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All out war : The beginning

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/01/2024 22:06

A new session of all out war (aow) has begun. In this war there are 8 factions, each faction includes 3 clans and all the factions compete to add as many locations as possible and annihilate as many troops as possible.

In our group the factions were assigned in this way: “it will be a bloody war for sure”.

On the part of the shadow faction, there is:


For the Scarlet faction there is:


For the Misfortune faction there is:

DxD, DwW, 1RP.

For the Excelso faction there is:

Fs1, BBR, tNt.

For the Tempest faction there is:


For the Frost faction “my Killer Marta faction” there is:

G01, TgL, Lsk.

For the Eras faction there is:


For the Justice faction there is:


On my faction's side, we met up and had some initial contact. We created a Discord server, where we asked what assets we had and our goals. After some intense meetings, I think everything was somewhat clear.

The first thing we need to do is create resources. These resources are obtained by sending troops to the mines. Depending on the type of farming cart you have, you can access different mines. There are three types of carts:

1. Small farming cart - gives you access to harvesting grain.

2. Medium farming cart - allows you to harvest grain and silver.

3. Large farming cart - gives you access to harvesting all kinds of resources.

You must take this seriously from the start, as the amount of resources you get will determine your ability to create all kinds of vehicles, which will help you a lot in this event.

Once that was clear, we looked a bit at the opponents. This event was going to be pretty tough; everywhere you looked, there were very strong clans and big opponents. There was talk of trying to ally, but as of today, I haven't heard anything yet. So, if an alliance does happen, I'll talk about it in the next story.

Now, we would wait for the first resources to start coming in. Once they were in, as I mentioned before, we would start crafting farming carts. First, we would start with medium-sized carts; once we had those carts, we would move on to crafting large farming carts and continue harvesting as if our lives depended on them.

Once we had enough resources, the next step was to create small medical carts, and so we did. As the hours passed, all the machinery was working perfectly, so we started to make medium medical carts. We would need these for our first engagement.

It was 13:00 hours and, as logistics worked like clockwork, it was time to review the tactics for the server restart. In this restart, a new phase opens, where new objectives are presented and the battle begins. The objectives that open are the following:

1. Phase – 5: This is an exit door that can only be conquered by the same faction to which it belongs, so it is not very important. However, it is necessary to be quick; I will explain later.

2. Blessing City P – 7: If conquered, in addition to granting 1 point per minute, it will provide 10% in total attack, 10% in total health, and 10% in total defense.

3. Potion City – 4: If conquered, in addition to giving 1 point per minute, it will offer 10% in healing speed, which is very necessary in this event.

4. Blessing City P – 8: If conquered, in addition to granting 1 point per minute, it will provide, like Blessing City P – 7, 10% in total attack, 10% in total health, and 10% in total defense.

About the opponent check the top three positions of each clan of the justice faction

First PPS really seem strong.

The second to analyze would be BLS, they really seem pretty strong too.

The third and last of our opponents in the restart would be tSF, in my opinion and view, I think they are the weakest of the group, but be careful, you never know, there are times when the weakest becomes the strongest, but until you fight, you never know.

Well, having said all that and having analyzed the power of our adversaries for this restart, the most important thing is the number of active people we have, because speed does count. You need to conquer many towns to advance and declare war on those locations. If you manage to be the first to arrive, the adversary will have to first conquer the towns in that area and then declare war, waiting for their time to be able to attack. In this sense, the tactic consists of having many active accounts to move from town to town as quickly as possible and thus maintain the initiative of the event at all times.

What will happen? It is a complete unknown, it remains to be seen, but I will be here to tell you in another Killer Marta story.
