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Arena of Honor Season 2 Round 9

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/26/2024 06:23

Hello, good morning. Today I wanted to tell you a story in a slightly different way; it will be a little more technical and less embellished about this great event called "Arena of Honor". I hope you like it.

Killer Marta and ten other lords from various kingdoms formed a group to represent a house; this time we had the Baratheon house. Once inside, we analyzed the adversaries and, in our opinion, our tactics would have to be offensive and conquer the City of Glory. But to get to that moment, there was still an hour ahead of intense battles and strategy.

And the game began. Killer Marta and his companions sent their troops to conquer the first positions. Once conquered, they sent their best builders to create camps. There they would send their infantry with well-defined orders: attack. At the same time, they sent an infantry lord to their main castle; once installed there, we would send all the infantry.

Once all that work was done, the next step would be to send our most devout troops to the altars. These troops would be dedicated to praying at any available altars; in turn, they would be in charge of defending those altars. This is when all the other houses bring out their best warriors and you see the power they have. As I could see, there were a lot of infantry and spearmen, which was good for us since I am a spear and our strongest lord is Skyrocket, who is maxed out infantry.

Time was moving forward and everything was going as we had planned. It was an exchange of blows between all the houses to see who could get the most altars. This event is usually the most equal moment until more objectives open up.

The next objective was the watchtowers. These towers increase the score considerably, although in this event you can call me a novice. I still don't quite understand the whole tactic; this is where I learn by making mistakes. Killer Marta gave the order to attack that objective, but, as if it were a wall, the infantry that my house commanded crashed repeatedly and did not conquer it. I think the best thing would be to send cavalry, but I will try that in another round and I will tell you about it.

The minutes passed and the next objective would be the sept of the seven. We would send our best doctors to that objective; they do their job most effectively there, and that is how it was also conquered. Immediately after, the next objective to open would be the dragon pits. They are locations where the most feared dragons of the kingdom are bred and are a true nightmare for the enemies. Skyrocket got a pit for our house.

The minutes we were continued to pass. Our house was lower in the ranking, although the difference was not very big. Those watchtowers that we were unable to conquer were penalizing us a lot, and if you add to that the fact that we did not have trading posts, it penalized us even more.

The minutes kept passing. Killer Marta was focused on the altars; she kept sending more devotees to pray. Any altar she saw, she went there. My surprise was when I looked up and saw that we had a dragon pit and two watchtowers. Don't ask me how, but they were ours. That made us recover a few points, but it was still not enough.

And the climax arrived: we were playing for everything. Glory City opened; we needed that objective no matter what. If we didn't achieve it, our position would be one of the last. So, with one blow and led by Skyrocket, the infantry entered Glory City.

As soon as we conquered Glory City, we began to receive attacks from the catapults and the other houses. It was a real bombardment. They started attacking us with infantry, but when they realized that infantry would not defeat us, they equipped their rallies with cavalry commanders. In the end, after about 1:30 minutes, they drove us out of the city. But we were not going to give up that easily. While we were trying to retake the city, the mines had opened, so we sent our best miners to mine material to get those valuable points

After several bloody attacks, Skyrocket recaptured the city, but this time we would be prepared to not lose it again. Every attack suffered, we would send reinforcements; the goal was to not leave the city without troops. And so it went: one, two, three, four... I lost count. The bombardment, countered by cavalry, was endless. With 28 seconds left, we were gritting our teeth, and the accelerations to reinforce were slowing down at a very high speed until I heard a cry of joy from my great friend Skyrocket in the Discord channel. It was one of those cries of joy and relief at the same time: CITY OF GLORY WAS OURS! We had 4 minutes of respite. But no respite at all; we had to recall the troops, refill the city, and recover the altars that, due to focusing on the city, we had lost almost all of them. So we got to work.

With 12 minutes left in the event, Glory City lost its protection again. We needed to defend it no matter what, so we wouldn't lose sight of reinforcements. There were 7 minutes left; we had recovered quite a few altars and Glory City was still in our possession. We were suffering fewer and fewer attacks and the longed-for victory was almost here. And finally, the clock hit zero: we had managed to keep Glory City and the first position. But Killer Marta is still trying to learn, watching my fellow chroniclers and their stories, the technique of this event, which is very technical.
