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KAC and Meridianos fight together in Champion City Siege!

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/29/2024 02:27

A new season of CCS was just around the corner for Meridianos, a formidable rally leader of BaN, who relentlessly pursued the title of Champion Conqueror each time he entered the event. BaN, a newly established alliance, set its sights higher than anyone else, striving for the top prizes in every competition and event—this one included.

This ambitious outlook aligned perfectly with Meridianos' own goals. He believed there was no better alliance to help him achieve his aspirations, and in turn, he would support BaN in reaching theirs. For this CCS, Meridianos and several BaN members, all stationed in K157, were preparing for the Tempest Keep battle, which at first glance, promised to be a tough challenge against formidable opponents.

The battle was scheduled for a time that suited both Meridianos and the K157 fighters, but their opposition—KAC, Ganicus, and WxC—would also find it favorable. Heading into the fight, the strategy was clear: BaN members needed to quickly fill the castle once Meridianos occupied it, securing the top position in the rankings. The individual who held the castle the longest would earn the coveted title of Champion Conqueror, along with its prestigious rewards throughout Westeros, including fame and valuable goods.

As they headed onto the battlefield, the KAC fighters were all around the map, showing their prowess at this hour, they wanted to be the ones to win it all. Witnessing the sight, Meridianos was a bit disheartened, but ready to take onto the challenge ahead. Not long after however, he would have a surprise heading his way: KAC proposed to ally for the event against WxC and Ganicus. This was something unprecedented, KAC and WxC used to be allies - Meridianos did not expect it. But regardless, he accepted.

KAC had only one demand however: They would receive the first spot, 2nd spot goes to Meridianos and this way both of them get rewards. The reasoning they presented made a lot of sense for Meridianos, as KAC provided most fighters in terms of back-up. Thus he agreed and now they looked forward to the fight.

WxC witnessed the alliance between the two, feeling betrayed, they vowed to get back at them and win this event. Ganicus aimed to capture the Tempest Keep first and not let it go, but as the building unlocked, he stood no chance against MatJenin, a fighter of KAC, that managed to secure the Keep first - he was going to occupy the first spot in the rankings.

Seeing this, Ganicus called forth for rallies to be raised, and without any haste, they were marching down the castle. They wanted to conquer it as soon as possible to make the mission easier for themselves. There were a few stray alliances that were also rallying the Keep, providing a bit of a back-up for him against the unexpected allegiance.

The battles that ensued were cruel to watch even for on-lookers, the clashes of swords were deafening, the cries of the dying were heartbreaking, but soon it had come to a halt, as Ganicus was the only one to win in any rally, everyone else getting annihilated. KAC opted to defend with only tier 4 troops, making it an impossible mission for others to win against MatJenin. This had only one result: MatJenin easily secured the first position in the rankings, and now a swap to Meridianos was incoming.

As MatJenin disbanded, Ganicus, the ever so fast, managed to intercept and sieze the building for the first time this event, now WxC had to defend. It was going to be a tough mission for them, defending against both BaN and KAC, but they were going to try it.

It had soon been proven to be exactly like that. Not long after getting his hand on the Tempest Keep, Ganicus had lost it. "We have only managed to hold off against a few attacks, they have too many, this will be too costly to continue, but 3rd place should be secured.'' hoped Ganicus, as he watched the determined Meridianos capture the Keep, from which he would not be budged.

As rallies continued to flow from other alliances, and a few from WxC, it was soon shown that Meridianos was not going to lose any footing and would secure the 2nd spot in the rankings. KAC was happy with their decision to ally BaN, as they proved to be trustworthy allies who tried their best to fulfill both fighters' desires for winning.

This was their first cooperation, but certainly not the last, hoped Meridianos, as he saw everyone being happy around him. This marked the beginning of a new era, he thought, maybe one where all alliances would get along better and understand each other more. In the next event, Meridianos, despite wanting the title of Champion Conqueror, wished to fight alongside KAC again, as the rewards were worth less than the comradeship achieved along the way.
