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Reward Day in King's Landing

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/28/2024 23:39

The city is dressed in its finery and banners are flying in the city; the streets are filled with cheers and applause as the knights of Westeros make their entrance. At the front of the march, Kitty Targaryen, makes her entrance, her horse standing out with her white mane shining in the sun. At her side, the faithful generals Sylmenstra-Gorgal and BlackL1òn march proudly, being received by the crowd with cries of admiration and gratitude.

The knights have come to honor and be honored, their armor despite the wear and tear of battle still shines under the sun of King's Landing. The cheers of the people fill the air as they celebrate the victory and the peace that has finally arrived. The saviors of Westeros are acclaimed, and the future of the kingdom seems more secure than ever.

Upon arrival, the Queen proclaims 3 days of festivities in the city. Various events will be held and rewards will be established.

With a million inhabitants in King's Landing, the city is filled with activity as everyone prepares to exchange gifts and rewards between the different houses that reside there. The rewards vary in type and value.

Among the gifts, the materials and resources essential for daily survival stand out, collected by farmers and gatherers from all over the kingdom. These resources, from grains to artisanal products, such as stone or iron, are essential to maintaining the livelihood of the population. The winners of these rewards ensure their survival.

Another important reward is gold, destined mainly for the neediest families in the city. This gold will allow them to improve their living conditions, rebuild their homes, and cover their basic needs.

In addition, new troops and captains are recruited from various parts of Westeros. These fresh soldiers and experienced leaders help to replenish the forces lost in battles. They are essential to bolstering the defense of the territories and ensuring the stability of the kingdom.

Lastly, the city's blacksmiths have created new weapons and armor for the soldiers. These pieces of equipment enhance the capabilities of each fighter, strengthening their skills and ensuring they are ready for any upcoming war.

On the first day of the event, everything is set, and the city prepares for the reward exchanges. Nobles and citizens alike present their contributions.

BlackL1òn, choosing to offer a significant donation of gold. This gold will not only contribute to the needs of the kingdom, but will also serve to replenish the ranks of his own house, which have suffered great losses in the recent battles.

In recognition of his loyalty and bravery, Queen Kitty Targaryen decides to reward BlackL1òn with a personal gift of great value. The queen has sent her emissaries to the city of Bravos to recruit the renowned Captain Drako, a swordsman, renowned across the continent for his skill and prowess in combat. Drako will be an addition to BlackL1òn's lineup, bringing his exceptional experience and skills.

This new captain will be responsible for defending the right wing of BlackL1òn's army, further strengthening his troops and ensuring that his army is better prepared for future battles.

The delivery of these gifts and rewards further strengthens the bonds between the queen and the Black Lion

BlackL1òn slowly walked to the center of the Throne Room, knelt, holding in his hands the ancient manuscripts he had brought from the Citadel of the Maesters.

Queen Kitty Targaryen accepted BlackL1on's gift and read the cover that said the great battles of House Targaryen, The stories of Aegon the Conqueror. The queen read the first pages. And with tears in her eyes she thanked BlackL1on for the gift.

The queen called her hand and ordered something to be brought. I have one more gift for you BlackL1on- she said while holding an emblem. This will be your new emblem for your house. And opening the emblem she let it spread along the side of the throne, the new emblem of the house of the Black Lion, throughout the room.

Meanwhile, in the city of King's Landing, gifts are piled up in the streets, and rewards are exchanged. Citizens and nobles exchange rewards in an atmosphere of celebration.

Surprises and generous gestures abound as the day progresses, bringing joy to every corner of the city. The day ends and the entire city is satisfied by the rewards bestowed.

On the second day, activity in the city intensifies. Carts full of supplies arrive from the countryside, bringing with them food, wood and other vital resources to sustain the city. Blacksmiths produce new weapons and armor,

While in the south festivities and rewards fill the streets of King's Landing, in the North, the White Wolf also implements a similar system in his reign. From all corners of the North, his vassals arrive to offer their loyalty and contributions to House Stark.

House Mormont contributes 200 men prepared to join the ranks of the northern army. In addition, they bring with them abundant sacks of wheat, an essential resource to replenish the stores and supply the soldiers guarding White Castle. This contribution ensures that the army remains strong and well fed, ready for anything.

House Umber arrives with a band of new blacksmiths who bring with them newly forged weapons and sturdy armor, destined to equip the armories of Winterfell.

House Karstark contributes a group of engineers, masons and architects who are preparing to begin repairs to the castle, which has been devastated by the war.

Finally, the Boltons make their appearance at Winterfell, though they arrive without gifts. The new Lord Bolton presents his bastard son, Ramsy, as a token of his loyalty. Ramsy is proposed as a commander under the King in the North, with the intention of integrating the Boltons under the rule of House Stark.

The proposal to adopt Ramsay into House Stark is met with reluctance, especially by the Lady of Winterfell, who harbors serious doubts about the Bolton family due to their macabre methods, such as flaying those who fell in battle.

Despite her doubts, Ramsay is adopted by House Stark, and the alliance with the Boltons ensures that the North remains united under strong leadership.

The festivities and rewards at Winterfell continue for over a week with everyone receiving incredible rewards of one thing or another…and the North seems more united than ever.

The festivities in King's Landing extend for several days, filling the city with life and the flags of House Targaryen wave in every corner.

BlackL1ón sits alone on the outskirts of town. He looks out over the horizon, towards the great city where the celebrations continue; the sound of laughter and music reaches him, but his heart is heavy with melancholy.

He remembers the events of this past year: the battles fought, the difficult decisions and the sacrifices he has made. The faces of his fallen men come to mind.

The future of the kingdom is in your hands!
