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City of Judgement

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/26/2024 09:35

With Vangark out of the kingdom for over a month, Chayle, his wife, and their friends decided to participate in a CCS. In the absence of the king of K276, the decision was made an hour before the siege began.

THE WICH was the first to deploy and noticed Baiziming leading Sbg, an alliance used for this battle.

“There’s no one known to confront him,” was his first impression. And he was right; up to that point, there wasn’t a warrior capable and strong enough to face Baiziming.

“Let’s wait, someone will come.”

Chayle had more experience in these types of battles than THE WICH, so she sensed that someone might arrive. However, time passed, and her intuition seemed to be wrong.

Due to their friend’s patience, they joined an alliance to the west of the fortress, W4r. Both were immediately accepted, although Shin hesitated to participate. He didn’t see how they could harm the people of Sbg, who had 85 reinforcements.

The siege began, but it wasn’t Baiziming who captured the fortress; it was Alan556. He started receiving reinforcements from his alliance members. Once it was full, W4r initiated a spear rally.

For Chayle, this was perfect, as she had many spears and could afford to lose them in combat that day.

Although the rally leader wasn’t as strong as the one in the fortress, there was always hope for a positive outcome. Even if it was a defeat, killing some enemies was expected. However, this was not the case; the troops were completely annihilated, with only wounded and dead remaining. The rally participants were stunned, not expecting such a negative result.

“What can we do if there are more than eighty of them?” said one, trying to find explanations.

“We need to do a cavalry rally,” said THE WICH.

“To the north, there are strong people there. Let’s join them,” he interrupted, pointing in that direction. They all turned and saw several warriors gathering nearby, including Chainsawman and МишанЯ. The first was leading with cavalry at that moment, and the second with infantry.

She was the first to switch and immediately joined a rally, followed by THE WICH and then Shin.

The first rally was entirely different from the one she had participated in; it was a victory. Another rally followed with the same result, and Alan556 had to leave. He couldn’t withstand the attacks, and Baiziming took his place. He was undoubtedly much stronger than his predecessor. Chainsawman switched to spears, and МишанЯ continued attacking with infantry.

Each rally was a victory, but they were far from being able to expel Baiziming from the fortress. He had too many reinforcements, enough to fill perhaps three fortresses. In this alliance, only the two of them were attacking with rallies, while the other alliances attacked individually, each seeking their rewards.

Occasionally, the two rally leaders coordinated and sent attacks simultaneously, expelling ten reinforcements at a time.

“If only the other alliances attacked simultaneously, there might be a chance for one of them to take the fortress,” she wished, though she didn’t know if it was shared by those leading the offense. Her intention in defending was to get rid of some T2 troops and earn more merit and combat pieces. At that moment, she already had sixty combat diamonds.

But waiting for that to happen was in the hands of the gods, as none of the alliances besieging the fortress communicated with each other. So, Chayle continued joining Chainsawman’s rallies, leaving МишанЯ’s rallies as they were too far and filled up quickly, often resulting in her troops returning due to lack of space.

With each rally, SBG’s reinforcements dwindled. They felt each blow, and some stopped sending deployments quickly. The price for Baiziming to achieve victory was too high. Since the K276 members joined this alliance, they only had victories, many quite decisive.

It was then that everyone took advantage of Sbg’s slow reinforcements. At one point, there were fewer than 15 reinforcements, and after two rallies, Chainsawman struck and captured the fortress.

Seconds passed, and no one moved. This was new to most, until one started to reinforce, followed by another. Chayle, Shin, and the others also reinforced. She did so with T2, as part of her plan. It was the occasion to get rid of those troops, but it also depended on what her companions did. According to her calculations, Chainsawman could defend, being quite strong, at least if the rallies weren’t coordinated. It was a matter of coordination among all the members of this improvised alliance. As they arrived, so did the enemy attacks, even before it filled with thirty. After two hits, her troops had to defend but suffered a defeat, leading to the loss of the fortress.

Her plans were falling apart. Silence fell again. After a few minutes, the rallies resumed. It was clear to her that there was no chance of reclaiming the fortress. So, during the siege, she joined every rally she could. The decision to switch alliances wasn’t wrong; on the contrary, it was the wisest thing she could do with her friends. This way, they all earned their combat diamonds, gained some merit, and could buy badges to further enhance their armor.
