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The Queen summons Lord The Lord

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/03/2024 23:31

After the victory over the Night's King, peace seems to have come to Westeros, Queen Kitten Targaryen has focused her efforts on ensuring that the southern kingdoms are prepared for any future threat. After weeks of celebrations and rebuilding, King's Landing has established itself as the Capital of the World.

Kitten Targaryen has summoned the most important leaders of southern Westeros, including BlackL1on, to begin with the Lord The Lord. The most powerful houses must prove their ability to improve their territories, strengthen their armies and ensure that Westeros is ready for whatever may come.

Lord The Lord is more than just an event, it is a test of the power of each house. The great families, the Targaryen, Baratheon, Tyrell, Lannister and BlackL1on, will participate in a series of challenges focused on gathering resources, building infrastructure, military training and driving out threats across southern Westeros. 

The four great houses participating in Lord The Lord are key to securing the future of Westeros.

-House Targaryen, led by Queen Kitten Targaryen, who rules the Seven Kingdoms with Her silver mane, and mother of dragons. At her side are her two siblings, the princes Sylmenstra Targaryen, and Gorgar Targaryen, They are the protectors of the crown. two highly respected warriors of Westeros.

BlackL1on, having proven his valor and honor in the battles that liberated Westeros from the Night's King, has been rewarded by Queen Kitten Targaryen with the rule of Dark Vale. This city, the second most important in the crown lands, is located a few miles north of King's Landing. Dark Valley controls the passage to Dragonstone, Dragon Island and also the entire Blackwater Bay, which is the entrance to the capital. Dark Valley is indispensable for the defense of Westeros.

In the castle of Dark Valley flies the new flag of the Black Lion, given by Kitten Targaryen in recognition of his loyalty, BlackL1on is determined to give his all in Lord The Lord and prove once again that he is among the most powerful lords of Westeros.

-House Baratheon, aware that this will be an opportunity to test their strength and prepare themselves, has decided to participate directly. The Lord of Storm's End, determined to demonstrate the power of his house, will try to dominate the Lord The Lord. Although the Baratheons do not have the same wealth as other great houses, militarily they are one of the strongest houses.

Robert Baratheon, and his brother Stannis Baratheon, are two great warriors and commanders with great experience and are determined to reaffirm their position as one of the most powerful houses in Westeros.

-House Tyrell will be another major participant in the Lord The Lord. The Dominion is one of the most fertile and prosperous regions of Westeros, which has allowed this house to accumulate an impressive wealth and maintain a strong economy. However, despite its economic power, its military capacity has been a weak point. The Tyrell armies are one of the weakest armies in Westeros, the House of Roses inspires little confidence when it comes to defending the realm.

So Ser Loras Tyrrel, who has a reputation as a cradle robber and who is said to like men more than women, has decided to harden himself by participating in Lord The Lord and improve his house, and his prestige.

-House Lannister, despite its disinterest in the affairs of the throne, has decided to join the Lord The Lord event. Twin and his son Jaime Lanister at Casterly Rock, rule the western lands, and have one of the most powerful economies thanks to their abundant gold mines and trade.

The Lannisters possess one of the most formidable armies in the realm, and Jaime Lanister the Kingslayer is considered one of the best 1 vs. 1 warriors in the world.

The army is well trained and experienced, as Jaime was one of the saviors of the North in the war against the dead, which gives them a great military advantage against other houses... 

Queen Kitten Targaryen has insisted on several occasions on the participation of the Lannisters, so finally the Lord of Casterly Rock has accepted the invitation. 

Everything has been arranged. The night passes calmly. The great houses rest before dawn, aware that the trials of Lord The Lord are about to begin. Each lord and his army await the start of the competitions that will test their military, economic and strategic skills.

The next morning, the drums begin to resound in the city. Queen Kitten Targaryen, seated on the iron throne with her siblings, Sylmenstra and Gorgar, approves the decree by which the Lord The Lord finally begins.

BlackL1on, mobilizes his troops to the north to collect iron, grain and stone to restore the armories and strengthen the defenses of Dark Valley. He establishes several camps for gathering supplies in the surrounding lands.

Astas, located near the Camino Real, is the first collection point. Here, wagons are filled with grain, and miners extract iron from the mountains. 

Rsobo, on the outskirts of King's Landing, another camp is set up.

In Dark Valley, two camps around the castle, in charge of collecting stone for repairs to the walls and fortresses.

The last camp in Los Susurros, at the end of the peninsula.

At dawn on the second day, a scout arrives with the news that the King's Highway has been raided by a group of savages from Essos. The Antler harvest has been stolen, and the guards protecting the cargo have been killed. 

BlackL1on gathers an army to repel the plunder. The troops under the banner of the Black Lion march towards Astas.

Arriving at Astas, BlackL1on finds that the wagons are being escorted by the savages. The raiders' ships, stationed near the Trident, are waiting to load the stolen goods.

BlackL1on gives the order to attack. The battle is fierce, but after an intense fight, BlackL1on's troops destroy the savages. BlackL1on orders the wagons to be escorted back to Dark Valley but BlackL1on knows that the dangers have not disappeared. 

When the rest of the houses arrive at the capital to make the final tally of the first phase of Recollection several noble houses begin to communicate that they have suffered situations similar to those of BlackL1on. Pirates and savages coming from Essos have begun to land on the southern coasts and attack villages and farms The lords have had to fight battles to protect their lands.

The months the northern armies have spent fighting the Night's King have weakened southern Westeros.

Slavers and Dothraki raid for livestock and prisoners The Wildlings and the Eastern Pirates have begun to attack the entire South, forming alliances with each other and growing ever stronger.

