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Champion City Siege of Tempest Keep

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/29/2024 00:58

Before us, stood Tempest Keep with its ancient walls veiled by mist and mysterious energies, that enshrouded even the surroundings. It was once a stronghold of an old long forgotten empire; however, it was now a centerpiece of the most anticipated event in all kingdoms, the Champion City Siege. This wasn’t just any ordinary battle but a battle of alliances that fought to control the most envied fortress in the land, as it had many mysterious buffs and treasures. If one gained control of Tempest Keep, they would wield unimaginable power, and some people would even worship these humans, as they were the closest thing to actual gods. The spoils from this siege were enough wealth to live like kings for the rest of your life.

 Verm, a wandering knight who recently got an offer to fight under the banner of Av5, and at the top of the alliance was Ganicus, a fierce rally leader and a colossus of a man, who would put hope into the most beat-up solider when he was around. Ganicus stormed forward, an undestroyable confidence leading the way. To his forces, he was a guiding star in the storm they were now to ride. They will be leading an army different from all others, consisting of leading female commanders, fierce in riding and fighting on horses, and that has been proven in innumerable battles. They were warriors, every one of them, and today they would charge into battle for more than spoils of victory, today they will fight in the name of Ganicus, their hero.

However, standing in front of them was a formidable foe, none like they had ever met before. One of the strongest alliances on the continent, KAC, had arrived to capture Tempest Keep for their own greed. The one who commanded this force was none other than Matjenin, who became the youngest sword master in the history of the continent and was renowned for his pure strength to lead infantry units into battle. Therefore, he was a towering figure who gave the signal for his infantry to charge into combat like an unstoppable tide. His strength lay not in speed or agility like Ganicus, but in his ability to hold ground and crush anyone who came to challenge his line, how would our forces fight that…?

The moment the sun began to peek on the horizon, Verm-turned onto his horse, his hand grasped tightly around the shaft of his spear. His heart was racing hard inside his chest, while, cool and hard as marble, his mind focused on the looming battle. He turned a wary glance sideways at Ganicus, whose towering figure led the cavalry with an air of unshakeable confidence. This was their moment. The drums of war sounded the charge, and Verm felt the sudden surge of adrenaline as cavalry forged forward, the thunder of hooves shaking beneath them. The female commanders rode with elegance and precision alike, eyes locked on the enemy lines, in whose resolution it would seem evident. They were not just riders but warriors-legendary characters in their own rights.

In front of them stood Matjening, a wall of steel with shields covering their bodies and weapons bristling outward in a wedge formation, which had been designed to snap even the most ferocious charge of cavalry. Verm's pulse quickened. He had faced KAC's infantry before and knew well just how formidable they could be. The enemy commander MATjenin was at the center of the line, with his broad frame armored in black steel and his massive shield gripped one of his hands, and in another was a golden weapon, that had killed hundreds of enemies. He truly was a beacon of strength to his men, a symbol of unbreakable might. The first impact came as a thunderclap and Verm’s spear found its mark through the shield of one of Matjenin’s men, but it was the sheer force of the infantry defense that was staggering. The horse reared as their hooves strikes out as the rest of the cavalry smashed into the enemies. The sound of steel clashing against steel filled the air, however, just a small moment, it almost seemed like the line of KAC would stand.

Ganicus charged into battle, his roar could be heard reverberating across the chaotic battlefield, as he tore into ranks before him with his great blade, clearing a rank of infantry by himself. His strength was undeniable, as everyone witnessed it. The very presence of his aura made the enemy troops fall to their knees, while Verm and the allied forces rallied around him in a frenzied storm of clashing steel. Even the female commanders flung themselves around Ganicus, their swords flashing in the morning’s ray upon their armors as dust kicked up as they got deeper into the enemy line, as they rode while fighting. Verm fought beside them, his spear dancing through chaos to strike down one foe after another. His heart was racing with the thrill of the battle, but beneath it all, a dark sense of dread was gnawing at him. KAC's infantry was strong and heavier than expected even with Ganicus leading the charge, the fight was brutal. They were forging ahead, but every inch of terrain they won It was proving to be terribly costly.

The female commanders with him fought with all their might, their screams of war piercing across the field. Cassana was among the most fearsome commanders standing by Verm's side, her blade a bright flash as she cut her way through the enemy ranks. Senelle, known for her razor-sharp mind and quick reflexes, was leading the cavalry around to flank MATjenin's forces, hoping to break the line from the sides. But the infantry held fast, and for every soldier they felled, more seemed to take their place. Then, as if in slow motion, Verm saw Ganicus stagger. The mighty rally leader, the man who had seemed invincible, fell with a blow that put him on his knees. Verm's heart clenched as Ganicus struggled to rise, blood streaming from a wound in his side. MATjenin himself had struck the blow, his golden sword falling with bone-shattering force. Time seemed to stand still for Verm. Ganicus, their beacon of hope, was falling. Rage surged through Verm as he pressed forward, his spear thrusting into the ranks of KAC's infantry with an almost feral urgency. Around him, the female commanders fought harder, their resolve now hotly steeled by the sight of Ganicus's injury. They would not see his sacrifice in vain. In one final, desperate push, they broke through: MATjenin's line wavered then crumbled, and Verm's cavalry poured through the breach. Before them, the gates of Tempest Keep stood wide open, and as one, they roared forward, conquering the keep as their own. Bittersweet it was.

Verm dismounted, his breathing heavy, his body screaming from the after match of the battle. His comrades, all around him, celebrated the hard-won victory, but Verm's eyes went to where Ganicus was laying surrounded by those who were closest to him. The rally leader's breathing was shallow, his face pale, and Verm knew as he knelt beside him that Ganicus would not see the dawn of their triumph. Tears stung Verm's eyes as Ganicus reached for his hand, a faint smile crossing the rally leader's face. They had won the siege, but it had come at far too great of a cost. Tempest Keep was theirs, but the man who had led them to victory would not stand among them to share in its glory. In the end, they had come away with Champion. But far from the cheering of men, Verm stood in the shadow of the Ancient Fortress, the weight of victory in his heart somewhat hollow, a loss-Ganicus-that would never be truly healed.
