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BaN and HOH meet again in the Ultimate Conquest

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/27/2024 16:15

The Ultimate Conquest tournament was getting more intense with each round of action in the winner's bracket. A testament to this was the fact that only the strongest victors remained, fated to oppose each other on the battlefield, it was now time for the strongest to start fighting each other.

BaN, favourites to win the entire tournament, were ready to take on any challenge that the competition was going to throw their way. Their history, although yet not full of successes as the alliance is newly merged, had already registered big victories in past events. This was what motivated everyone going forward in any event. They knew they could win it all and they wanted to do just that. One of the members who wished to reach victory in Ultimate Conquest was Ashun, a racer of the team, who has had quite a lot of successes to his name in the past matches. These successes were what pushed him forward in order to improve and reach out for greater heights, and as the competition went on, he had a chance to prove himself.

Ultimate Conquest was fought just as Alliance Conquest, but there were major differences in the structure. You knew ahead of time who your opponent was going to be, and the time at which you were going to fight in. All of these factors were crucial in determining who is going to participate, in order to get the best outcome possible for the alliance.

BaN was going to face against HOH, an alliance that wished to reach the top 3 this season, their goal was not to win it all, as they knew they were not able to. Their reasoning for it came down from the matches where they have met BaN in. They saw the power discrepancy in the regular season, thus opted not to push further, and grab what they could take. A top 3 finish was satisfying enough for them. Their leader, Depravity, was very calculated in their approach, any unnecessary risks will be put aside.

Going into the match, the atmosphere seemed to be very relaxed for BaN. They knew how Depravity was not going to let HOH spend too many resources on the match ahead. That motive, combined with their victories in the regular season, made the BaN members take the incoming match not on their best condition. This mentality however was not shared for Ashun, as he wanted to secure the win fast, without giving them any chance to fight back. He wanted everyone to win their races and manage their swaps no matter what it took.

The same mindset was shared by Falconn, the leader of the event, as he wanted everyone to practice and hone their skills further. This reason was due to what awaited them after the match. An encounter with the other favourites to win the event, WxC. He considered every practice chance needed, in order to avoid unnecessary mistakes in the crucial moments of the semifinals and finals that were to come.

''Let's take this match seriously and practice to the best of our abilities.'' he said to the team with a calm and unwavering voice, that was sure to get everyone's attention. And it did, everyone has suddenly shifted, they were fully focused on the battle at hand. Ashun was pleasantly surprised by the sight, as he wanted this, but did not expect it to happen so suddenly.

As the match started, he gave it everything he had in the race for the far outpost, and to his surprise, he has managed to win it. It was a big step towards what he aspired, a win that would consolidate his skills in racing, but there was still something left to do for him: swapping. It was the hallmark of a racer’s true skill—winning the race was just one part, but securing the building with a rally leader was what made all the difference. He focused hard, communicating with his teammates, making sure everything was timed perfectly. But just as the swap was about to happen, a misstep occurred. A delay in the rally leader’s arrival left Ashun vulnerable, and HOH seized the moment. In a flash, they took control of the outpost he had fought so hard to capture. The shock hit him like a wave. It was a simple mistake, but in Ultimate Conquest, every second counted. Falconn, the cool-headed leader of BaN, noticed the error but remained unfazed. “Stay calm,” he commanded.

Ashun, though frustrated, quickly snapped back into action. He couldn’t dwell on the loss. HOH had taken the lead in key buildings—both the Tower of the Warrior and the Temple of the Mother were now under their control, and the point disparity was starting to show. But BaN wasn’t backing down. With every second that passed, the team recalibrated, intent on recapturing what they’d lost.

Meanwhile, Falconn's plan was coming into motion. He knew this match wasn’t just about winning—it was about honing their skills for the greater challenge that lay ahead: WxC. “Focus on execution,” he reminded everyone. “We need precision for what’s coming.”

The Ports were the next major targets, and this time BaN wasn’t going to let the momentum slip. But despite their intent, and Ashun's best efforts, both ports fell under HOH's control. ''Rally up.'' said Falconn with an irritated tone this time.

Despite HOH’s initial control, BaN’s rally leaders came in waves, battering HOH’s reinforcements until they finally broke through. It was a hard-fought battle over the ports, but BaN had reclaimed them right before Casterly Rock unlocked. The momentum shifted in their favor once again, and as the timer ticked down, Casterly Rock, the pinnacle of the event, was next, they could secure their victory here on the spot.

As Casterly Rock’s bubble dropped, Ashun could feel the pressure mounting. This was his chance to make up for the earlier mistake. His heart raced as he charged toward the building, but HOH was right on his heels. In the end, it came down to a split-second difference—BaN claimed Casterly Rock first.

The racer that won was also a rally leader, one that anyone would struggle to kick out of Casterly Rock, a swap was not needed, the building was secure enough.

With Casterly Rock now secure, Falconn knew it was the turning point. BaN had nearly every major building in their grasp, and HOH, despite their tactical prowess, couldn’t hold on much longer. Their rallies faltered against BaN’s defenses.

As the match drew to a close, Ashun felt both a sense of relief and a twinge of regret. He had learned an important lesson in this battle: even the smallest mistake could shift the tide of the battle, this time they were lucky it did not, but such a mistake would be pivotal to the loss against someone like WxC. But Ashun now has grown from it. Falconn’s calm leadership had steadied the team, and they had rallied together to claim victory despite the bumps along the way.

BaN’s victory over HOH secured their place in the semifinals, where the true test awaited—WxC. Falconn was already focused on the next battle. “We did well today,” he said to his team, “but the real fight is coming. This was just the warm-up.”

Ashun knew Falconn was right. The semifinal against WxC would be the toughest challenge yet, but after today’s match, BaN was more prepared than ever. They had sharpened their skills, learned from their mistakes, and solidified their teamwork. The road to the finals was in sight, and BaN was ready to face it head-on.

For Ashun, it wasn’t just about redemption anymore—it was about reaching new heights and proving that he, and BaN, could take on anyone who stood in their way.
