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HOH vs BAN | Ultimate Conquest | Match Three

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/28/2024 23:22

The wait is over, once again!

After an extraordinary performance in the second round of the Ultimate Conquest, HOH is ready to face a new challenge. The victory against WTF proved their strength and coordination, placing them in a great position to continue their long journey toward the final stages of the tournament.

But the next match would be no less thrilling, quite the opposite. Round after round, the opponents blocking their path would become increasingly formidable and dangerous. Neik was ready to face the new challenge; as he arrived on the battlefield and joined his allies sharpening their weapons, he couldn’t wait to discover who today’s rival would be.

In the distance, ravens took flight into the sky as the sound of the enemy army, their horns, and drums grew louder and more imposing as they drew nearer, until they finally reached the battlefield. It was...

Standing in their way was BaN, the most feared alliance and considered the top favorite for the final victory in Ultimate Conquest. With incredible leaders like LoveAngel, UrCandy, and Problemkii at the helm, they had not only proven their strength in the past but had defeated HOH in both previous encounters without much trouble, solidifying their reputation as nearly invincible opponents.

Grombold knew that today would not be an easy challenge; leading HOH to victory in this third UC match was one of the toughest trials they had ever faced. Although a loss wouldn’t mean elimination from the tournament, as they would still have a chance to advance to the next stages, their pride wouldn’t allow them to surrender without even trying. This was the message the leadership decided to convey to the members gathered on the battlefield before the match began: “We know our opponents have beaten us in both cases when we faced each other in this season of Alliance Conquest, but we still want to start today’s match with maximum effort and see how things play out in the early phases.”

As the start of the match approached, the tension among the members of both alliances was palpable. However, Neik was ready to do whatever it took to challenge every opponent who crossed his path. The sky was gray and overcast, with a cold wind blowing across the battlefield. Dry leaves were scattered over the combat ground, while the chilly air made everyone feel that winter was just around the corner.

The start of the battle between the two alliances was very balanced, with the racers from both factions securing two buildings each, showcasing the fastest members of Westeros on both sides, who had certainly shaped the season's progress for both teams.

The first swap attempt was made by HOH at Mother’s Temple on the leader’s orders. However, just as the attempt was executed, OMNI struck like lightning, intercepting it and taking the position for BaN. It wasn’t all bad news for HOH, though, as at the same time, the same thing happened at Targaryen Outpost, where Aidan intercepted the rival's swap!

It was then that BaN decided to take control of the situation, with LoveAngel calling for attacks on Warrior: the building provided critical buffs, giving the alliance holding it a significant advantage. It was a crucial objective under Depravity’s control. The first wave of attacks was easily repelled by HOH’s defender, as poor timing and single-file assaults posed no real threat, especially with reinforcements arriving. However, seeing their attacks were ineffective, BaN decided to send rally after rally. When they finally reached the gates, there was nothing Depravity could do, as despite the large number of reinforcements arriving, he was defeated due to the ferocity of the opponents and the overwhelming number of rally leaders BaN had at their disposal.

"Let’s not worry too much about that and focus on the imminent opening of the Ports," suggested leader Grombold. The first phase of the match saw their rivals in the lead, but the buildings that would determine the final outcome weren’t the early ones, despite the decisive buffs.

What unfolded at the opening of the ports was something unique: both were captured by HOH!

To defeat BaN’s racers and their superhuman speed at both ports was almost a point of pride for Grombold’s alliance members. The goal now was to secure them as best as possible, though the word "secure" didn’t quite exist when battling such a strong alliance as today’s. The successfully executed swap at Lannister Port put Oni Fae in charge, while Targaryen Port was defended by one of the most trusted members, Depravity. Undoubtedly, these two fighters were among the most experienced and skilled within their ranks. Now, the next move was up to their rivals.

BaN’s leadership knew that, aside from CR, the ports were the most important buildings, as they provided a high and steady influx of points for the alliance controlling them. Therefore, they absolutely had to try to contest them. The rivals' first objective was to lay siege to Lannister Port, the one most dangerously close to their base. UrCandy ordered the rally leaders within their ranks to prepare for the siege, a preparation that took mere moments, once again proving how ready the alliance was and how everyone knew their roles to avoid wasting time.

“The defense of this port is critical if we want a chance to fight for the final outcome,” said leader Grombold, calling on allies to send reinforcements to support Oni Fae. Defeating her at the port’s defense with proper support was no easy feat, not even for BaN. As HOH’s strongest warrior, Oni Fae gave a sense of security, and knowing she would be leading the defensive troops made Neik confident they would emerge victorious from the imminent battle.

When the attacks reached the walls...

Something happened that no one had foreseen: the defenders were overwhelmed unexpectedly!

