended)

🎉Participation Rewards

The FIRST user to successfully deduce the identity of the "culprit" and their motive in the comment, will receive a reward of 2,000 GT points! Other participants will earn 200-500 GT points based on the completeness of their submissions. 💰

📅Submission Deadline

August 23, 2024

Reminder: This is the submission deadline if you want to claim the reward with your vote, but after this date the vote will still remain open for a period of time, so please feel free to participate at any time, detectives!

----- Previous answer (The Cold Moonlight) -------

The evidence is the cold bulb. The housemaid claimed that she saw through the keyhole that the desk lamp was on. However, Miss McCaw touched the bulb and found it to be cold. If the lamp had on, the bulb would have been hot after a short period of time. Therefore, the housemaid lay.

Link to the post: [Vote] The Cold Moonlight - Detective Game – Gtarcade Discussion Forum Official Forum

We will be rewarding 200 GT points to all players who voted correctly, and additional points to some outstanding responses.

Congratulations and enjoy your juicy GT points reward!!!

🎁 Additional Reward Rule

We greatly appreciate everyone's willingness and time to participate in our new community discussion event, the Detective Game.

While there is only one "correct" answer we've prepared, we will reward anyone who comes up with a genuine deduction process and actively engages in this event with a random amount of EXTRA GT Points based on the quality of their answer.

We will carefully review and select the best comments, so don't worry detectives, join in and earn your points!

Note: We have now reclassified the Detective Game back under the Votes category to enhance event navigation and streamline the reward claim process using the VOTE function. (Please note that this change is not permanent and may be subject to future adjustments)
