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NK Invasion - K301

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/28/2024 06:36

Snow fell heavily during the night. At dawn, Lord Boness observed the hills completely white and the lake in the distance frozen. A white raven had been sent by the Masters of the Citadel.

Winter had begun - it was written.

After a long period of prosperity, the time most feared by men had arrived. Resources had been stockpiled in recent years, yet fear remained in the air. No one could say how long the winter would last. In addition, rumors left Lord Boness uneasy.

The Lord Commander of the Night's Watch warned of numerous disappearances of Rangers Beyond the Wall, as countless wildlings were trying to cross the Wall in increasing numbers, fleeing the Lands of Always Winter. Such news was an omen of the greatest danger to Westeros. Dormant for the last 8,000 years, unnameable whispers announced the return of the Others. Was the Long Night approaching?

Lord Boness prepared his defenses effectively. An unfathomable amount of resources would be needed to supply and heal his troops for the imminent battle. He ordered that soldiers be trained day and night to face the army of the dead.

Soon came the worst news sent by the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. The Wall had fallen! A line of WW invaded Westeros. Would this be the end of the rule of Men?

Lord Boness prepared his defenses effectively. An endless amount of resources would be needed to supply and heal his troops for the imminent battle. He ordered that T1 soldiers be trained day and night to face the army of the dead.

Soon came the worst news sent by the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

The Wall had fallen! - he warned the whole kingdom

A line of WW invaded Westeros. Would this be the end of the rule of Men?

The first battles took place in the crude castles built in the New Gift and Last Hearth. Thanks to research done by several Masters, it was discovered that obsidian, or as it is commonly called, dragon glass, was the only way to annihilate such creatures. So, the fight began from the walls of these small castles, through the throwing of such artifacts to stop the advance of the WW.

The rewards were satisfactory. Diamonds in particular would be useful to strengthen Lord Boness' army for the upcoming battles.

But such incipient defenses were not able to stop the advance of the WW. Led by several Generals, these creatures advanced threateningly towards Winterfell. The battles became bloody. These Generals displayed an unusual strength, and a joint effort was needed to defeat them.

Under the banner of tSN, Lord Boness remained in the North to join the fight at the Walls of House Stark. The forces of the alliance were led by [tSN] Lord Warlock whose spears strongly hit the cavalry of the army of the dead while [tSN] Lord Hmennon led his cavalry in front of the enemy army. Lord Boness then called his infantry, counting on reinforcements from allies. Commanded by Lady Sinara, she observed, although incipient, the impact on the WW.

The sight of the army of the dead was disturbing. Thousands of fleshless creatures with glowing blue eyes without showing any emotion, and whose only desire was to exterminate human life. The Generals, tall figures in shining armor and transparent ice, commanded the troops on horses that were also dead, and exuded a ruthless air.

The initial attacks against WW decimated thousands of such creatures, although countless soldiers were also killed or wounded. It would be a challenging battle, even more so when watching these dead return to reinforce the enemy ranks.

Calling on the allies for support, Lord Boness addressed the Generals. The impact against the enemy wave and the result was disturbing. The strength of such creatures was immeasurable. Waves and waves of attacks would be needed to stop them. The battle began during twilight, and another dawn was approaching. Even so, countless generals remained active. Everyone knew that it was necessary to defeat them as soon as possible in view of the true threat that was yet to reveal itself.

The battles continued, and heavy losses were already being felt by all. Resources continued to be consumed to heal the wounded troops.

And in the darkest hour, the Night King appeared. Cold eyes and a merciless countenance marked the enemy. Hordes of undead followed him, and the Generals around him garrisoned him. If the army of the living weakened, it would be the beginning of the Long Night, and the end of the line of the First Men.

But the army of the living resisted bravely. For hours, countless attacks weakened the enemy, albeit slowly. The Dorakis, with their swords set ablaze by Lady Melisandre, showed no fear of death. Jon Snow led the warriors of the Night's Watch who still remained standing. And in the skies, the dragons of Lady Daneyerys.

Internally, the tSN forces inflicted significant damage on the enemy. Until, after countless mobilizations, [tSN] Lord Hmennon managed to put an end to the Night King.

Everyone rejoiced in victory. The rewards would be even more welcome for defeating the enemy on firtst day. Once again, the Long Night was postponed.
