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Trying to survive in Fortress Shadow CCS

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 09/28/2024 16:28

It was the middle of a sweltering summer night, when MAJOR Tom swept away in disgust his sweaty sheets and started to get dressed. Sleeping in that inferno was simply impossible. He would do much better to head to Rhaella’s inn, which served wine and spirits at all hours, and have a couple of quiet drinks. He grabbed his sword as the hour was very late, and headed out. As soon as he stepped into the threshold, he stopped in surprise. The inn was not abandoned but a very small group of MBL warriors, in full battle gear, speaking quietly. MAJOR Tom recognised that air of nervous excitement and smiled. Suddenly tonight’s prospects had gotten a lot better.

MAJOR Tom, cried Bearface, one of the strongest MBL warriors, in surprise. What are you doing here?

More importantly young Bearface, is what you are doing here? replied MAJOR, pulling up a chair and nodding to the barkeep to fetch him a cup of mead.

Bearface and Lord Strandli looked at each other, obviously hesitating to answer. MAJOR took a sip of his mead and raised an eyebrow expectantly. But suddenly he realised what they were about.

You are going to defy the Council’s mandate and you will participate in the Shadow Fortress Champion City Siege. The one against YTU IN, that the Council decreed was not worth the massacre of the MBL troops, right?

They did not even attempt to deny it. 

You will not tell on us, old mate, will you? Lord Strandli asked pleadingly. We just really need the battle diamonds, that is why we are here.

Tell on you? MAJOR bellowed. I will join you, he continued laughing. If you are facing YTU IN, you gonna need an extra sword at least, said, trying to sound modest and failing.

Let’s go then, said Bearface simply. 

As the few foolhardy MBL warriors made their camp in the battlefield, they noticed that apart from the magnificent camp of YTU IN, who was supported by many warriors, including the infantry rally lead ccku, the rest were very few small forces, just like the MBL warriors.

The trumpets signalled and literally everyone made a play for the Shadow Fortress. As soon as the fastest, established occupation, Bearface and MAJOR called for rallies, Bearface citing for cavalry warriors, while MAJOR asked for fellow infantry soldiers. 

As soon as the rallies filled, Bearface snickered.

What is it? Did i forget something? asked MAJOR hastily checking his commanders.

Haha no, it is just my rally size is bigger than yours, replied Bearface still unable to contain his glee.

You presumptuous puppy, MAJOR roared. Don’t you go casting aspersions on my rally size. i just happen to, ummm, not have all my soldiers with me, he concluded hastily. 

But the mirth in MBL ranks died as they saw that YTU IN had already take the Shadow Fortress and was being reinforced fully. This was it. Bearface hesitated. If YTU IN was holding with his legendary spears, his entire rally would be annihilated. MAJOR saw his trepidation and took action.

Wait here, lad, MAJOR instructed him. Let me go first to test the waters.

MBL forces were reeling after the impact. MAJOR had narrowly lost which considering the YTU IN was actually countered by the MAJOR was pretty bad. They all turned to look at Bearface whose cavalry would be the perfect opponent for YTU IN. If MAJOR had fared like this, for Bearface would be suicide.

Settle your horses, Bearface commanded the soldiers in his rally. We have a long wait ahead of us.

Bearface had decided. He would not unleash his rally till YTU IN was ousted from Shadow Fortress. It was the wisest course of action, but it did leave the small MBL force in predicament. What if he never left?

MAJOR realised he was their only option, and without thinking it too much, he called the banners again.

Small cheers followed this hit, but MAJOR knew their success was due to the fact that YTU IN was reinforced mainly with bows. He really wished they continued to reinforce badly as he unleashed his rally again.

This time, as more spears had been added, it was painful. MAJOR hoped that at least his formidable opponent had felt it as strongly as he had. He looked around at the hopeful faces around him and he knew he had no choice but to rally again. And so he did.

A victory this time, but a Pyrrhic one. His troops were dwindling and MAJOR was not sure how long he could keep this up. None of the other forces were making even a dent to YTU IN, and it was clear that the fortress was his for as long as he wished to keep it.

