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Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/26/2024 21:22
Edited by vangark at 06/29/2024 09:03

In K29, ruled by Lady Brissy and her long-standing alliance GeN, they have endured the presence of various invaders over time. These invaders eventually move on to other kingdoms, but one has remained: Queen I, a former member of BDR, now aligned with RRH, has been in those lands for over a year. She attacks relentlessly with her archers whenever anyone loses their shield, even targeting during KvK battles, purely for the pleasure of attacking GeN members, disregarding troop losses and even ignoring T5 troops in her assaults.

Lady Brissy has had to deal with Queen I, relying on an outsider, Vanette, who has confronted her through rallies, once almost depleting her troops. Fraan and Mnzz have always supported him, but they left the kingdom in search of personal glory, dissatisfied with Lady Brissy's handling of the kingdom against the invader.

Fraan migrated to K203, and Mnzz, in his new kingdom, K462, found a wife and began forging his own path, defending his new kingdom in KvK wars and reaping all the rewards from events he participated in, becoming one of the strongest in those lands. Despite the distance, he maintained contact with K29, having spent much of his life there, and still valued his former comrades, exchanging ravens, even with Lady Brissy, whom he still respected.

Vanette emigrated from the kingdom to invade another, which Queen I took advantage of, attacking unchecked. News of this reached Mnzz, who, unaware of the situation, showed concern and sent a message to Lady Brissy. He harshly advised immediate action against the constant harassment by the invader, baffled that Queen I was still causing trouble after all this time, and that they still relied on Vanette despite having Sigrid and Uriel, two warriors with blue dragons, in GeN.

Lady Brissy responded that he was no longer part of the kingdom and, besides, he was married to a farmer who couldn’t wield a sword, suggesting he should teach his own wife how to fight instead. Therefore, he should stay out of K29's affairs.

These words deeply offended Mnzz, as they insulted his companion. Blinded by rage, he replied, “I will burn you.” Lady Brissy dismissed this threat, thinking it unlikely he would return so soon after leaving the kingdom.

Mnzz sent spies to K29, infiltrating GeN to monitor the queen's movements. Far from diminishing his intentions to burn her, it only fueled his resolve, waiting for her to make a mistake. The moment came after two weeks, but he couldn’t strike alone and didn’t have enough troops to start a rally. He turned to his former enemy, Queen I, sending a message. Skeptical, she agreed, but with caution, scouting Lady Brissy's castle to confirm it was defenseless.

After agreeing on terms for their temporary alliance, they joined forces and began the attack. Aware of the two blue dragons (Uriel and Sigrid) that could thwart their plans, Mnzz knew through his spies that they were inactive. If they were active, they would have to confront them. Lady Brissy's castle was unprepared for battle, and the active members of GeN couldn’t intervene. Queen I was too strong for them, and reinforcing their queen, who was not in combat gear, would mean greater troop losses, as Queen I would not hesitate to attack them SOLO if they showed fervor. Mnzz would not attack; he only wanted to strike Lady Brissy’s troops.

As Mnzz's troops joined Queen I’s rally, he couldn’t help but think he was now part of a rally led by someone he had once sworn to destroy alongside his former comrades. With this act, he had become another invader. The first attack decimated a large number of troops, and confidence replaced the initial fear of facing other warriors. If they didn’t defend her in the first attack, they wouldn’t in the second. Without Vanette in the kingdom and both Uriel and Sigrid inactive, four rallies took place, all victories for the aggressors. The queen lost a significant number of troops, and the people of the kingdom were stunned, their leader had fallen. Many were shocked to see the reports included their former battle companion from months ago.

Queen I delivered the final blow to the queen and took advantage of the desperation of some who, seeing their queen fall, attacked thoughtlessly. Mnzz did not intervene; his conflict was with her, not the others.

Realizing what had happened, the queen accused Mnzz of being a traitor. He merely looked at her, still holding his sword.

“I told you I would burn you,” he said, pointing his sword at her head.

“Raise ravens, and they will pluck out your eyes! Yet you don’t ask for forgiveness!” she cried.

“Excuses! They are just excuses!” she replied, glaring at his with fury.

“You lost your troops, now you will lose the kingdom.”

Still in shock, she remained silent, with much to ponder. Castle Siege was in a few days. Vanette was still far away, and even if he returned, she didn’t know if he would attack his friend.

Mnzz achieved his goal with patience, and after the attack, his ambition grew instead of diminishing. He aimed to overthrow the queen and help his new ally, Queen I, become the new monarch of K29, while GeN would have to react to retain the kingdom. Winds of war swept through those ancient lands.
