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Champion City Siege - S53 - Longreach Castle - "The allys sometimes fails.... but can help a lot"

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/27/2024 22:31
Edited by vlodek at 09/27/2024 22:56

Where kingdoms fought each other for power and control, a famous event called Champion City Siege (CCS) was about to take place. It happened once a month in our magical world of GoTWiC and lasted an hour. During this battle, rival kingdoms fought for control of Longreach Castle, this Fortress holds the key to several lucrative titles and it also gives its owner great bonuses (stats-wise, as you can see in the picture below), in light of recent changes to the rules where a fighter can't be attacked in your city or attack others, More players are willing to take part in this event, for the chance to be champion or help your strong ally win and in doing so you can enjoy the titles that come from being allies of the Champion. So you can understand why alliances were more eager to play this event and why they gave their all to ensure they ended up winning.

Our story takes place in the 53th season of the event, our serwer K394, usually a peaceful kingdom known for its brave warriors and loyal people, A few of us from DUM and some friends from other alliances joined the alliance of WTP for this event only. Our goal is always to put one of our strongest players at the top, making our strongest fighters even stronger would benefit him as well as us as an alliance. Pacts like this are a common practice in GoTWiC. the goal of the event is to hold the castle as long as you can while defending it from enemy attacks, allies send reinforcements constantly, and eventually, the lord who has occupied the Fortress for the longest time in total will become the Champion Conqueror. After the current round of Champion City Siege ends, the Peace Phase begins. The Champion Conqueror may confer titles and rewards chests for lords within the same team, who will be worthy to get them? Who will be the champion this time?



As the CCS date was almost here, everyone felt anxious and excited, all at the same time, events like this are why we are all gathered here in these realms of Westeros. The rival kingdoms prepared their armies and weapons for the upcoming battle. There were talks about it in the taverns and markets, at the brothel, practically everywhere. All were waiting for the clash to begin, waiting for the arrows to be fired from the archer's bow, some even had fire. Longreach Castle was a grand fortress with ancient secrets, and powerful and mysterious objects hidden inside. One soldier told us a tale about this artifact he heard of, that could give the owner of it a great strength in battle, the kind you dream of but can never have. Every kingdom wanted to control it, and CCS was their chance to claim it. On the day of the CCS, the battlefield outside the Fortress was about to be turned into a warzone. Armies from different kingdoms lined up, with colorful banners flying high. The leaders of each kingdom gave inspiring speeches to motivate their troops. We were facing DLY (BaN + GCM), LEG, FDH was our ally and we collaborated with them, in a manner that would benefit both of our alliances. 

Our leader for CCS, Nighking, wearing his new armor, it looked amazing on his, he got it just yesterday and he wore it with pride and joy, he stood on a hill overlooking the battlefield. His trusted generals, Lancelot and DarkCrixo were by his side. They looked at the enemy forces from afar, ready for the fight ahead. They all encouraged our soldiers, reminding them of what was coming and the legacy they would leave after this battle was over. Nightking called us all to gather around his, he wanted to say a few words and also to relay some last-minute orders before we go into battle and things get hectic.

First, I want to thank you all for showing up for battle, I'm proud of you no matter what the outcome today will be. Our foes will be fighting us, this battle won't be a walk in the park and I need you to be ready. Both Lancelot and DarkCrixo will help me lead this and I trust them to lead in the best way they know, I trust you all to follow our orders as they come, you will need to be quick to reinforce and join rallies. Make sure you have made the presets as I asked you so you can be fast in joining and reinforcing. So please bring your A-game and as always let's have fun. We got this!!

After Nightking was done, Lancelot and DarkCrixo checked that everyone was ready and helped those who weren't fully ready. Part of being a leader is making sure your soldiers are ready for battle and giving them some encouragement that will boost their morale and confidence. Will what they did help their troops? That remains to be seen, but they were good leaders, their people trusted them and followed them into battle every time with zero hesitation, so they must be doing something right.  


The battle started with a loud horn, Soldiers clashed, arrows filled the sky, and siege weapons launched deadly attacks. The ground shook as troops charged, and smoke filled the air as both fire arrows were hitting the enemy and dragons were raining fire. The first capture of the building was by Minity (DLY). Attacks will be coming shortly and they need to be ready for them, the enemy will stop at nothing to gain control of the Fortress. And sure enough, they came, from all sides, rallies from WTP and FDH and LEG were headed to the Fortress. The brave warriors and generals who were in the Fortress were both anxious and eager for the chance to defend what was theirs. The enemy tried a few times to take the Fortress from Minity but they failed, there was some damage done and there were troops who got injured or even died in battle. But at the end of these attacks, Lancelot remained firm in his position and he was gaining time inside so he could take one of the top spots. 

