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Battle for the Playoffs - TsM vs Fs1

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/30/2024 08:17

This season the powers that be had decided to extend the Siege of Winterfell event with a playoffs. The top twelve alliances from the regular season would fight, in single elimination matches, for the right to call themselves Champions of Ever Frost. As this was the first time this title could be won it would be an incredibly exclusive honour and Eyaka wanted it badly.

“We may make the playoffs even with a loss, if we get lucky” ScottTeller was not normally this optimistic but he was just as keen to win the title. “Yes it’s feasible, I’d rather not have to rely on luck though!” TsM were in sixth place with only one more match to play, winning would guarantee a place in the finals but a loss would mean they relied on other alliances behind them losing as well. No, this would not do, besides a strong win could mean moving into the top four. “Remember if we finish in the top four we will jump straight to round two, that would greatly increase our odds.” Eyaka had already played out every iteration in his head. A win could push them into fourth place but only if both the current fourth and fifth ranked alliances lost their match and this was not very likely. They would have to wait and see, and most importantly try their very best to win this upcoming match.

The leadership of TsM, Eyaka included, had spent several days sending out ravens and riders alike to press upon each member the importance of this final match. They needed a good turnout. Eyaka looked at the scouting reports of their opposition; Fs1, who he had never come across before, had fielded between twenty seven and thirty eight lords in their previous matches. If they could get a good turnout he was confident they could win it.

The time came to head north to Winterfell and deploy their troops, in an uncharacteristic break from his usual tardiness, Eyaka was early. It was probably the excitement of potentially making the playoffs; the enthusiasm he felt at this moment he had not felt for quite some time. Scouts had been sent to count the number of Lords entering the field of battle and as the numbers on both sides started to trickle in, a palpable tension fell over TsM’s camp. With only ten minutes before the horns would blow and the match would begin TsM had a healthy lead in numbers. ‘Don’t get too excited Eyaka, don’t get ahead of yourself’ he repeated over and over in his head, the disappointment would be too great if their fortunes reversed at the last minute, and that had happened many times before. Five minutes to go, still good, three minutes, slight jump in Fs1 numbers, final minute… a big jump in TsM numbers!

The horns blew from Winterfell and the match began. Eyaka immediately sent his troops to the Armoury, this was always his first move unless they were hopelessly outnumbered when they would stick together; one last glance at the scouting reports however showed TsM outnumbered Fs1 fifty nine to thirty five, they could afford to split their forces.

Eyaka arrived shortly after TsM’s cavalry, once again, just in time to intercept the first of Fs1’s troops. The engagement started nicely, his spears doing a great deal of damage to a small contingent of enemy cavalry. Before long the rest of his allies arrived and the enemy closed in on them. The advantage in numbers was obvious, it seemed they would be untouchable. Eyaka found himself the target of a large number of enemy Lords but he held strong and soon dispatched them, no doubt helped along by his flanking allies.

One opponent was proving much more difficult to dispatch, cattleya, he was putting up quite a fight, despite their superior numbers Eyaka was barely holding out against him. However, even he was eventually overcome, TsM proving just too numerous and Eyaka’s main march holding strong.

The routed troops were quickly replaced, a fresh set of soldiers, battle hardened all season and ready for battle, marched to the last remaining threat from Fs1.Once again the TsM numbers proved too great and the Fs1 soldiers were dispatched one at a time through well coordinated pincer movements. Despite this battle being hopeless the enemy kept on coming, ‘I have to commend their bravery and their tenacity’ the thought gave Eyaka a strong pang of guilt. Unlike the other matches in which they dominated, where TsM would happily withdraw after reaching eighty thousand points, it had been decided in this match that they would not withdraw. The logic had been simple, the larger the gap in match points the more tournament points you received for a win; since TsM were so close to fourth place in the regular season rankings they had decided to go for broke and aim big.

The match progressed and the skirmishes became smaller, TsM had pushed Fs1 right back to their home base and were surrounding the castle with a wall of soldiers.This too was a tactic they usually frowned upon. ‘We need every point, put the alliance first’ Eyaka cursed himself for having to break his own code. The guilt was gnawing at him though. He decided to send ravens to the enemy commanders, hoping they would understand.

The battle was won. While Eyaka and a large contingent of his fellow lords had been fighting in myriad sorties, holding the enemy at bay, a small group of dedicated soldiers had been retrieving the treasure time and time again, largely unaccosted. In the end the win had been simple, their numbers were just too great for the enemy to have stood a chance. Not that TsM shouldn’t have been proud of their fight, Fs1 had shown great resilience, not giving in, even when all was lost.

The horns blew to mark the end of the match and TsM collectively held their breath as the final scores from all the matches were tallied. They were certain they had made the playoffs, a win of any type had made that a mathematical certainty, but where had they placed?

The results were posted in King’s Landing and Eyaka jostled through the crowd of commanders from various alliances looking to find their names on the board. Finally pushing past the last man he scanned the board. Unb… ByR… TML… TsM!!! They had done it! Fourth place, a bye in the first round and straight into eighth place. Eyaka ran back to the assembled lords of his alliance and broke the news, cheers erupted and the celebrations began. They would drink heavily this night!

Later that evening Eyaka, slightly tipsy, reflected on their season. It hadn’t been plain sailing, they had won four matches and lost two, but it had been a glorious tournament. The whole alliance had contributed to this victory, of that he had no doubt. As one final vindication, they had only just managed to squeeze into fourth place ahead of the wonderful tSN, had they withdrawn in that final battle they would have finished in fifth place. He lay in bed and fell asleep, full of joy and completely free of guilt.
