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Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/28/2024 03:05

The Arena of Honor is back once again for its fifteenth round of competition, as always there will be six teams fighting for the City of Glory and all that comes with such a prize. The motley crew, led by the gutsy Sergio Brown had just come off a respectable third place and now are preparing to go further and win the whole thing.

Sergio Brown has always had faith in his teammates for example JBS who normally would come up with the real time strategies, overcoming any situation that may occur in the match. GodGoku was known for ability to over power his opponents with constant attacks, there was also a new comer this time with MvT, who was taking the spot of the absent ErwinV5. Finally, there was LtSeeker who was known for his scouting ability and constant reminders of the situation on the battlefield.

As the motley crew entered the battlefield, they started to go into their usual routine, JBS was already coming up with a plan but she was waiting on the scouting reports of LtSeeker to finalize her strategy. “We seem to have entered a trap, the map is full of BaN members,” he said. Sergio Brown looked perplexed, how was it possible to get such powerful opponents all in one match. “Don’t worry my friend, we’ve faced worse odds before,” he said. “We just need to stay smart and work together. Sergio Brown was counting on JBS to come up with a plan because inside he felt a kind of dread that he dared not show his team mates. 

House Baratheon was undoubtably the favourites for the match, just looking at their lineup would make most teams jaw drop in awe. The team was led by the one of the most powerful warriors in all of Westeros Ur Donut, alongside him was b3nni and Jackdaws, who would be the dangerman in most teams.

JBS knew the motely crew was counting on her, "our best chance is going the trading post route, taking most alters, especially the alters of the mother, since it gives more points for our trading post strategy.” Sergio Brown had a feeling this strategy was not enough but went along anyway, since he had nothing better to offer at the time.

The match was now in full swing, the motley crew led by Sergio Brown went ahead with their Trading Post strategy, these structures would be a steady flow of points and allow the squad to focus elsewhere.

Meanwhile other teams such as House Targaryen, another BaN team led by the formidable Kynaston went with an aggressive option. Instead of building Trading Posts, they would build spearmen structures, leading to an all-out assault of her enemies.

“We need to make sure our main city is defended well. The enemy has gone for an aggressive strategy,” LtSeeker reported. Sergio Brown quickly turned to GodGoku, “We need to fortify our main city, if we lose it, everything else falls apart, you will be perfect for the job.” GodGoku nodded back “I won’t let them through, our city will hold.”

Before the match even started, the leaders of BaN got together in a courtyard to go through their options. They came up with a plan to register for the same time and there would be a high chance of being in the same match. Kynaston opened the conversation “We should go for an offensive strategy, since we will be working together, we can overrun our opponents before they have a chance to breathe.” B3nni agreed “we should aim for the top two and leave nothing to chance.”

The leader of the group Ur Donut chimed in “more of our members may join if we ask them to register at the same time, three teams full of BaN members would be too much for anyone.”

Ur Donut’s plan came to fruition, House Stark comprised of some BaN members also appeared on the map. Now with two teams full of BaN members and another with some BaN influence, Ur Donut and his allies looks to dominate the battlefield. 

We are now entering the phase where Glory City will open up and BaN controls most alters including Dragonpits and Towers. Both House Baratheon and House Targaryen had constructed offensive spearmen structures which contributed to the dominance they hold on the map so far.

Finally, the time had come for Glory City to be fought over and Ur Donut was confident he would reclaim his throne. Meanwhile Sergio Brown and his motley crew found themselves struggling in fourth place, trying to reclaim some of their own alters to go further up the rankings.

JBS saw a path forward “we should go for the Dragonpits while they are busy with the City of Glory.” This plan could work but would depend on whether House Tyrell could fight off the other big hitters from BaN.

As expected, Ur Donut rallied his troops and took the City of Glory without resistance, this would show the rest of the teams, House Baratheon and BaN where here to stay.

The match was now spiraling out of control for House Tyrell, the battlefield was dominated by the pink banners of House Baratheon, closely followed by the purple banners of House Targaryen in second place.

Sergio Brown could now see the writing on the wall, his team was slowly falling into fifth place, with only fifteen minutes left the map was completely dominated by BaN forces.

In the end, BaN controlled the map from minute one till the end, with their coordination and sheer numbers, there was never any doubt who would win. Two full teams of BaN plus additional members in another team led to complete victory. For the motley crew it was a hard lesson in the realities of Westeros, Sergio Brown held his head high, he knew BaN came with their best and they held their own for a big part of the match but in the end, it was too big of an ask.

Kynaston, b3nni and Ur Donut stood together, cheerful as they high fived each other on a job well done. “In the game of thrones, you win or you die. “Kynaston remarked to the rest of the leaders. It was the winner mentality that won the day, they played to win while others played to lose and eventually those who survive in Westeros learn this lesson.