Queen Kitten Targaryen holds a council with her advisors and the lords of the Houses to propose a response to this tense situation. She is concerned about the safety of her kingdom. And she proposes the creation of an alliance to face this threat together.

Despite this problem, the queen decides to continue with the Lord The Lord and the next morning all the lords begin the phase of construction and technological development of their houses.

BlackL1on goes to Marcaderiva and Rocadragon which are part of his dominions and has decided to carry out reforms and constructions in the island in this second phase of the Lord the Lord.

When he disembarks on the island he finds that it has been attacked. The island of the dragons, of House Targaryen, has been attacked by Essos. The dragon eggs have been stolen, and several dragons have been killed in their sleep.

Veighar and Caraxes have been shot with large crossbows and had no chance to defend themselves due to the surprise of the attack.

Scouts sent by BlackL1on find signs that a large fleet landed on the island, surrounding the defenders and destroying the ships protecting the harbor. BlackL1on. He leaves his engineers to work on repairing the damage at Dragonstone and returns to King's Landing to inform Queen Kitten Targaryen of the attack.

Kitten, upon learning of the loss of dragons and eggs, nearly falls from the throne, and is restrained by her brother Sylmenstra, who carries her out of the hall to her chambers.

Gorgar calls for an immediate council of war. BlackL1on wants to track down the Essos fleet that made the attack. He suggests using the remaining ships at Dragonstone to send scouts but Robert Baratheon suggests waiting and reorganizing properly, because he knows that the Essos attackers are already across the August Sea and may already be too far away to catch them.

The Lord the Lord goes from a restructuring of the southern kingdoms to preparations for an ENTIRE WAR against ESSOS. The Lords look at each other, understanding that this attack is a call to war.

The third phase of LordtheLord becomes a hard training for war.

Villages and towns fill with military camps, where men and women enlist for war. Robert Baratheon personally oversees the training of his troops at Storm's End, 

BlackL1on, in Dark Valley, his army and recruits new men throughout the northern lands of the Tyrell and the Lannisters return to the East and do the same.

By the end of the third phase of Lord The Lord, the troops of each house are perfectly trained and ready for battle. New recruitments have taken place, and each army is camped outside King's Landing, fully reinforced and ready for war. 

It is agreed that before marching into TOTAL WAR with ESSOS, South Westeros must be cleansed of Looters and Rebel Leaders and the security of Westeros consolidated before launching an assault on Essos,

All houses scour the south inch by inch for rebel leaders-looters-rapists-raiders-assailants and assassins lurking in Southern Westeros. 

-BlackL1on focuses on the north again and clearing their lands of Rebel Leaders.

-The Lannisters cleanse all of Westeros with Jaime Lannister in command and the Tyrrells do the same in the Dominion lands.

-Robert and Stanis Baratheon organize their own raids throughout the south of Bastion of Storms. After two days of hunting all the Rebel Leaders are killed or Captured and taken to the dungeons of King's Landing and the Rock, at House Lanister. All of southern Westeros has been cleansed of evildoers and rebels.

At the council the preparations for the war are finalized and it is agreed that phase 5 of Lord the Lord will be focused on the construction of a large fleet of ships, necessary to send the great army across the Narrow Sea towards the TOTAL WAR in ESSOS.

BlackL1on returns to Dark Valley and Blackwater Bay to gather his fleet and build some ships. 

In the Sea of Dusk, the Lannisters and the Tyrells build some ships and add to the ones they already have. In addition, the Lanisters buy from Theon Greyjoy 20 more ships from the Iron Islands.

In Bastion of Storms, the Baratheons complete the construction of 10 more ships, which sail from the island of Tarth to the Bay of Blackwater. This contribution is crucial to reinforce the total number of ships available for the war.

The House of the Black Lion, BlackL1on has managed to position itself at the top of the Lord The Lord, and although now the important thing is the coming war, Westeros knows that The Black Lion will be there to give everything for his land and his kingdom.

As the great army of Southern Westeros prepares to embark, reports come in that a large fleet of pirates and wildlings from Essos is preparing to intercept their ships in the Bay of Black Water. 

The Essos fleet attempts to block the passage of the Southern army. The queen summons the houses to coordinate the defense strategy of the royal fleet.

Kitten summons the surviving dragons and leads them to the Bay of Black Water.

All the ships set sail in battle array prepared for the ambush. As they leave the Bay, confrontation ensues and the ships clash with the savages and pirates in a fierce naval battle. Arrows fly. BlackL1on, leading the Vanguard engages the pirate leader's ship in battle. 

In the middle of the fight and when the pirate forces are forcing the royal fleet to retreat, Kitten Targaryen appears, mounted on one of her dragons, followed by her brother Sylmenstra on another dragon. The arrival of the dragons changes the course of the battle. With their breath of fire, they devastate the enemy ships,

BlackL1on takes advantage of the confusion and jumps onto the Bow of the enemy Ship with a few captains and engages in a final duel with the Pirate captain.

The pirate leader's men exclaim-shark-shark-shark, while their leader with an Eye patch and an imposing figure attacks the Black Lion directly.

The fight lasts a while and both contenders suffer several cuts, but the BlackL1on's solid armor and sword skills decide the fight, and The Shark ends up with the other Eye skewered by the Black Lion's sword.

The battle ends with the escape of the few pirate ships that have not been burned by the dragons, and the royal fleet sets out on the final voyage across the August Sea. 

The Battle of Blackwater Bay brings the great houses even closer together, now more united than ever. BlackL1on, along with Kitten Targaryen and his brothers, look out over the ocean stretching before them from the prow of their ship, and the flags of each house flutter in the wind, and the ships advance towards ESSOS.
