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GoTWiC [SOW] S13 R1 SFu vs QMI

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/25/2024 00:31

Greetings ladies and gentlemen. A series of several stories about Arena was interrupted by the well-known Siege of Winterfell event, or SOW for short. After a long time, he returned to us and brought several changes, the most important of which is the introduction of playoffs. And there are certainly valuable prizes for the winner, among which, above all, fragments for the SS castle. There are also great rewards for points won in a match where you can win a total of 4800 Valor points if you reach 80k points in a match.

As for the rules of the game. The match lasts 60 minutes on a map where there are a total of 11 castles that can be conquered, the most important of which is Winterfell, where the package arrives, which should be taken to the closest building you hold and brings from 4k and each subsequent one increases by 1k points to 14k points. In addition to Winterfell, there are two very important buildings, namely ARMORY, which brings a 50% increase in total attack, defense and health, and HOT SPRING, which brings accelerated healing by 100%. The winner is the one who collects more points, so let's start with the first match.

SFu met QMI in the first match.

It is the Russian alliance, very familiar to us because we meet in Feiry Mine where we fight big battles against them. This was also one of the ways to get revenge on them for some defeats in Mines. Unlike last season, several strong players left SFu, which weakened the alliance a lot, but we thought we were going into this match as favorites and we had more players, which gives us an additional advantage.

However, they also have several strong players, among them Dracosha, Mira and TAMARA, who will lead the opponents in this match.

malimiki is one of the players who likes this event and was impatiently waiting for it to start. He led his spearmen, which did not yet have steel equipment, but were highly motivated to fight. His task was to help Beha and Adiijjj in conquering Hot Spring.

The battle began and 2.4 million spearmen started marching, together with other armies, towards the castle. Part of the alliance led by King Rale went to the Armory and after the arrival of the package, they will go to Winterfell. The first armies were approaching the castle. The enemy has decided on a strategy where they will attack only Hot Spring, while a small number are stationed in Base 1.

The first clashes occur. Although he didn't have to, malimiki started to attack several opponents. He struck hard at one infantry and two cavalry armies. This would have been a great way to test his spearmen, however, a large number of his teammates attacked the opponents and he failed to inflict heavy losses on them. Suddenly, an army of spearmen od MALINKA appears from his back. Although outnumbered, he lost a lot of troops from the army commanded by Varys, Sansa and Arya. The enemy was quickly neutralized, but he had to withdraw his army to recover. The other players headed north. He decided with two armies to go to Winterfell waiting for the third.

Rale also went to Base 1, where a larger group was waiting for them. The goal was to prevent the enemy from reaching Winterfell. The first package arrived, and was picked up by MariaZoe. Malimiki couldn't make it in time and went with her to secure the package.

The fight in Base 1 was still going on, the leaders from HS, Beha and Vladan, arrived to help Rale.

Although the fight had started earlier, it seemed that this was the key moment, because if we manage to prevent the enemy from entering Winterfell, we will have an open path to victory. The first package was taken smoothly to Base 3. By the time the next one arrived, the malimiki decided to go to Base 1 to help the others. He comes into conflict together with Vladan against Mira who had strong bows.

Malimiki fought bravely against a significantly stronger opponent, who was resisted by the attacks of cavalry and spearmen.

The second package arrived and was again taken from MariaZoe who was in charge of carrying it.

More than 10 minutes passed and the fighting in Base 1 was still going on. It seemed that the enemy was sending less and less troops, because they were greatly exhausted by healing them. Malimiki was still in command of all 3 armies, but with greater losses. He didn't have enough time to pull them back, but he fought until the end. and the second package was taken without any problems. There has been a retreat of the enemy towards Stark Outpost 1.

Malimiki decided to save his army and not go north together with the others. He sent them back for treatment and then to Winterfell. He arrived just in time to carry the third package where he and R Moon led the package to the base.

Half an hour into the fight, SFu could already celebrate the victory by pulling the opponent to their base.

The match was reduced to waiting for the opponents to come out of their Base.

malimiki also decided to send his armies to the north in order to have another fight. When winning 80k points, King Rale ordered the withdrawal of the army from all buildings to give the opponent the opportunity to collect as many points as possible.

This was a great match to start the new season, in which we achieved our main goal, which is to collect 80k points for maximum rewards. Malimiki once again did what was expected of him. He did not save the army, but bravely attacked a stronger opponent. He may have had less work than usual, but considering his strength he did a great job. And when we consider the fact that this is his favorite event, I believe he can't wait for the next match.

Until then, enjoy!
