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GoTWiC ARENA OF HONOR S13 R4 House Baratheon

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/02/2024 22:44

Greetings ladies and gentlemen, after a short break we return to the Arena and again to round 13 where Stanko played his second match of this round, but this time with a different team. Since he was not satisfied with the previous results, he decided to personally go to a much stronger and more experienced team with players who are in the top 100 in the general ranking in order to gain great experience to learn new things and transfer knowledge to his team.

The team consisted of 4 more players who were very coordinated and strong. Iryna who will send her troops to Clan Castle. Hadzy with his female cavalry formation, Ruki with hybrid infantry and MUDKIP as our strongest player with spear weakness formation.

However, our opponents were also very strong, among which we should single out House Targaryan with the leader Slayer Mee,

but the other houses also had several strong players, such as House Lannister, where Stanko's former teammate ArT, who was also his strongest player in the alliance,

but also house Stark with several HOH players including GASTon.

And they have something to fight for, because here you can pick up valuable rewards such as fragments for Tyrion's weapons and battle diamonds to reward your gear, but the biggest reward was the Sources of Honor to upgrade the Golden Dragon.

And as for the rules of the game, the round lasts for an hour, of which the first 5 minutes are preparation for the match. In the Arena, there are 6 teams, equally distributed in terms of strength, in which there are 7 to 11 players. One player can have a maximum of 3m troops in the Arena. The goal is to collect as many points as possible. And if one team captures the Clan Castle of another team, they will receive 20% of their points, and if someone captures the Glory Castle located in the middle of the Arena, that team will receive 20% of the points from the other teams. It is also very important to keep Strongholds that bring additional points or turn into an offensive or defensive camp, as well as Altars that bring various skills, including increasing trading posts.

The match started and we all rushed to the strongholds except Iryna who was preparing to attack the Clan Castle. The first Strongholds were finished quickly, but we were not in good standing with the others because we were taking several infantry camps that will help us in our attacks.

The first Altar arrived, which was immediately occupied by players from the Lannister house, none other than ArT, but Hadzy managed to throw it out very easily.

Stanko immediately withdrew part of the army from one of the Strongholds and quickly sent them to Altar to protect it from possible new attacks. However, no one dared to attack him and we managed to conquer the first Altar.

It didn't help us much in the rankings. We were still in last place. We knew that this would be a very difficult match and that we would have to give 200% because we were playing against twice as many opponents. And so it was, the other Altars started to open and with them the enemy attacks. It was really difficult to see off all the possible attacks. Stanko and Ruki were mostly responsible for that. Stanko couldn't wait for all his army to return from the Strongholds in order to attack. Fortunately, he received information from the main staff that one Altar is holding a full cavalry player. It was a quick attack in which the opponent did not have time to react and withdraw the army.

Speed was definitely something that graced Stanko in previous matches as well. And now he will have to show it once again.

As soon as he returned the army, he had to send it again without information about the opponent, it was a big risk that he had to take, even though he knew that there were a lot of infantry players in the Lannister house. Fortunately, it was a spear army with not quite 600k t4, which Stanko defeated without problems and managed to defend another castle.

But that was just a precursor to what was to follow. Constant attacks, mainly by the Lannisters, tired Stanko a lot, who pushed his army to the maximum. They were mostly not the strongest formations of the opponent, but he had to send the strongest, because the rest were in castles that he protected from attacks.

One of his troops was in the Altar of Maiden held by Hadzy with his cavalry. In front of the defense itself, they had a strong javelin attack, but they managed to defend themselves and protect Altar, which brings points.

Dragonpit are open. Now it would be very important to capture it, because we were still in last place. However, GASTon from House Stark took the firstly.

Because his strong infantry formation only Hadzy could defeat him. Stanko was still defending our Altars, he sent one army to help Hadzy defend Dragonpit. Glory Castle has arrived! And he was be attacked by House Targaryen and Slayer Mee firstly.

MUDKIP immediately started its spearman rally against it. It was a strong blow in which we managed to win even though the opponent had more troops, but MUDKIP countered him and managed to win.

Stanko did not lose much in this attack, but he quickly withdrew his army in order to send the entire army because we were expecting enemy attacks. Time went on, we had only one spear attack, which we easily repelled, but we expected the strongest ones in the last minute. About 30 seconds before we won Glory, we had 3 attacks. The biggest threat to us was from GASTON, who is an infranty player, however, with only 2.2m army, he could not defeat us, but he caused us more damage where we could not recover in time because we were waiting for an attack from Slayer Mee with her spearmen.

She was not that strong with spearmen and we managed to defeat her too, but just 9 seconds later DA SQUAD from NFI arrived with strong infantry and kicked us out of the castle. We immediately withdrew our armies and rushed to attack because we knew that only by conquering Glory could we avoid last place.

MUDKIP hit on Ches 2 which had female cavalry.

In the meantime, in addition to taking care of Glory, Stanko also had to defend Altars.

Since he sent his strongest army and dragon to Glory, he had to attack with T4, luckily the opponent was a horseman and Stanko easily defeated him. It was also necessary to change the army to Glory because the Slayer attacked. There are less than 20 minutes left until the end of the match. Stanko constantly sent his army to the defense of Altar. This was very hard for him and his army but he couldn't give up now, he had to show that he was worthy of this team.

We entered in the last 2 minutes to protect Glory. We expected attacks from Slayer and Ches 2.

Stanko saw that his army was not complete, it was risky to withdraw it but he had to, because strong attacks were coming. He managed to get it back while the opponent was still coming. He entered again in the last 30 seconds when an attack was coming from Ches 2.

However, then an unusual mistake of our strongest player happened. At the moment of defend, MUDKIP accidentally dissolved the castle and sent us home. We were all surprised and did not know what was happening because we knew that we would defeat the enemy, but there is no report. This was our big chance, we were so close to taking the castle, there was a Slayer attack left which we probably would have won.

Now we have to start all over again, there are 10 minutes left. We mustn't stop now, Stanko no matter how much he defended Altars, he didn't manage to defend everything and they lost some, so our only chance was to win Glory. MUDKIP immediately starts a spear rally on Ches 2 who was in Glory

Now we are starting the third chance. Maybe we'll finally get lucky. Time went on, so far we had only two attacks which we easily defended, but two more are coming towards the end. The first and strongest was from Slayer. This had to be defended and that is why, before the attack, Stanko withdrew his army once more in order to send the whole. 5.1m spearmen were coming, led by NK. This was to be or not to be for us. Stanko and the others were impatiently waiting for the blow. The whole match depended on this attack. Defense would put us in first place, defeat would put us in last place.

And yes! Victory!

We managed! This was a strong blow in which we managed to fend off perhaps the strongest opponent, and just 5 seconds after that attack came another solo attack that didn't do much damage to us. After these defenses, there were about 10 seconds left, which we impatiently waited for to pass and we could start celebrating with the conquest of Glory Castle and first place.

There are still 10 minutes left. Now we could play the match more relaxed, however, Stanko did not stop defending Altars.

Opponents were still trying to conquer individual altars, but now Stanko had his strongest army and he defeated them more easily.

We expected attacks on Glory Castle in the last minutes, however, it seemed that the other opponents also came to terms with the fact that we are the strongest and that they cannot easily beat us even though we played with 5 players. The fact that only Stanko did not finish in the top 10 shows how well they played.

But his role should not be underestimated, even though he is playing for the first time in such a coordinated team, he coped well, the defending of the most important Altars and sent T5 spearmen to MUDKIP who helped him the most in the defence.
