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K464 - Announcement to my future allies

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/05/2024 05:08

To whomever this Raven may fly to,

Good evening, I truly hope this letter finds you well. My name is Syri 'Syrips' Verzi, of House Verzi. As some may not yet know, House Verzi is a lesser House and ally to House Stark. ... I bid with you both good and troubled news.

The troubled news is that Lord Verzi, my father, has abandoned House Verzi, and allied with unknown forces. More unfortunate, he has changed his name and masked all information regarding his whereabouts. Due to this circumstance, my Maester has advised me not to speak to the public, until enough time has settled. However, I do not wish to keep my subjects and allies in the dark - even at the cost of my own vulnerability during this time.

The good news, is that I, Lord Syrips Verzi, shall carry the responsibility and leadership that my father has failed to achieve. I thank all my commanders, lords, and bannermen, that have claimed Castle Eyrie and Winterfell in my name. I apologize to all who have struggled to convince me to accept my title - fear not - I see your conviction.

I thank all who have stood, fallen, and survived beside me - as we shall continue to fight for Winterfell, even as we fight against passionate subjects who do not believe me to be their Lord. Please, do not carry a grudge against opposing Houses and subjects. In Winterfell, our Alliance and House accept all - regardless if they have danced with or against us in the battlefield.

~ Syrips of House Verzi, of Alliance K464[MTF] Delta14
