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[Vote] My Name is Academy Award - Detective Game

Votes Who is killer?
Article Publish : 07/05/2024 15:00
Edited by jerrytzh at 07/05/2024 17:41

⛑ Alas, that's how you reciprocate the doctor, alas ⛑🙃

📕Story Background

Dr. Dalton was a highly skilled doctor, known for his expertise in treating various complex and difficult diseases. Renowned not only for his medical acumen but also for his friendly and compassionate personality, he forged strong friendships with many of his patients. Despite a heavy workload that saw him working overtime and staying up late daily, Dr. Dalton never complained, finding deep meaning in helping his patients recover.

During this particularly demanding period, Dr. Dalton was responsible for the care of four patients: Jack, a deaf-mute; Ben, who had low vision; Carl, who was color-blind; and Nott, who suffered from schizophrenia. Despite his dedication, it seems not everyone appreciated Dr. Dalton's selflessness...

One morning, Dr. Dalton's body was discovered in his office. A switchblade was embedded in his chest, the cause of his fatal blood loss. Clutched in his hand was his work ID card—a potential clue to his murderer. His wide eyes and gaping mouth indicated the immense pain and shock he experienced before his death. The diligent and caring Dr. Dalton had been murdered by one of his patients.

The police quickly apprehended four suspects: Jack, Ben, Carl, and Nott—all of whom Dr. Dalton had treated before his death. The key piece of evidence was the work ID card held tightly in the doctor's hand. But who among these patients could have committed such a heinous act?

🔍Known Suspects

  1. Jack: A deaf-mute patient
  2. Ben: A patient with low vision
  3. Carl: A color-blind patient
  4. Nott: A patient with schizophrenia

🕵️‍Questions and Discussions for YOU

  1. WHO do you think is responsible for the attack?
  2. WHAT do you think the perpetrator's motivation was?(Open-ended)
  3. HOW do you feel about this incident, any thought?(Open-ended)

🎉 Participation Rewards

The FIRST user to successfully deduce the identity of the "culprit" and their motive in the comment, will receive a reward of 2,000 GT points! Other participants will earn 200-500 GT points based on the completeness of their submissions. 💰

📅 Submission Deadline

July 12, 2024

Reminder: This is the submission deadline if you want to claim the reward with your vote, but after this date the vote will still remain open for a period of time, so please feel free to participate at any time, detectives!

----- Previous answer (Social Butterfly No Longer Flies) -------

Mrs. Crestwood is a well-known figure in the community and is likely familiar with most of its residents, including their names. Given her extensive social interactions, she should recognize Graham, Lucinda, and Fred by name. During the attack, she managed to see the face of her assailant. If the perpetrator had been one of these three well-known individuals, Mrs. Crestwood would have likely called out their name instead of describing their appearance.

Victor, however, is a recent addition to the community, and Mrs. Crestwood might not have known him well enough to recognize him by name. Consequently, her only means of identification would be his distinctive characteristic – yellow hair. Thus, based on the logical deduction, the criminal is Victor.

Link to the post: [Vote] Social Butterfly No Longer Flies - Detective Game – Gtarcade Discussion Forum Official Forum

We will be rewarding 200 GT points to all players who voted correctly, and additional points to some outstanding responses.

Congratulations and enjoy your juicy GT points reward!!!

🎁 Additional Reward Rule

We greatly appreciate everyone's willingness and time to participate in our new community discussion event, the Detective Game.

While there is only one "correct" answer we've prepared, we will reward anyone who comes up with a genuine deduction process and actively engages in this event with a random amount of EXTRA GT Points based on the quality of their answer.

We will carefully review and select the best comments, so don't worry detectives, join in and earn your points!

Note: This week, we have reclassified the Detective Game back under the Votes and Who is Killer category to enhance event navigation and streamline the reward claim process using the VOTE function. (Please note that this change is not permanent and may be subject to future adjustments)
