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Arena Of Honor Season 2 Round 1 Lambs to the Slaughter

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/01/2024 05:16

A New season of Arena of honor was upon us. My castle loomed dark with an eerie shadow descending down and I planned to start the season with a mischievous bang. The Shenanigans squad had fared well in season 1 but it was now time to push our limits and reach for greater glory. Glory King, specifically in my own case… Put a pin in that 😂.

We decided to do something a little wild and different, inviting some new friends for some shenanigans with maybe just a dash of malarky and a heaping teaspoon of fuk-ery… Byakyua invited an alliance mate to join us, and our new friend Total Wreck had joined us and brought with him a couple of his own alliance mates.

We had opted to try a full team of actual players instead of the 4 of us doing all the things. This could go really really good or spectacularly bad.  Lol. What was done was done and we were assigned to house Stark…

One of our members from UTB must’ve looked around the map and noped the duck out. I hadn't yet had a chance to see what had scared them.

One of the Fuk members was also a no show so we ended up assigned a rando.When I saw the rando, I cried the Gods are with us…

Then I looked around at the map. To one side we had BAN one of the best alliances in the game

To our other side we had Gannicus

Spread throughout the map were some other very large players. While I have grown and gotten stronger, I felt like a hoffit again on this map. Would I be able to do anything against these giants?

Odin Rushed in occupying our clan castle. This is usually Ary’s job but considering we got the worst-case map, it was appropriate. Strongholds were easy of course; the first trouble came at the altars.  Ban and Gannicus were fighting for our first altar. The excitement and wonder were quickly fading as the reality set in on our prospects in this match. Don’t get me wrong, TOTAL WRECK and Black Adam are incredibly strong capable players, but us 4 friends are just not at that level YET… You need a team of whales to go toe to toe with the other teams of whales in the arena. We did what we could, trying to find a way to make a decent showing on this impossible map. I tried taking altars

Dragon Pits

Mine Shafts, anything that could get us more points

Even when I could take them, keeping them became the issue…

I had visions of coming in at the bottom of the eliminations for the first time ever in arena. I felt impotent. Flinging my troops at different whales and on my lucky hits I barely made a dent in their armies, if I could kill any at all.

“This is so bad” said M1lf. “I can’t even win against the Cavs” our fierce spear queen Ary replied. The mood in the group was one of exasperation. I am sure our new FUK besties were contemplating their life’s choices. Lol. We had all wanted to do well but the gods had other plans in store for us. I always say the Gods got jokes lol.

By the time the city opened, we did a couple rallies with TOTAL WRECK

and Black Adam

Again, with this map even having a couple of our own Giants was not enough. I was still scrambling around the map, trying to take altars that increased our points, anything really that was not nailed down. Lol But I was useless in the faces of the pods of whales.

I did manage a couple wins

But those were not enough to help. We were in fifth place out of 6 lol

With the match coming to a close I kept trying to the end. I felt horrible for my shenanigans squad homies and for the new friends who had joined. We had wanted shenanigans and fun not awful placement on an impossible map.

Once the match had ended, I think we all breathed a collective sigh of relief. I said a small prayer for all the speed ups and diamonds that match had cost me, knowing I have SOW playoffs coming, there were some awkward goodbyes as we all retired to our own corners of the world to lick our wounds. I replayed the beatings over and over again. It has been a long time since I have felt completely powerless. I have worked hard to become stronger and learn more, yet in this match it meant nothing. I was as good as an actual HOF. It was not all doom and gloom, believe it or not. When I finally allowed myself to look at the rankings…

I was surprised, 11th place over all in eliminations was not bad on the impossible whale map. While it didn’t translate in a better placement for the team, it was a reminder that despite how I felt, I was not a hoffit. Sure, I may not be a whale yet, but I had done far better than I had imagined. In a cringe worthy match like this one, this bright spot made the loss sting a little less.  
