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The last round of Arena of Honor

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/29/2024 03:58

In the final round of the season, the sun blazed brightly over Westeros and K157, where Ashun resided, casting a warm glow upon them before the Arena of Honor event. Ashun and his team from the BaN alliance stood ready for battle, their hearts were filled with determination and high anticipation for what was to come ahead of them. Memories of their past rounds with failed strategies, regaining momentum in the last round and managing to secure the 2nd spot after a lackluster 13th round, was fueling them as they headed into the last round of the first season.

Tweety, the current temporary duke of BaN but also the strategic mastermind of Ashun's team, had an idea before the battle of the CIty of Glory began. He gathered the team for a pre-battle briefing, as he wanted once again to test a new strategy. "Alright, listen up, everyone," he began, his eyes sharp with focus. "We're trying something new today. We'll establish cavalry camps and take control of the House early with a lord march, mine. From there, we'll aim to capture the catapults first to rack up many points per minute and a nice amount of first capture points. It's a risky move, if we compare it to our strategy of trading posts, but it might just give us the edge we need, if everything goes our way."

Ashun listened intently, nodding along with his teammates, but having a bad feeling about it. He knew that in the past, new strategies have failed them due to the lack of synergy from what they had previously built falling apart. The plan in itself was ambitious, and it was very tough to achieve, but he trusted Tweety's judgement. After all, they had to keep evolving to stay ahead of their rivals should they eventually be able to capture the City of Glory once again.

The rules of the event are quite simple, get the city of glory or altars and you've got the points you need for ranking high. The ones that capture the City of Glory eventually win the round, whilst the trading posts and trading altars provide an amazing bonus for everyone else to secure the second spot. There a multitude of other buildings, such as catapults which gave 5k points should one capture them first. But Ashun did not know if that was enough for them to win, now they will find out.

As the battle kicked off, Ashun's team executed their strategy with precision. They swiftly set up the cavalry camps, fortifying their positions and preparing for the skirmishes ahead against the other Houses. Tweety, the strongest of the team, led the charge into the House, his tactical brilliance ensuring they secured the goals without significant resistance. From their House, they began capturing the watch towers first, then a few catapults, steadily boosting their points.

However, as the fight wore on, the drawbacks of their strategy became apparent. The other factions, particularly Targaryen and Stark, took full advantage of BaN's absence from many of the altars and the City of Glory, as Tweety was unavailable to capture them. While BaN’s points from the catapults were consistent, they couldn’t outpace the massive influx of points the other factions were gaining from holding altars and trading posts.

Kayanide, always perceptive, voiced his concerns: "We're holding the House and a few catapults, but the altars are slipping through our fingers. We need to adapt quickly or we'll fall behind."

Ashun felt a knot of worry tighten in his stomach, as if the past was about to repeat itself in front of his very eyes. Tweety’s strategy, while effective in securing initial points, was proving less abundant than anticipated. They had underestimated the value of the altars and the importance of balancing their focus, as well as the presence of Tweety on the field.

With a quick reassessment, Ashun and Tweety decided to fully focus on the altars, letting Tweety free and welcoming him to the battle for the altars. The team fought valiantly, clashing with opposing factions in fierce battles over the altars. Despite their efforts, the delay in shifting their strategy meant they were playing catch-up as they were for now in the last position.

The end of the battle approached rapidly, but Ashun's team fought more and more valiantly against the Targaryen House, who managed to capture the City of Glory, nearing the gap between them and the top position, they were now on the 4th spot. It was a respectable position, but a step down from their previous success, however, due to their circumstances, it was a miracle that they did not lose fame points. The realization of their miscalculation weighed heavily on the team.

As the battlefield cleared and the dust settled, Tweety gathered the team for the last time this season. "We gave it our all, but we need to learn from this. Our new strategy showed promise, but we need to be more adaptable and versatile in our approach."

Ashun nodded, continuing with: "The plan was bold, but it had its flaws. We’ll regroup and refine our tactics for the next season."

Despite the setback, the team’s morale wasn’t shattered. They had fought their way back with honor, learning valuable lessons that would serve them well in future battles.

The season had ended, but their journey was far from over. Together, they would rise stronger in the next season, ready to reclaim their place among the strongest in the Arena of Honor.
