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Arena of Honor Season 2 Round 7 - The Return of the Queen

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/01/2024 17:29

Summer is gone, we're heading into autumn and as Jon Snow saying: Winter is Coming, for the [N0X] knights its time for another Arena of Honor battle. Our queen, Leandra De returned from her trip just in time for this battle so Shado, LadyKnight and VERGO returned, and the team got reunited in time for the battle. The knights took a seat on the round table and started strategizing for this battle, considering in the last battle building military camps went completely wrong, Leandra De suggested we go back to the good old trading posts and upon debating between knights, everyone agreed to building trading posts. Shado as commander explained that building trading posts means that [N0X] needs to be very careful to reinforce their House so it won't be lost.

For this fight [N0X] was on Tyrell's side and since only 9 knights could make'it, they were joined by Sheva K61 from [DUM]. On the other sides we have [BaN] fighting for Baratheon's, [NFH] joined Starks, [TME] fought for House Greyjoy, [CAB] on the Targaryen's side and [FuK] for Lannister's. Arena opened with the first 6 outposts opening and [N0X] knights rushed to get occupy them as quickly as possible and reinforces came for every building, so they can be leveled in time for the next set of outposts opening.

As agreed before the battle, [N0X] team build trading posts on the outposts, and Shado as commander did a quick map sweep to investigate what others were doing, and noticed that Targaryen's were building trading posts too so he made the call to not reinforce the House as it wasnt needed for this fight. Altars opened, [N0X] knights rushed for them and occupied them quickly, then reinforced them but one of them was still taken by DA SQUAD so Shado sent a spy to investigate and noticed he was running infantry, so he quickly assembled his infantry for a solo attack but DA SQUAD was reinforced and had a better commander lineup so Shado lost.

The battle for altars continued between [N0X] and all the other factions, solo punches were exchanged everywhere as every team was looking to get as many points as possible and keep their points advantage, Scouts and solo attacks were going every direction from [N0X] base trying to keep their base altars and occupy as many from the enemies as possible, but now it was time for the City of Glory opening so everyone's attention swapped to trying to occupy'it and get the first occupy points. While Shado kept his duty of trying to solo everyone from [N0X] buldings, VERGO, the [N0X] rally banner made a rally on the City of Glory to try and take'it even though [N0X] was facing a very strong [BaN] team.

Shado sent a solo to the Dragonbit and since it didn't break he was like: What do we say to God of Death? If a solo doesn't break'it keep soloing until it does. VERGO's spear rally was met with full force by [BaN]'s Th3B3ast infantry which did result in a large part of [N0X] spears not returning home from that battle so [N0X] guest Shiva 61 from [DuM] decided to go with a cavalry rally and see if that works and to [N0X] surprise it worked and they occupied the City of Glory but only for 30 seconds as a combination of catapults damage and rallies from all sides quickly swapped the City of Glory owner.

At this point [N0X] decided to give up on City of Glory and having trading posts build, that also means giving up to the first place probably. However [N0X[ kept fighting hard for every other building available as 2nd place was still in sight and they wanted the glory point for that placement. Everyone sent solos for every altar and when the enemies reinforced them [N0X] sent rallies trying to not lose even a bit of points. Especially the fight for Dragonpit was animated for the rest of Arena of Honor duration, between Shado and basically member of all other factions but he didn't gave up and kept soloing for minutes and minutes, putting a huge dent on the marching speedups, but he didn't care, all he wanted was the 2nd place and the 20 glory points that come with the placement.

Lastly it was time for Mine Shafts, the small mines that hold only 2000 points before being empty but they can be very important when the difference in points its so small, so [N0X] put in their last forces to try and get as many points as possible from there. [N0X] took some but sadly for them so did Starks that were occupying the 2nd place at the time. Despite that [N0X] kept getting the gap in points smaller and smaller and at the end they just needed a few more seconds to get the 2nd place but the end of battle sound was heard and upon checking the scoring board [N0X] ended up 211 points shy of 2nd place.

Ultimately [N0X] for 3rd place and 10 glory points for it but being so close of 2nd place left a bittersweet taste for the knights. Now there's 2 weeks to prepare and perform better for [N0X] hopefully they'll get back to the wins they had at the start of the season. Have a good one everyone, see you on the battlefield!