His next rally was again victorious and MBL cheered. MAJOR checked both his troops and the rankings. Still MBL needed points. And even though he knew he would empty his barracks completely, he decided to send one last time. And called the banners again.

MAJOR, are you sure you want to do this? Bearface asked him quietly. I could perhaps try, he said faltering.

We both know how this will go for you, lad. At least i have a shot, told him MAJOR and charged.

To MAJOR’s bad luck for once YTU IN was perfectly reinforced with only spears.

And the result was horrific. MAJOR got a report, but it wasn’t pretty. He tried to get up again, to rally, but this time both Bearface and Lord Strandli kept him at his place in the healer tent.

We are nearing half hour, anyway, old boy, Strandli said. YTU IN might leave the Fortress at last.

They all turned and looked at Shadow Fortress. The half hour bell rang, but YTU IN was still in. And as MAJOR tried to get up again, finally the Fortress was left empty. Bearface disappeared instantly. 

Well looks like Bearface might be able to fight, told Lord Strandli. Vernei is being reinforced.

He will be fine, MAJOR smiled and finally leaned back down to the cot in the healers’ camp to accept their ministrations. He knew Vernei was inf.

Bearface not only won his rally, but actually won the shadow Fortress. 

Do not reinforce, he yelled at the top of his lungs. He did not want MBL to sacrifice themselves to make him second or third champion.

ccku easily won the unreinforced Fortress.

ccku is also inf, isn’t he? he asked towards the direction of the healers’ tent.

Yes, yelled the MAJOR immediately. His military knowledge of all the opponents was unparalleled.

A young healer came out of the tent with his arms crossed, his expression, even crosser.

Bearface, would it be so much trouble to leave the poor man alone for five minutes, just so long we can try to stop his bleeding at least?

Bearface nodded chastised and called his banners on ccku.

Any fear he might have had disappeared and he knew MBL was in for a good time, if ccku would try to hold the Shadow Fortress.

He called the banners again, and waited till ccku was reinforced to unleash.

Immediately he set out again, and again.

Oh that was a good one, MAJOR whistled, as he took his place back on the battlefield, despite a healer running after him.

Bearface felt bad for MAJOR. If they had waited, there was no need for him to sustain so many injuries against YTU IN. But that did not stop him from calling his banners again and charging as soon as his rally was filled.

Bearface wait, MAJOR called.

Bearface is not ccku holding, yelled Strandli but both to no avail. The clang of the battle was too loud for bearface to hear. They both had seen Paykoman was holding the shadow fortress who unlike ccku was a strong cavalry leader like Bearface.

Bearface paled when he realised he charged blindly but it was too late.

No idea what you two were so worried about, he told them as soon as his rally returned.

They should rename you to Luckface, Strandli grumbled. He was still sore from the only rally he had done against YTU IN. No one that was in that rally lived to tell the tale.

Well your weapons are better, but the real difference was your Cercei against his Dany commander, mused MAJOR.

Bearface looked around hoping ccku would take Shadow Fortress again, but it looked like he had secured second place. He turned to the MBL camp and saw everyone with very broad smiles.

Look at the rankings Bearface, Lord Strandli nudged him.

MBL had outdone themselves especially considering their opponents and how small their force was. Every single MBL player had obtained full rewards, and as soon as the trumpets signalled the end of the match, they all started to cheer, and to MAJOR’s surprise they were cheering for him, and not Bearface who had made them so many points.

We may be rebellious and suicidal, Strandli whispered to him, but we are not daft. We know what you did for us.

MAJOR tried to reply but couldn’t. He cleared his throat, and called out.

Does that mean, you are buying me a mead in Rhaella’s inn?

Deal, Bearface replied. After all, we were all in it together. But if MAJ ever discovers we did the CCS after all, is every man for himself. That man will kill us worse than YTU IN spears.

Their laughter could be heard all the way to the MBL Great Hall, and the Duke, MAJ who had woken up early, wondered how on earth they thought he would not find out and smiled, anticipating the fun he would have with them when they got back.
