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An Invader's Misadventure

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/26/2024 17:26

It was a sweltering summer in the quiet kingdom of K179, and the lords and ladies of MBL alliance were peacefully pursuing well natured competitions between them, like the Lord of Lords, that had just begun and the Resource Collection. They had come out of All Out War, Glorious Battle and Kingdom vs Kingdom war, and avoiding warfare for a while looked especially appealing. But the Old Gods are fickle and cruel, and their wish was not to be.

Did you notice a HOH warrior lord, sitting amongst our midst? Right there in the Kings Landing treeline? ChristianOr asked LAH, MBL’s Queen.

HOH invader? What is the world coming to? Is literally the last alliance I would expect them to invade, she answered.

LAH’s perplexity was not misplaced, because the invader, sent a raven throughout the land, assuring the inhabitants of K179, that he was coming peacefully, and was not interested in attacking anyone. 

He better not come after my nodes, Doc, one of the older council members, bristled.

Maybe he intends to snipe the rewards in LOL, and resource collection, mused MAJ, the MBL King, a couple of days later, when nothing had happened.

If that is his plan, he doesn’t seem to have gathered a lot of points, remarked Jussidude, MBL’s resident bow whale acerbically.

He was right as it was ChristianOr who sniped the Resource Collection reward. The MBL lords and ladies continued to look his way, but they had almost started to forget he existed. 

That same night, well, hardly could be called night as the sun had already made his shy appearance, Fleep was returning from Lady Rhaella’s winery where he had spent the night drinking. Looking to relieve himself, he paused in the HOH invader’s castle but as he leaned to the wall he made a startling discovery. The protective barrier to his castle was absent.

He hastily fastened his breeches and staggered to sound the alarm. But MBL was in deep slumber. Fleep looked around in desperation and he finally spotted Jussidude, who was a notorious early riser, as he liked to tend to his farms before starting his war drills.

It had to be a bow guy, Fleep murmured grumpily. Hey, Jussi, he said brightly, as he approached him. Look who is unbubbled!!

Time to rally, Jussidude said solemnly. I will call the banners.

Oh come on, Fleep continued murmuring as ran to his barracks. He had no bowmen, so he had to train urgently fast, a task that might be more arduous when you have consumed vast amounts of ale. Fleep was still trying to train his soldiers to hold a bow decently, when Jussidude, annoyed he had no joiners to his rally, decided to attack alone.

Even better, Fleep though, and sat down to watch the attack. Jussidude was not a very experienced warrior but he was strong, and felt fairly confident.

Hey, not bad man, he called, but maybe you use a little more army size?

Jussidude ignored him, he was annoyed he had lost a few of his precious T5 warriors, so he decided to not use them in his next attack. Off he charged, but this time he was shaken harder.

Dude, you almost got capped, Fleep slurred. I am telling you, use a bigger army, and less of the lesser soldiers.

Fleep, he may have been drunk, and he was young, but he was actually a very experienced and smart fighter. So Jussidude heeded his advice and used a 75% army enhancer. But when he looked at his beautiful T5s, he shuddered at the thought of losing them, and used a mixture of t3s and t4 soldiers, again. What could go wrong after all, the invader already had less troops. 

Jussidude turned to Fleep, waiting to hear some quip, but Fleep, remarkably, seemed to have shaken off his drunkenness, and was already calling his banners. 

We need to free your lord, he told Jussi seriously. Still the hour was not helping them. Poor Fleep waited but he barely got eight hundred thousand soldiers from two lords combined. He shrugged and charged anyway.

It was painful, but he managed to free Jussidude’s lord.

A few minutes later, PinkyOr appeared, having been woken by the alarm, but having taken his sweet time to get ready for the fight. He spotted Fleep, still lying in the grass.

Looks like I missed all the excitement, he said calmly.

Nah man, he still has troops, Fleep replied. Have I ever told you how much I hate bows? 

You might have mentioned it once or thrice, PinkyOr replied solemnly fighting off his mirth. I will call the banners.

The banners? are you mad? you can win him alone in your sleep, Fleep exclaimed.

Perhaps, but I saw a few lords on their way, and it would be cruel to take their excitement away now, wouldn’t it? PinkyOr said, keeping his voice low not to be overheard.

PinkyOr called the banners, and MBL lords hardly being awake flocked to his side enthusiastically. He was lacking at least one million followers, but it would do. Off he charged. 

And he made the avatar pic of the invader finally come true, as he captured his lord easily. He still had less than three hundred thousand troops, but calling a second rally for that would be a joke, one that young Fleep would never let him forget, so he finished him off in one swift motion.

PinkyOr leant back to the grass next to Fleep, hearing contently the chatter of the MBL lords that had joined his rally and how happy they were with the merit they had made.

I guess I know now why you rallied, Fleep said quietly.

Ssshhh Fleep, and keep it to yourself. Let’s commiserate instead that he did not choose to lose his bubble in the phase six of the Lord of Lords competition, he said seriously and they both started laughing.