After he gained enough time, he was asked by Nightking to disband and let make take over yourself. Our aim in this event was to put Nighking in the top spot and make him the champion of this event. He is our strongest player and we want to help him stay that way, it benefits both him and our alliance, so it's a win-win. The swap was done well, Nightkingwas in, and our alliance quickly sent him troops in. Unlike AC, here in CCS, the bubble drops after a few seconds, so being super-fast could be the difference between keeping or losing the Fortress. Our enemies were getting all ready to attack us, as we anticipated, Nightking wasn't worried at all, I could see it in his face, he knows just how strong he is and he also knows that we as his allies will do whatever it takes to make him the champion. While, sometimes our best efforts aren't enough when we are facing a stronger opponent than Nightking, with stronger fighters than what we have, this wasn't the case this time, so we knew we could get this done as we wanted.

After 10 minutes of constant fighting off any enemy who dared show up at our door, trying to defeat us, We all stood tall and fended off anyone who came. Nightking needed a little healing and some time to recuperate, So leadership had decided to send Lancelot, our brave fighter, who joined us for this event, and we were honored to have him among our troops. He deserved a spot at the top and we as a team are going to do the best we can to make it happen for him. Nightking was ready to disband and Lancelot was ready to step in, and so it was. The swap was complete and we rushed in with troops to prevent our enemy from taking advantage of the lack of troops. Attacks came like a thunderstorm, one rally after another hit us in there, so many arrows were in the air, so much blood was shed and so many loud shouts of battle were heard. The Fortress was in chaos, as you would expect in such a hectic battle. Lancelot was holding on strong to our claim of the Fortress and we were proud of his efforts and fighting skills. Both sides benefited from his joining our forces. 

If you remember what I told you at the beginning about this event, the champion will be the one holding theCity the longest. At this point, when we had 30 minutes before this battle ended, and with Nightking only occupying It for 10 minutes, his win in this event was not yet secured. So another swap was needed, Lancelot was ready and he disbanded, but Nightking didn't take over…. What happened? Was he distracted by something and missed the message to launch his attack? Was he a bit exhausted from his previous occupation of the fortress and was unable to keep going? There was a bit of confusion and a little bit of chaos, others took control, but at the end of all this mess, Nightking was able to claim it back. As I was sending my troops into him and sped them up I noticed it wasn't Nightking in the castle anymore… what the heck happened? Where were the troops he needed to keep hold of the Fortress? Oh well, now we can rally something finally, we weren’t stressed (yet…. Hopefully it stays that way). Nightking wasn't happy about what had just gone down, i could see it on his face, he was standing not too far from where I was, and I heard him release a sigh... and it was not like him at all.

Rallies were up on both WTP and FDH, and many troops were heading their way, we needed to be fast, we had limited time to get this done. Lancelot reminded everyone of our goal for today and he looked at NK when he said it, as we all did. "We got you, NK," DarkCrixo said and we all cheered, Fight is on! Rallies marched to the Fortress from both sides and the fight was intense, BAIZIMINT and his allies were fighting us and trying to defend the Fortress against our attacks, after several attacks and losses on both sides, he was out and ARES was in but reinforcements didn't get to him in time and so BAIZ was back in. We tried to take him out with solo hits, but he had too many troops for that to work, so rallies it is. After they were ready to launch, Lancelot gave the order for our rallies and FDH to attack. It was a well-organized attacks, because at the end of them, Nightking was back in the Fortress, right where we wanted him to be. We worked well together, both teams, and it shows.

For the remaining time that was left before the battle ended and the winner will be decided, we spent it making sure all our top fighters would get their time in the City and also made sure all (or at the very least most) of our guys had their elimination points so they can get the rewards. The fight was almost over and we were all worn out from the tough battles we just endured, we suffered losses, we sustained injuries, but we still managed to fight. The wounded were treated and those who could fight were sent back to the battlefield. No one likes to be seated on the sidelines while his allies are risking their lives and fighting for our alliance and its honor.

The battle has finally ended, and I'm happy to report that our goal was achieved, Nightking is the CHAMPION!! We were so happy and we cheered for him as he returned to the base. He looked tired and bruised, but he was still smiling, he was proud of what he achieved, and he was proud of the team he was a part of. He knew he was in the right place for himself, so many alliances have tried to recruit him to join their ranks, but he refused, he had found his home and he had no intention of leaving. Oh before I forget - Lancelot was 2nd and BAIZ was 3rd!! So it's safe to say all of our goals were achieved! This was a very good CCS for all. We thanked our allies in FDH just as they were about to leave and go back to their home base, we gave them supplies for the long road they had to take and we made sure they knew how grateful we were for their collaboration in this CCS, we hope we can team up again next time.

Reports from the match :

We don't know who will face in the next battle of CCS and who we will team up with to claim another victory (hopefully 😜). Well, that is always our goal, but sometimes it's just not possible, so we adjust and plan accordingly. But we have time for that, so for now we rest and regroup, train more troops, "The allys sometimes fails.... but can help a lot", this time allys brought the win, how will it be next time.... improve our weapons, and prepare for the next battle. 😊
