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CCS City of Judgement Indeed

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/29/2024 03:47

The Old Gods keep on adding stuff to my to do list.

New events and old events converging on my already limited schedule.

 I was distracted trying to do all the things in both Westeros and at home. So much so I almost missed the fact that it was time for Champion City Siege. 

One of the events that was introduced was the Treasure of the First Men.

 You have a small chance of getting a treasure map when doing dailies,

that can benefit both you and your alliance mates. The problem was if you left the alliance, then you couldn’t participate for 24 hrs. In CCS most will leave their alliances especially if you are not matched with your own alliance. This was the first CCS I seriously contemplated not doing. Up into the final moments, I was still in an internal struggle on to play or not to play. If I played and got max diamonds I could get another piece of red gear. If I stayed, I would have more chances at the First Men Digs.

My friends were encouraging me to just play. They know I love CCS, heck I even got some of them to love CCS. Me not playing just seemed like we had entered Twilight Zone Territory.

I had gotten an invite from Ytu In, as had my friends.

We had also had an invite from UR Candy

“if I play, I think Ytu would be the better option” I said to my friends. Candy will want the castle, and it will be very expensive to defend IF we could even get into the castle. Candy’s groups usually dominate the map. Players want to tie their fates to big strong players. Candy is nothing if not well known.  

As a group we agreed, we would join Ytu. We should have better opportunities to get in rallies since the team would be smaller, It was decided.

We hopped on the map and as we thought, candys group dominated the map. I glanced over so confidently we had made the right choice. If I had to leave the alliance and miss digs for 24 hrs. I wanted to make it worth my while. We were to be City of Judgement

Ytu sent a message alerting all we would only be attacking. Perfect, I thought. I really am trying to conserve resources since it is not so easy to leave alliances with first men happening.When the Siege started, the castle began to change hands until Candy settled in.

I missed the first rally, mesmerized by the marches. I don’t know why that still fascinates me, but it does lol.

I did make it into the second rally. I wasn’t concerned for potential losses, I made some troops just to die in this war, on this day… I screamed at the battle report

Yes, when I see the strongest accounts battling I can turn into a bit of a fan girl. I checked my losses on the battle report curious how I fared.

Not bad, I thought. What I didn’t realize in that report was I contributed to one of my biggest pet peeves in Champion City Siege. Folk’s filling rallies. I had taken a Army Size buff, Just in case our numbers were low. At that first rally I just sent troops not paying attention as things move quickly. While our group was not the size of Candy’s, we had decent numbers wanting to get all the things too… Don’t be like me lol. It took a long time to get into another rally. I wasted an insane amount of speed ups for nothing. I was beginning to get frustrated.

After what felt like an eternity, I made my way into the second rally. I was nervous, at this rate not getting max diamonds was a possibility.

Ytu was so strong tearing through Candy fully reinforced in the castle. I couldn’t wait to pour over the battle reports after this was over… For now, I was blowing through race boots like I was in a must win UC match and only actually gotten into 2 rallies. All those spears I made, and I can’t even kill them lol. My frustration grew with each missed rally. The problem was I wasn’t the only one to have sent max troops to a rally. Even with whale rally sizes if folks are sending one million plus, only 8 will get in.

I was ready to take my toys and go home rather than continuing to do the same thing, expecting a different result. An announcement was made in the alliance chat, We are switching to bows…

Bows is what I have the least of, but I sent what I had and managed to get into what was my third rally.

Ytu won that one too and Candy held the castle, quickly reinforced as his team fought to get one of the 30 spots. I was not having the kinda fun I should have had allied with such a strong player. The frustration just continued to grow as more and more race boots were wasted. I missed the first med treasure and the alliance gifts for this? I made a choice at that moment to just accept what was. I could have tried to be more patient. Heck, there is an argument to be made that I SHOULD have just waited, and it would probably get better. I just did not have it in me to continue. I thought of the battle diamonds and accepted that I probably wouldn’t get enough this match. There is always the next CCS. With half the time left in the event, I left the CCS alliance and went back to FFS.

Consider my surprise when I got the CCS mail when the event did end…I had gotten max diamonds after all.

3 rallies, not a whole lot of loss or resources wasted, and I get my weapon. Most folks could be happy with that outcome. So why was I so angry? While I may have given up a bit early, there were lessons all around me. Patience, Consideration, Gratitude were all things in short supply during the match. Or was it an excuse because I was so unsure of leaving the alliance for this event, while the first men event was on. I was so focused on what I may not have, I didn’t look and see what I did have. I also learned it is ok to leave an event early. Better to disappear than to be an a$$hole to people. You can’t control what others do, only what we do. So, we should be the example of what we wish to see in others. Each CCS is different for a multitude of reasons. Some are expensive, some it is impossible to get into rallies, some you get in all the rallies. There is beauty in the unpredictability of the event and that is the reason it is one of my favorite events. Things will always work out the way it will, even if it doesn’t look like what you hoped. 
