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[Vote] Shadow in the Alley - Detective Game

Votes GT Neighborhood
Article Publish : 07/12/2024 15:00
Edited by jerrytzh at 07/16/2024 14:02

🏃‍💨 Poor Robber Cannot Hide from our Agile Detectives 🔦👮

📕Story Background

The wind was biting on that cold winter night, and the GT town's streets were almost deserted. Mike, a young trainee police officer, walked along a quiet street, rubbing his hands together in an attempt to keep warm.

Suddenly, a woman's scream pierced the silence: "Ah! A robber!" Trusting his police instincts, Mike immediately turned toward the scream and saw a shadowy figure fleeing the scene. Without hesitation, Mike took off in pursuit. However, the suspect moved with the speed and agility of a cheetah, darting through the streets like lightning. Despite his best efforts, Mike's physical stamina began to wane, and he struggled to keep up.

Finally, at the last corner, Mike found that the suspect had vanished. The alley ended in a dead end with only one small restaurant, meaning the suspect had to be inside. Approaching the restaurant, Mike observed four individuals: three sitting inside and one standing outside. The robber had to be one of these four people.

🔍Known Suspects

  1. The person sitting near the window, smoking a cigarette lazily.
  2. The person sitting near the door, reading a newspaper attentively.
  3. The person standing at the door, talking on the phone.
  4. The person sitting near the kitchen, gorging on hot noodles.

🕵️‍Questions and Discussions for YOU

  1. WHO do you think is the robber?
  2. WHAT do you think exposed them to being the culprit?
  3. If you were the robber, how would you disguise yourself? (Open-ended)

(Please be a lawful citizen <3)

🎉 Participation Rewards

The FIRST user to successfully deduce the identity of the "culprit" and their motive in the comment, will receive a reward of 2,000 GT points! Other participants will earn 200-500 GT points based on the completeness of their submissions. 💰

📅 Submission Deadline

July 19, 2024

Reminder: This is the submission deadline if you want to claim the reward with your vote, but after this date the vote will still remain open for a period of time, so please feel free to participate at any time, detectives!

----- Previous answer (My Name is Academy Award) -------

The murderer is Carl, who is color-blind. The crucial clue lies in Dr. Dalton's work ID card. Color blindness is also known as Daltonism, named after John Dalton, a scientist who studied the condition. Dr. Dalton's work ID, bearing his name "Dalton" which it directly implicates Carl as the murderer. The connection between Daltonism and Dr. Dalton's name provided the vital hint needed to solve the case. As the name states, it is more inclined to the Academic terms.

Link to the post: [Vote] My Name is Academy Award - Detective Game – Gtarcade Discussion Forum Official Forum

We will be rewarding 200 GT points to all players who voted correctly, and additional points to some outstanding responses.

Congratulations and enjoy your juicy GT points reward!!!

🎁 Additional Reward Rule

We greatly appreciate everyone's willingness and time to participate in our new community discussion event, the Detective Game.

While there is only one "correct" answer we've prepared, we will reward anyone who comes up with a genuine deduction process and actively engages in this event with a random amount of EXTRA GT Points based on the quality of their answer.

We will carefully review and select the best comments, so don't worry detectives, join in and earn your points!

Note: We have now reclassified the Detective Game back under the Votes category to enhance event navigation and streamline the reward claim process using the VOTE function. (Please note that this change is not permanent and may be subject to future adjustments)
