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K157 and K281 meet in KvK

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/28/2024 00:49

Autumn has settled in as September arrived in Westeros bringing yet another exciting event with it. An event in which HeliumSloth and Ashun wished to partake, to give everything they could in order to win it alongside their teammates from BaN. They are strong fighters in their own right, but together with the fighters of K157, they felt unstoppable.

BaN is an alliance merged out of BDR and N3O, 2 forces of nature that came together, making them an unstoppable obstacle for anyone in Westeros, and this was no exception for the members of BaN from within K157.

The duo, HeliumSloth and Ashun, were ready to take on anyone that was going to come their way during the event, although they both were not the strongest, they were going to give it their best in the hopes of enjoying the thrill of combat. This edition of KvK was a no-death one. This meant that every troop dying was going to be revived at the end of the event, making it a durability contest that gave Kingdoms with many troops an advantage. K157 was not one of them, as they had only a handful of warriors, but each of them was mighty enough to take onto an incredible amount of opposition.

''Let's win this early on.'' were the first words said by Ashun before the event had started. He was eager to fight anyone that could pose a threat to their victory. He was normally a very calculated fighter, but today, he was able to go all out and use tactics that he otherwise would not use, as they would cost a lot. He would test his limits in the event.

HeliumSloth shared a similar line of thought, after all, they were comrades for years, they were bound to fight similarly after spending so long with each other on the battlefield, whilst proving their wit and skills. After having fought for so many times together, they have learnt to cover for each other's weaknesses.

Before the event has started, Ashun went to HeliumSloth to convey a plan that he came up with: ''I am going to stay without a bubble in the middle of our hive, if the enemy attacks me, do not worry, and be ready to strike back.'' he said confidently before the opponents were even revealed to them. HeliumSloth nodded in agreement, fully trusting his comrade. Their other teammates were not going to participate just yet, they were going to stay out of the KvK's beginning.

Now with the strategy for their approach finalised, they lay in wait for their opponent to be revealed, and sooner rather than later, they have been revealed to be an alliance which Ashun knew very well.

He used to be friends with them in the distant past, but it gave him a clue as to what was going to happen: ''I4I are not known for fighting against their opponents in KvK. This match-up will be a difficult one when it comes to having fun.'' he said with a sad tone. ''But we are still going to give it our best, of course.'' he continued, in an attempt to cheer himself up again and focus towards the plan he set out for.

As the event started, Ashun prepared himself as planned, his and HeliumSloth's wait had started. Now all that was left, was for a reckless enemy to appear, although that part was the hardest to accomplish, despite it being a no-death KvK.

Whilst waiting, hours have passed, with no targets in sight, as expected, Ashun was demoralised, and about to give up and settle for the night. But as all hope had left, a miracle took place. Two fighters of I4I appeared, ready to capture King's Landing. They were not there to hit Ashun, but he was ready to attack them instead, he had gotten desperate during his wait.

The first target captured the castle, Ashun changed his gear in preparation and marched forth. The battle was a quick one, he used infantry against the opponent's spearmen, giving him the upper-hand and the victory. It turned out pretty anti-climatic, but as the dust settled from this attack, HeliumSloth, who had gotten impatient himself, struck the other opponent.

The other opponent was countered by HeliumSloth, their troop types worked perfectly for this. But there was a difference in how HeliumSloth attacked. He went for the enemy's castle first, before attacking King's Landing, from the seemingly clueless opponent. His fight was going to be more gruesome and tense than Ashun's, but he was going to give it his all.

He caught his opponent without a lord as well, this increased the winning odds for HeliumSloth, who in the end massacred his opponent. Both in the castle fight and King's Landing, he had come out on top by a landslide. Their success was echoing across the battlefield.

''With these two victories, we can be certain they will stay out of the event indefinitely. We can rest now.'' said Ashun, excited to have finally fought, although it was just for a brief moment. He was excited about it and wished to do more, but saddened that it would not be possible.

HeliumSloth shared the feeling, it was a bit of a waste to not fight during a no-death KvK they thought. With this in mind however, they were going to try harder in their next fight inside the event, where the losses and opponents are bound to be fiercer and stronger.
