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Arena of Honor - Season 2 - Round 1 - Will changes in Arena of Honor stop us from winning?

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/05/2024 00:05
Edited by hadzy at 07/05/2024 01:05

Hello guys and girls and welcome to another story!

In this one I'm going to cover first match of season 2 in one of newest events - Arena of Honor!

First season was TESTING SEASON but now it looks like we have polished product that needs just some more updates and fixes to be as perfect as possible! Lets see if our crew will handle new matchmaking well or our opponents will be just too strong for us!

Lets see how are our opponents looking like !

Representing House Stark we have NBe alliance with 10 of their members!

Then for House Grejoy we have UTB alliance with their 10 members!

Third group that would be fighting with us represents House Targaryen and those are members of WAO alliance!

Now that we have scouted our most powerful opponents we get into the game!

Strategy stayed the same like in last Arena of Honor match,our goal is to use Watchtowers and Catapults to passively generate us points while we focus on holding City of Glory! But lets go step by step,first we take strongholds and make war camps that fits our rally leads troops!

Like always,we start match at bottom but climb our way to the top!

Those camps are of crucial importance for us since our strategy uses Main Castle City to maximum capacity.

Rest of Factions are going Trading Posts,that will let us have Watchtovers and Catapults,meaning our opponents will struggle in getting City of Glory!

Altars are oppening,we're deciding to hold our Altar of Stranger for that Deployment buff,that would mean our Main Castle City will more frequently send marches out and capiture buildings faster! But House Targaryen had other plan, WAO members rush to attack us,lets see how did that fight go!

Lord Dimebag had full counter here using his T5 spears and weakness synergy but me being reinforced was crucial to this report,even with full syngergy and troop type counter with enough troops Lord Dimebag didn't manage to win this battle and he got out with heavy losses! WAO members will need to rally us with full counter if they want to take Altar of Stranger for themselfs!

Lord Dimebag decided to try it one more time,even less losses on our side,he would need at least 3 to 4 more solos like this to even come close to victory! Healing will be expensive if he decides that's right choice,always remember to always plan ahead and never push your account over it's limits,sometimes it's just not worth it and it's better to save heals for another fight!

After some fights for Altars we have capitured all Watchtowers and we pop at the top of the leaderboard! Now our primary focus is to prepare for opening of Catapults and City of Glory where we'll have battle with other Factions ,we hope we can hold it and with it achieve maximal points that will give us maximal rewards!

We managed to get first Catapult and Dragonpit before City of Glory opens,but as you can see our Altars are constantly under attack by House Lannister and House Targaryen! For us City of Glory will be top priority since we'll most likely lose lots of Altars!

City of Glorly opens ! We fill our rally and send it to battle,let's see if we'll be able to hold!

First clash is with Lord Dimebag who managed to sneak in just before us,huge hit for us and their troops are totally destroyed,since it's bleed synergy versus weakness while also Infantry counter Spearmen! Great win for us,will be able to hold it?

As we can see,we did our best in defending it with only 6 people! We were hit firstly by 2 rallies and once I managed to ''refresh'' my march,but 3rd rally was full counter and we didn't manage to hold it sadly! But we won't give up just yet,we'll keep on pushing and maybe in next 20 minutes we'll have more luck!

We're back in but they keep attacking us with full cavs,we need to be better with our reinforcements!

This was decent try by UTB members but not even full counter was enough! Clearly better setup that orso has can't be that easly overlooked! They will need to sync 2 or more rallies if they want to get rid of us!

20 seconds before City of Glory locks to our side Nbe comes with another full cav rally!

But it wasn't full so it doesn't stand chance against orso and his infs! After this rally we get full control of City of Glory and we can focus on other objectives and buildings,what a great battle for us it was!

We've so far generated nice lead and we now go and hunt into Mine Shafts that opened now,City of Glory will lose it's bubble but we're sure we can keep them out of it easly!

And last but not least,we've let our opponents reinforce City of Glory and we decided to take some killing points by ralling them back,lets see how will my rally do !

They got hit by another faction just before our rally arrived so their numbers went down! Still easy victory for us and that secures whole match for us! Very well played by everybody on this map,was super fun and intense!

Thank you guys for following my stories about Arena of Honor,hopefully you're learning from them and enjoying them also!

See you guys in next story!
