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Siege of Winterfell - Hail to the King

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/30/2024 08:04

Visit of the Trader

DracaRYS has been one of the strongest family in Westeros, and many have feared to face them, however, this was a double sided sword, as it was also a great place, for those who require help. On the 25.06.2024 Queen of the Sin has opened her castle gates, for all the peasants, to listen to their stories, and requests. After couple of hours that have been spent on listening to the people asking for a bit of financial support, it seemed the day won't get any better, however, at this time, a strange trader, that has not been seen before within those walls, came in front of majesty of the Queen and requested for very specific AID.

'Dear Queen, i would like to ask for a bit of supports if your kindness is willing to listen to me. I am a simple trader, my name is way too difficult to pronounce it, so in the Quarth lands, which i come from, they call me Spice king, yet don't take my words wrongly, i do respect and understand your majesty, and i would never call myself king while being accompanied by you and your family.'

He started, while he continued he could see different reactions on face of the Queen, especially when explaining part about Spice King, however she let him continue. 'Speak' she said.

'I am traveling all around Westeros, and i don't have any guardians, as i never encountered any violence, until today!'

Queeny seemed to be interested yet did not say anything, and let him continue talking

'On my way to your beautiful castle, i have been attacked, and robbed from my goods, everything lost!' He continued 'I would like to ask you for support in finding those people and get my goods back, obviously, whatever else you will be able to find, can be taken by you and your team'.

Queeny clearly interested decided to respond 'Who was it?'

On which the trader respond 'All i have, is this ripped flag of their family. Their name is Bezlikie'.

Queeny was surprised as was not aware of this team, yet decided to help this trader, and sent her scouts immediately to find tracks, and the actual location of those vandals. 'You shall stay at our castle. eat, drink, and rest while we will deal with your request.'

Couple of hours later, the scouts have returned and informed Queeny as vandals have hidden in the most famous Castle of Winterfell.


Every true commander, before going on the battlefield, has to spend a little time for preparation. Study enemy position, army, possibilities, and whatever could be happening unexpectedly. The scouts have delivered just a small report, on which Queen and her most respected companions could see who are the people that belong to this group, what kind of power and abilities they might represent, and their recent battles, to understand how experienced are they in battlefield.

After couple of hours of debate, the decision has been made. We are moving first thing in the morning, to arrive at Winterfell, in the evening and get the treasure back to our castle. 'Do not dare to have fun this night, or spend it in the tavern, you must be well rested for tomorrow, so spend it at your homes with your beloved ones!' After this short order, everyone went back to their homes.

Next morning the team has been gathering at the gates of the castle, yet not everyone could have been seen arriving early, so the message has been delivered as those who have not yet arrived, are expected to do so, within next couple of minutes.

Shortly after the army has been complete, they have marched towards Winterfell, but just before, i would like you to see this famous speech of Denearys, which is adequate to the situation.

Siege of Winterfell

The time has come, and we did not hesitate to initiate the fight.

'We start marching at 19:00!' the voice of great advisor has been heard, and we have waited patiently till the right moment so we can start marching towards the enemy.

'Kill them all!' the call has been given, and we have all marched towards the castle of Winterfell.

The battle has began, the coordination's were clear, myself and couple of other brave warriors, have been sent towards Armory, and Queen and few others, decided to move towards Hot Springs, this way we could capture two most important territories of the castle, and spread towards the rest of the unique positions.

We have very quickly taken down both Armory and Hot springs, and started spreading towards Base 1-2-3-4 to then focus on enemy's Greyjoy outposts.

When they have been secured, the command has been given 'someone has to stay at each unique location, so we don't lose them!' And this way i have decided to stay at Armory and cover it, while my brothers and sisters have been pushing enemies towards their own location.

We were very suprised as there was not much fight going on, and this probably is the reason i have not included any reports in this story, yet, for the right reasons we have arrived, we have conquered, and hopefully, we will be victorious.

Pushing enemy out from winterfell

Our army has been spreading all over the place, and the bathed from enemy team have been running away and hiding from us. This way we have been able to secure all the base's, to then focus on Greyjoy outposts.

Every now and then we have faced few of the enemies that were lost or were unable to hide. This obviously has been a slaughter from our side, and i hope, and believe, that the word will be spread, as nobody, and i mean nobody should be messing around on lands of DracaRYS. It was also not so fortunate for Bezlikie as couple of days before we have not arrived for a battle with newly created team BaN, so we were bloodthirsty, and obviously rested and ready to fight whoever stands on the other side of the battlefield.

Soon after we have captured all important points and only two things have been left to do - capture the treasure of Winterfell, and blockade the enemy for the remaining of the fight.

Blockade and the Treasure

While some of us have been standing and guarding the respected areas, few others have walked towards Winterfell to take the goods of the Trader back to our camp, so they can be delivered back to the Spice King. That was only 30% of our army, so what happened to the other 70% you probably try to figure out? Well the rest of our army, had one simple task which was to create blockade at the enemy camp, to not allow them get out of it, and be any kind of threat for our soldiers while taking the treasure out of the castle.

As you can see, there was not much they could do, so clearly we could call it a quick fight, which bards wont be making any famous songs about.

The Winterfell has been approached and the treasure was about to be found. We could safely deliver it to our camp and then to the trader. 'VICTORY!' people started shouting, and relaxing after the not that demanding battle has been finished.


We have returned to our castle, full of glory and treasures found on the Winterfell grounds. The goods have been returned to the trader which was more than overjoyed with the situation. Same as after each battle we do, the scoresheets have been shown for peasants to see how well we have done on the battlefield, those could be found on the noticeboard next to the castle gate.

As the last words i would like to mention that there is no force, we would fear. We are DracaRYS, and it is us who others should fear.

Here is a great song, to finish off in the mood that was accompanying us during this time.
