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All Out War - Reuniting the allies.

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/28/2024 05:28

A new season of All Out War has arrived, where the factions are in the process of arming themselves, on the Vanguard battlefield the WxC forces seek to become champions again, for which they called on many players from various alliances, who with the aim of winning against the enemy forces of BaN, offer their help selflessly.

"BaN" and "WxC" are two alliances competing for dominance of all events, All Out War will not be the exception; Most of the WxC members who are their supports have expressed that they will give 100%, if necessary, using a pilot and supporting in all the wars against BaN, to obtain the "Song of Ice and Fire" castle, since many have 90/100 fragments and one more effort will grant them to obtain said exclusive and unique castle of the event.

Some do it because of the fierce rivalry they have with BaN, in the competitive field... and others simply to have fun in this healthy competition.

These players have already supported us in past wars, they are members of the DUM and KAC alliances... which by the way this season KAC has had an unexpected turn... they have decided to join with BaN our bitter rivals this season, they will have their reasons... let's hope they put up a strong fight, since from the beginning as soon as we cross paths in the first days we will fight against them, some players have already drawn up a previous confrontation map and yes, we are neighbors, for which in the first days we will fight to the death with the support of the HD! alliance, who have decided to support us by becoming part of the faction.

For BaN some players from other alliances have joined them, I don't know how many there are but they belong to the FuK and OBV alliance; it is valid for the war to look for as many allies as possible.

We do know exactly who will support BaN, which are the GCM and WAO alliances. We also know exactly that BaN is very active in this event, so it will be a very difficult duel to handle, since we will be fighting against them from the start...

The WxC council has expressed that everything depends on us, since in addition to being active, BaN is a difficult opponent to beat. It was already shown in the final of season 19 that they are very organized in that aspect, as well as united.

The good thing about the latest update is that it is known that being part of the logistics will obtain rewards for being the best support, so each member of the WxC and HD! faction expresses that they will support their strongest players in order to defeat such a difficult rival.

What the latest update also introduced to the game is the Manage Supplies feature in the Total War Depot, where WxC leadership will be able to select the transported resources and the destination city automatically, thus avoiding possible looting by potential rivals. This war also promises to be bloodier since healing fallen soldiers in combat will be reduced.

As we know that BaN has 3 allies this time, WxC has also called their own, where they have offered them a place on the All Out War podium; with the purpose of helping us beat such a difficult opponent; they are members of the HOH, LEG, FFS alliances which is a recent merger of WTF and NFI since this last season they have been declining in the competitive arena so they decided to merge to win and dominate more events; and All Out War will be a test of what is coming from this new alliance; NW1 which currently we have its strongest players forming part of our alliance and HHH who have joined for NW1 ... through the map we will help each other in all the wars with the purpose of dominating and defeating BaN and its allies.

There are still 2 more days until the battle phase begins but both alliances, WxC and BaN, have established and organized their allies and strategies. The alliance that wins will be the one that makes the best decisions when fighting, strategically gathers their allies, shows the best activity, and other factors that help them control the City of Twin Dragons. Some say BaN will win, others say WxC will win, but the one that really deserves victory will be the alliance that meets the requirements mentioned above!

In terms of level, both alliances are equal, so there is no advantage, so it will depend a lot on us, as expressed in the WxC council.

I will only say that the best faction wins, because when playing the game of thrones you win or die, there is no middle ground!
