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Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/30/2024 00:44

Tempest Keep, which was then led by N30, was slowly being overwhelmed. Scarlet Palace dominated the map in Glorious Battle, and Peacetown was the worst adversary for everyone. Such was the audacity of the man from KaC that he even sent deployments without a Lord to contested fortresses, yet he could still defeat most of his opponents.

Vangark had the misfortune of facing him a couple of times, with disastrous results for his troops. Every time he sent a deployment, he encountered that assassin, and if it wasn't him, it was Black Bear.

To the north was Shadows, who, in everyone's eyes, had made a pact with Scarlet Palace and were also constantly besieging the buildings Tempest Keep had captured. The HOH alliance led that faction, with warriors like Depravity and Dthulhu. The results of fighting against them were equally disastrous; both with infantry would crush his spears, and even when he sent cavalry, the damage he inflicted was minimal.

The rewards for eliminations were still distant due to these continuous defeats, and it seemed the gods did not want to favor him. In these events, losing is always a high possibility, but always running into high-level whales at every moment led many to stop battling and focus solely on logistics tasks like transporting resources, construction, or trading. Vangark, who had decided to be in logistics for the first few days, had to revert to this strategy again, as he was getting nowhere; the loss of troops he suffered was absolutely not worth it if he couldn't obtain the rewards.

Two days passed, and the leaders called to defend the disputed buildings. The current member of WTF, who had stepped aside and changed alliances due to the merger of N30 and BDR, stopped to think about the situation. Many attacks were occurring simultaneously, and there was a chance that he might encounter opponents who were lower in level or equal to him and obtain the eliminations needed for the rewards.

The first thing he did was change his talents to defense. Luckily, having been in logistics and doing enough trading, he had almost all the talent spots at maximum level. Then the decision was whether to fight with spears or cavalry; he had to think quickly as battles were about to start. He finally decided on his spears, his best line, and he had plenty of troops to spare.

He decided to deploy from a fortress to reduce travel time and resilience, but he was blocked; only the big whales could deploy from that building. Vangark cursed to the seven hells, finding the decision unfair, but there was nothing he could do. He had to deploy from the base and begin a long march to The Gate. Upon arrival, he was torn apart by Black Bear, a fatal outcome. He removed his helmet and cursed again while scratching his head, hoping the gods might hear him.

To the north, Fortress -2 was also being defended. "With my bad luck, I'm sure I'll run into Depravity," he thought about retreating, "what's the point?" and sent a deployment to that building without any hope. If he encountered a whale, he would retreat and not deploy again. The journey, like the previous one, was long. He ended up several positions behind Meridianos, the strongest whale in his faction, who began killing everything but was expelled after a while. The one who expelled him withdrew after fighting three or four times, quite wounded. Other warriors followed, but fortunately, no known whales. However, if someone with infantry arrived, it could also be his premature end. The seconds felt like minutes as the deployments approached. When the first arrived, it was only 10k of T1, the same with the second.

"Regrettable, the third must be the same," he thought, considering withdrawing before facing his executioners. But in his indecision, he decided to wait. The third hit was still spears, then cavalry; he began to get the eliminations he desired. A few more hits followed, spearmen, and cavalry, none infantry. Even the one who expelled him was cavalry, and he managed to eliminate some of his enemy's troops. This completely encouraged him.

As soon as he was expelled, he waited a bit. The whales he feared were now there; he had to wait. He started seeing who could expel them and when he thought it was the right moment, he sent the spear deployment again. After a few minutes, during which he analyzed reports with joy, his army began to fight again. To his astonishment, they defeated several enemies, spearmen, and cavalry, adding more eliminations, and the rewards began to come. Seeing that only the strongest enemies were heading to the building, he decided to retreat.

He couldn't complete all the eliminations that day. The next day, he planned to try again. He knew few from his faction would fight, as they had lost all the buildings they had to defend that day, and many no longer had troops, which undoubtedly improved his chances of having similar battles to the previous day.

On the last day of the event, he sent spears again. Although he had luck with one deployment, he couldn't send more, as the usual executioners were unmovable. When they were expelled, they deployed from the nearest fortress and took less time to reach the contested area. So he had to retreat many times to avoid wasting his troops in vain.

After all, he achieved his goal, obtaining all the elimination rewards and ranking in the top 100 of the general rank. His decision, despite his indecision, was correct, but it was more a factor of luck. He knew he was still far from facing enemies like Peacetown, Black Bear, and Depravity.