For Neik, what transpired was a shocking twist. He had high expectations, and the reinforcements seemed numerous as they made their way toward the port, but the flawless timing of the enemy strikes played a crucial role in the siege. After an endless series of attacks, they managed to accomplish the feat of taking control of Lannister Port!

"It can't be!" exclaimed the stunned young HOH fighter.

However, they had to stay focused, as there was little time to lick their wounds. In fact, "The enemies are heading toward Targaryen Port!" came an alarmed shout from Depravity, who was defending it. Swiftly, right after the recently conquered post, another ruthless attack was organized by BaN’s leadership. They didn’t want to give their opponents time to recover but rather intended to strike while the iron was hot.

"We can’t allow this position to fall as well," exclaimed the HOH leader, his voice tense and clearly worried. "We must do everything in our power," he ordered his allies, telling them to head back in support as soon as possible. Fatigue weighed on those who had just been involved in the failed defense of Lannister Port, but if they wanted any hope of winning the match, they had to do everything to ensure the second port wouldn’t fall into enemy hands.

When the feared rallies, led by what were considered the best fighters in the lands of Westeros, arrived...

Once again, it was an irresistible attack for them!

The incoming groups reached the rival walls like lightning, striking Depravity’s defenses mercilessly and demonstrating their full combat strength. The Infs and Bleeding formation used by the HOH member were perfectly countered by the numerous opponents who arrived at this stage of the tournament, many of whom used the Female-Cav formation with their rally leaders.

This time, the reinforcements weren’t perfect for HOH. The members had clearly been shaken by the defeat of their best fighter in the previous siege, and perhaps the proper ferocity was lacking in their support for the ally.

As the opening of CR approached, morale had definitely dropped among Neik and his companions. A strong start to the match was once again followed by the rivals’ dominance, resembling the same outcome they had seen in the first and fourth rounds of Alliance Conquest.

"Let’s try to capture the next building, and if we succeed, we’ll think about laying siege to the ports," said the leader with a determined look, trying to lift the spirits of his comrades. He was surely the last one who would ever give up.

It was Problemkii from BaN who secured possession of the most important building of the match.

As quick as a blink of an eye, the member of the rival alliance was the first to reach the walls and claim the castle, displaying incredible speed.

In a desperate attempt to turn the tide of the match, under the leader's orders, HOH’s rally leaders launched an assault on the primary position, anticipating a possible swap from their rivals. But when the swap didn’t occur, they found themselves attacking Problemkii’s incredible defenses with poor coordination between one rally and the next. Their efforts posed no threat to the defender, who received reinforcements in time.

By the mid-match phase, BaN was leading both in points and in the number of buildings they held. Each attempt from HOH became less convincing, and perhaps it was time for their leadership to consider conserving their strength.

"I know not everyone will agree, but I think we should simply accept that today our rivals have been stronger than us," said a downcast Neik. The course of the battle had worn down his determination, leading him to accept their fate: it wasn’t worth trying to turn around such a match.

The leadership, including Grombold himself, agreed with him. "We knew this would be a near-impossible challenge; after all, we’re facing the favorites to take first place this season. We should conserve our strength without chasing miracles in this round," he said after consulting with his closest advisors.

It was a wise decision, albeit a painful one. The match had turned terribly against them, despite a promising start, which was swept away by the strength and organization of their rivals, pushing HOH to accept the inevitable defeat.

The third round was won by... BaN!


The best fighters of the match were:

Tardis for HOH: His cavalry and female formation played a crucial role in many of the attacks launched against the rival-held buildings, whose walls were defended with a bleeding-inf formation. However, he couldn’t win the match solely with his efforts.

Tholking for BaN: Certainly one of the most formidable members among the rivals. Above all else, his attacks on the ports while they were in HOH’s hands were nothing short of decisive in their capture.

"I know it hurts to suffer such a defeat, but don’t get discouraged—it was largely expected. We need to bring the strength we saved today into the next round and show what we’re made of. From here on out, there will only be tough matches, and it’s crucial we are ready!" said the leader, reminding them that not all was lost before leaving the battlefield.

As Neik walked away from the battlefield, he paused for a moment to watch the rivals celebrate their victory. The weight of yet another loss against BaN sank in. "Next time will be different," he promised himself, clenching his fists. With another clash looming, his determination grew: they couldn’t afford another misstep, and the match fought today would surely fuel him to give 100% to help HOH reach the final stages of the tournament.

Thus ended their third match of the Ultimate Conquest season. But not all was lost—they were still in the tournament. In the coming days, they would face another rival, but this time without any room for mistakes. Another failure would mean elimination, a devastating blow to HOH’s hopes of continuing in the competition.

Who would stand in their way of reaching the podium in this season’s UC? Would they be able to put today’s match behind them, or would it continue to haunt them in the next battle? We’ll find out soon enough!
