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Night King - K26

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/26/2024 07:49

Not long ago, the kingdoms of Westeros were in big trouble. The Night King, a strong leader of the White Walkers, invaded with his army from beyond the Wall. As his army moved forward, fear spread across the land. People whispered about the Night King’s scary powers, and many wondered how we could stop him. Villages fell silent as families got ready for what might happen next, and hope seemed far away. Everyone felt worried about the future, knowing a big fight was coming. We understood that we needed to unite to face this dangerous threat together.

When the battle began, I was with my friends DOOM2COME, Peugeot, SlackOfDoom, and SilentEye. We gathered in the stillness before the storm, sharpening our weapons and preparing for the fight ahead. We felt a mix of nervousness and determination. This was our first time fighting together for K26, and none of us knew what to expect. Dark clouds hung overhead as we discussed our plans, realizing that the Night King was unlike any enemy we had faced before. We inspire each other, knowing we need to be strong and work together to overcome this challenge. We were ready to fight.

To get ready for this battle we trained hard. Our strongest fighters were infantry and spearmen, so we focused on training a lot of troops. We wanted to make sure we had enough soldiers to fill our leaders rallies. The more troops we had, the better our chances of winning against the Night King and his terrifying army.

As the sun began to set, SilentEye took charge and started the first rallies by attacking the Generals. The Generals were the commanders of the Night King's forces, and they had many cavalry troops with them. SilentEye quickly realized that the best way to fight them was to use spearmen. Although her main focus was on infantry, she knew her spearmen were strong and could deal a lot of damage to the Generals.

The first General fell after a short fight, and we all cheered. But our celebration was not for long, because there were still 19 more Generals left to defeat. We decided to focus our attacks on Generals 1 to 5. SilentEye switched back to her infantry troops to take out the spearmen troops protecting the Generals. We all knew that we needed to weaken the enemy before we could finish the job.

As the battle went on, we worked together, and after a few intense rallies, we managed to defeat all the spearmen troops. Just when we thought we had a solid plan, SilentEye had to wait 20 long minutes before her refinement could switch back to the spearmen. We didn’t want to waste any time. We quickly called Peugeot to take SilentEye’s place over. He stepped up to lead the first rallies against the spearmen at General 3. We all had trust in his skills. It was nice to see our team working together so well. Meanwhile, SilentEye prepared herself to switch back to her spearmen as soon as she could.

The battle felt like it lasted forever. Every minute dragged on as we fought with all our strength. The sounds of clashing swords and shouts filled the air, and it felt like time was standing still. Even though we were tired, we knew we couldn’t give up. The fate of Westeros rested on our shoulders, and we had to keep fighting.

After some time, we realized we needed a break. We had been fighting for hours, and tiredness was starting to set in. We took a moment to rest and fight them again tomorrow. The night was dark and cloudy, and we knew that the fight wasn’t over. SilentEye had different ideas. While we rested, she decided to stay behind and create rallies with her alt accounts to fill her own rallies.

After nearly 13 hours of battle, we finally suceeded! The Night King was defeated! A feelingof joy filled us as we realized we had taken him down. We had fought side by side, faced our fears, and emerged victorious. We celebrated with cheers, our voices shouting the joy out in the bright morning light.

But when we cheered, dark rumors began to spread. People whispered that the Night King would return, and when he did he would be stronger than ever. But we couldn’t let fear take over. Instead, we focused on what we could do better, and prepare for whatever might come next.

We had fought bravely, and our bond had grown stronger through the challenges we faced. We promised each other that we would continue to train and be ready for the next battle. If the Night King returned, we would stand together, side by side. With renewed determination, we set out to prepare for whatever lay ahead, knowing that together, we could overcome any challenge.
