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Lost Realm for SFu dragon slayers vs Ultimate Dragon

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/15/2023 02:15
Edited by mir*** at 10/15/2023 02:18

The Lost realm.

This event brings out the best, and the worst of us.

It is very important to understand what is happening on the battlefield, fighting Dragon Priest or the Dragon.

.. sounds familiar?

well, if you have read one of my previous stories about fighting against Dragon Priest, yes..

Lost Realm for SFu dragon slayers vs Dragon Priest

This is now a sequel of SFu dragon slayers story, going to the next level.. Dragon Urrax (Epic)


In Lost realm, strategy on the final level boss, combined with team work is most important. as if the whole team .. and i mean.. the whole team doing what they are supposed to, that team loses. 

What are the basics: fighters need to heal their troops as sometimes the enemy Boss is so strong that it kicks them from 50% to ZERO (nula, rien, nichts, nichego, ..)

and you're out of the fight, not able to return or respawn.

But as mentioned before, the catch is to keep giving damage to the Boss, while having enough healers to support..

Balance between fighters and healers is most important.

And ONLY strongest fighters are to fight boss, as simply too many fighters drains healing grains too quickly,

and healers stay out of grain, and fighters cant be healed, and they die, and fight against Boss is lost.

Also, time to kill the Boss is limited. Also there is no way to reset your deployment. So you must be careful to set it correctly on the first try.

And on top of all that, there is no refill of the grain, needed for healing other players.

Healers for their safety are to go with bows only, healing from distance, and after they spend all grain, attack the dragon from distance.

Also healing only a limited number of fighters is smart use of resources.

If your health is too low, it is best to get back to more distance, and there you can be healed.

We decided who will be fighting the dragon, as some ppl are absent due to Real Life, and all the rest were healers.

So we were ready, and gave instructions a few hours before the match, giving SFu members time to check and understand our plan.

One of them was to increase the amount of grain by switching to gathering gear sets and gathering talents, and not to forget to go logistic mode, and ALWAYS pick healing wagons. 

Also in the meantime we were checking how much going to logistics is reducing fighters, and to our surprise, it was a 3:1 ratio without logistic vs with logistic mode enabled on single deployment. 

So it was obvious, our previous understanding was not correct, and we had to correct instructions for fighters.

My task was to be a healer. Setting up formations, changing gear, changing talents, using single troop type = bows, going to logistic mode on all 3 deployments and taking heal chariots.

With proper setup, my main deployment had almost 3M grain on board!

We have tried once. And we ended up not being able to kill him. Dragon was victorious as time ran out, and with over 16% health left. So we tried again, and this time we managed to get him to 12% health. 

Obviously we were not satisfied with the results, as we got no rewards at all, 

which is the outcome if you don’t succeed.

So we were eager to try out a new plan.. as the old one wasn’t working!

Last time we set a middle field zone, where our fighters were coming for healing, while healers were instructed to stay on the left or right side of that zone. 

But many ppl were not listening, and were in the way of fast & precise selection of fighters to heal or recover resilience. 

This was so frustrating.

And it needed improvement. We tried once, we tried twice, and it was simply not working. 

New strategy, new plan was discussed and agreed.

This time, we have decided to avoid our healers being killed too soon, or misclicking fighters with healing, we made a plan to keep healers below the imaginary red line (from the start of the event) and that fighters are coming down for heels not so far away from dragon, but only to that line, and we healers can heal them below that line, not going to jeopardy of being killed in a single special dragon attack.

And we started.

To my big surprise, this was going quite well. 

Our best mathematicians calculated fast that with that pace, we are going to be like 5 min ahead, meaning before the timer runs out.

That was a good sign, we got the strategy right this time. It was not as hectic as before, on the edge of being boring, but dragon health dropping by 0,1% every few sec, was giving us hope.

But we were alert. As there were many things that could go wrong!

For example, if somebody hits one of dragon healing towers (left on 3-5% health) they respawn after 10 sec, and start healing dragon with full force.

 If our healers start losing healing grain, we will not be able to heal fighters, and we could be left on only a few health % again without victory.

And then, after 40 min, the first crack in our plan appeared.

One of our fighters was going offline, as he needed to go to work.

That means, he will not be coming back for heals, will not be healed, will get killed, and we will reduce giving total damage against the dragon.

Also more and more healers reported going out of grain, and they moved to the upper part starting giving small portions of damage to dragon from distance using bows.

Are we going to make it? calculation was showing it will be close.. very close.. 

Adjustment of play was needed.

So we decided that those healers with lower grain reserves, go up to the side of the field, starting healing fighters from closer, avoiding them losing time going back to the line.. soon more and more healing charts were going up, closer to fight.

And then, dragon health was at only 1%.. and we all, healers and fighters were going ALL in!

Giving damage much faster. Race with timer was on. Will we manage to kill dragon before timer runs out?

There was no time for any new adjustment , for any new strategy, for any new idea.

Just stay there, take damage, and give damage as much as you can!


and BAM!

YES! we did it.

finally.. 3rd time’s the charm!

Timer was showing 1:10!

.. This was such a satisfying moment, after all.

We found a working recipe on how to beat Ultimate Dragon, Urax!

.. and to prove it, next time we did it in the same way but much faster, leaving almost 3 min before the end.

we will for sure try it again, and try to beat that result.

Meanwhile, stay safe & have fun!
