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Siege Of Winterfell NW1 vs TQL

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/05/2024 06:31
Edited by nour_07 at 07/05/2024 20:22

NW1 vs TQL

Hello everyone, It's B A B A VOSS and I'm back with a nice story to tell like always, a story about two teams fighting for glory and win in the Siege of Winterfell event Under the cold shadow of Winterfell's ancient walls, two mighty alliances stood poised for war. On one side, the Alliance of "TheNightWalkers" NW1, led by the stalwart Starks and their Northern allies, their banners snapping in the icy wind. Opposing them, the Alliance "QuokkaLegion" TQL, commanded by Daenerys Targaryen, her dragons circling above, and her diverse forces from across the realms ready for battle. The air was thick with tension, each side bracing for the coming clash. It was a fight not just for Winterfell, but for the very heart of the North. As dawn broke, the first light glinting off frost-covered ground, the armies surged forward, and the Siege of Winterfell began—a test of courage, loyalty, and the will to survive the unforgiving winter.

As we know in our last story we faced an alliance called I4I and we were able to win this match with many gap points but they earned our respect for the best effort they made in that match.

In our next match we got an alliance with more power and strength called TQL and it’s expected for this match to be more tough than the last one for sure.

Preparations Phase :

Before the start of the while there is a preparation time for both alliance to get ready and all the players to enter the battlefiled and looks almost everyone was ready from both sides with swords in their hands and brave in their heart.

NW1 had good attendance in this match with their active players and teamwork, they regrouped in the battlefield and got ready for the fight.

Same as what NW1 did. Looks like TQL was ready for the match too and jumped in fast with all their good players and waited for the countdown for the start of the battle.

NW1 :


Start of the match 🔥

Match start directly with both side going ahead for their castles and taking it one by one and while we going ahead on the map we divided our forces to 3 teams.

Team A which is the main team who will go to the Armory, Team B who will go to the Hot spring building and team C support both team A and Team B till the package opens when all teams can regroup there for support.

Our plans was going well as we wanted for the Armory building as we successfully been able to secure it because we send our main force there with our Team A so but the problem was in the other side from the map, Hot spring building where TQL alliance focused more there and moved with their main forces there so battle was intense there for sure, they overnumbered us there so we needed support there.

And while we struggle(Team B) at Hot spring building , our main Team (Team A) who took Armory building, they tried to made their path deeply in the map to secure the Bases for the package later so they went to TQL base 1 and tried to take it but it was hard for us to take it as TQL was regrouping there with many numbers.

The battle continued like that during all the time between both alliances and from our side we were able to win the fight in the hot spring building and secured it but on the other side TQL was able to win the other fight and secure their base.

Looks like the battle was somewhat close and each side tried to secure his buildings and make points per time till the package countdown opened and this is what will change the match for sure.

Winterfell / Resource Package :

Once the countdown was done for the package, each alliance was already regrouped there with their fast and strong players who would take the package and secure it till they put it to their Base.

It was crazy, everyone ran after anyone carrying that package so it was so hard to move the package even a few meters lol.

Each package during the match was the same hard and same struggle as this one.

NW1 was able to secure 3 packages and TQL secured one and we were able to make some gap in points from these delivered packages from our side which can achieve a win for us for sure.

Message To my friend :

once the battle was active and during the intense of the fight, I met my friend there who is playing in TQL alliance so I wanted to sent my hello to her and give her a hug but I don't know why she was running from me lol “ I JUST WANTED A HUG “

Match results :

At the end of the battle we been able to win this match vs good alliance and made nice points by secure most of the building and delivered 3 packages during the match and here is the results and some reports and top ranked players in the match

