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KVK 131 vs 132 Part 2 of the Westerosi Navigator

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/30/2024 07:58

TheHiddenOne and I went through the Narrow Sea and back to landfall in Westeros. The First Men and the stewards began to unload the ship ‘Stormbreaker’. They began organizing the resources that were at their disposal. Gold, troop training and research speed-ups are highly coveted goods that were redistributed to upgrade the weapons and armor of soldiers.  They are also used to strengthen the fortifications of their garrison while fighting. Soldiers on the training grounds were practicing battle skills, archers on target ranges were shooting arrows, the cavalry was doing drills in camps, and rebel leader’s gifts were on the rise in the alliance as well. Now was the time to grow our army and enhance ourselves to be more effective for the monthly Kingdom vs Kingdom fight of PVP dominance.

Unfortunately, TheHiddenOne went on his way to a different kingdom as he was called upon by his long-time friends to go battle with them. “Yahweh my true love” TheHiddenOne said “I have to go to battle but I will not leave you unprotected in the battle of KvK. I will leave you with my best commander FixorEs and his full army of T4 Cavalry to help you in battle”

The day before the battle between the Kingdom vs Kingdom drew near. Yahweh and and FixorEs stood only centimeters apart talking to their respective armies. They yelled over the sounds of the clashing steal of swordsman practicing in the fields, their hearts soared with anticipation for the battle to come. Their enemies were dangerous as this was another battle for control of the level 5 diamond nodes that would cover the kingdom. They were as prepared as they could be at this point. We had to make sure we took a good position in the training ground as you can not move for more than twenty four hours there. We want to take a good position so that you can sit and collect blue diamonds while you fight in kingdom vs kingdom.

At reset, the trumpets blew. There is a thirty-minute grace period where you can size up the other kingdom to find targets. We made a separate chat where we could communicate privately so that spies would not be able to see the coordinates that we posted. It also give you time to bubble the castles of the players who will not fight but instead make their way over to the opposing kingdom to gather.

‘We have to expect the unexpected,’ said I said. ‘Our enemies are both cunning and cruel.’ FixorEs held up his sword and gave it an extra few strokes of his whetstone. ‘We have to be quick and outsmart them.” FixorES said.

We bookmarked targets and I began to give instructions. “I will take Kingslanding, StormsEnd and Riverrun in our kingdom.” I shouted. I need someone to go take Winterfell. Then someone sit in the South of the map to capture  Casterly Rock, High Garden and Sunspear.” This strategy will allow us to continue to hold titles and buffs for the week.

Having set the strategy, we proceeded to our positions, having sent the scouts to determine enemy troop movements, FixorEs then developed more strategy details. Enemy activity has increased. They are getting ready to ambush. The gates opened, and the army poured out, ready to meet the enemy head-on.

As the armies met the dust flew. The fighting was fierce. The arrows soared and blotted out the sun, the swords, and the shields clashed with great thunder, and the earth was reddened with the blood of the slain. We destroyed our enemies together to the last man.

In the shadows, I would inflict damage on the enemy line, place skillful traps and ambushes, and terrorize the enemy army, wreaking havoc and disarraying the ranks.

Before Fixores could zero out his castle. He was hit a few times taking minimal losses from B4and1. I was already zeroed so there was no reason to hit me.

 My forces of war resisted the numerical superiority of the enemy and the shifting fortunes of battle. Through determined countermoves for every enemy setback, retaliation secured each loss. Strategy on a mighty scale between our armies and we saw victory on the horizon.

We sat in Kingslanding for over twenty hours. Holding it with T4s to max out the point and win.

FixorEs and I found ourselves together with full hospitals and very tired of staying up throughout the 24-hour battle, yet we were very prideful. We had fought, and We had won. But the war we waged against the darkness would likely never truly end.

We enjoyed the pleasure of gathering level five diamond nodes that would fill the kingdom. Although Diamond Day was fruitful it is never a good time policing the nodes so the players that did nothing would not gather the larger nodes.

For the time being, they could toast their now-secured triumph and rebuild our armies. But they would also keep their guard up: peace was risky, and the next fight was never far away.

Taking first place in KVK you get this pretty little Avatar for one month! This is my favorite avatar. Thank you for reading my story. See you next week.
