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Siege of Winterfell - An epic Tale of the Battle of BaN vs HOH

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/07/2024 08:04

Siege of Winterfell - An epic Tale of the Battle of BaN vs HOH

The last rays of sunlight were about to vanish on the road from Kings Landing to Winterfell, casting a magical glow to the old, evergreen forest. Frost started to cover the lands when Lady Arthena and her husband Mighty Lemon, also known as Thor, were riding further North than they had in a long time. “It’s time to set camp, we need to be ready for the battle tomorrow”, Thena said while getting off her horse, already taking out a blanket while Thor was readying the fire to keep them warm. But why would they ride that far north and fight someone? 

The Siege of Winterfell was upon them! A battle, forged by the Seven where alliances battled each other to gain the most of Winterfell's resources, therefore obtaining points. They would benefit greatly by holding all Bases, the Armory and Hot Spring captured at the same time as those also grant high bonus effects like higher attack power or healing speed.  BaN’s leaders had called upon them to join their fight against the might of HOH, a strong alliance and worthy opponent for the still undefeated Bloods and Neurotics! 

In the first light of the morning Thena was woken up by the singing of birds around them, the fire had gone out hours ago. Still slightly cold from the weather in the North, she got her coat which she left with her horse and woke up the mighty spear warrior who kept her company and fought alongside her in any battle. 

“Wake up my love, we have to get on our way so we will arrive in time for the battle!”, she said while saddling their horses and grabbing a bite to eat from their supply. After a few minutes Thor was ready as well and they got on their way. Only a short while later, no more than 2 hours the sound of whetstones on swords got louder and louder, they were almost at the camp of BaN! Once they arrived it didn’t take them long to settle in and start their preparations for the big fight that was to come. Thena was about to put on her armor when her husband came into the tent. “Are you ready for the meeting?” he asked. “I will be out shortly, it shouldn’t take me much longer to set up for the fight”. And with that he left his wife alone again. 

A few minutes had passed, Lemon and the others were already waiting impatiently for the infantry warrior as they wanted to discuss the strategy for the match but also attempt to predict the enemies plans on where to send their marches to. Everyone knew HOH was not to be underestimated with their great number of strong fighters like the spear lord Grombold and Oni Fae who is one of their strongest infantry knights. 

As the sun climbed higher, the horns of war sounded. Arthena, Lemon and their allies all wait patiently for the battle to start, commanding three marches of troops, the banners of BaN fluttering in the icy wind. Their first objective was the Hot Spring. The healing buff it provided was essential for sustaining their forces during prolonged engagements! They also expected the full force of the HOH team to march directly towards the building as the effect was too great to give up on this early into the battle! 

The march towards the building was short, not one enemy was in sight. Cavalry marches of both sides were leading the way, racing to gain the bonus of first capture to secure early points. Upon the arrival of the first marches of cavalry followed by infantry and spearmen, the battle started to develop quickly, a messy fight arising within mere seconds. While it was hard to keep track of the location of their enemies, Arthena spotted Grombold, immediately sending her troops to target him as her infantry countered his spearmen, which she knew would give her a big advantage! Little did she know that she would not be encountering the troops she had expected… 

 Arthena led the charge of her troops, her sword flashing in the sunlight as she stormed into what would end up being her doom. Instead of meeting the spearmen she had hoped for, she was facing the brute force of cavalry! The only troop type that countered her attack! And not only was she now standing face to face with those troops but it was Ancient troops which she did not have at the time, giving Grombold a massive advantage against her, slicing through multiple soldiers of his enemy, leaving her defenseless until…

Out of nowhere, Lemons' force of spears came to rescue her from what would have been certain death! Aiming a spear directly at Grom’s Senelle who was leading the march he knew, if he hit that it would be over for his enemies troops, but what if he missed? Not having a choice he sent the spear flying when the time seemed to freeze just like the lands of the north were doing the same. Arthena only looked at her husband, not able to move as she was too afraid to see if he had missed or not. And then! A slashing noise was to hear, the sound of metal slicing through skin and bone! He hit! And although he hit the target, it was only her arm, causing the enemy to retreat to their base immediately to heal their wounded soldiers before any further harm could be done to them! 

And with that the couple moved their attention to Winterfell, the first bag of resources was about to open and it would certainly be heavily contested by HOH as it was the most valuable part of the Siege! Drilling their horses to go as fast as possible they were rushing towards the big castle waiting to meet the rest of their team there to support the cavalry knight Cherenkov in his quest of delivering the bag to their base safely. 

At the same time a smaller team of BaN’s warriors was fighting at the Armory which was only lightly defended by HOH, causing them to break through the enemies defenses quickly and without many struggles. The increased attack power was immediately felt as they continued to clash with HOH forces, driving them back stronger than ever.

When the timer had ended, Cherenkov successfully picked up the resources, facing surprisingly little numbers of enemy warriors to contest the points that he was going to deliver within the next few minutes! The bag goal was Base 1 as it was the furthest from the enemy while the rest of the team was in battle against HOH’s forces in Base 4, attempting to push them back further to their Outpost and ultimately block them from leaving their spawning base. 

And while each journey was dangerous as HOH forces might attempt to launch desperate assaults to intercept them, Arthena,  Lemon and other BaN members led their troops with unmatched skill, defending attack after attack.

Arthena's sword became an extension of her will against anyone standing in her way, striking down foes with precision and power. Lemon's spears were yielded like weapons made by the seven, defeating anyone who came too close to him. 

As the day wore on, the tide began to turn in BaN's favor. The effect of the healing buff and attack bonus allowed BaN to push HOH back to their spawning base. The once mighty forces were now confined, struggling to break free from BaN's relentless siege.

Sometimes HOH warriors attempted to break free from their prison by attacking the soldiers of BaN but ended up taking more damage than they did to their nemesis, ultimately causing them to surrender the battle. 

With HOH's forces in disarray and their resources secured, BaN emerged victorious. The Siege of Winterfell had been won through strategy, strength, and unyielding determination. 

“We did it!” Arthena said, her voice full of excitement and pride but also relief as she had expected the battle to be a lot harder than it was. Thor smiled at her, his own pride showing in his eyes, not just about their victory but about the progress his wife had made over the past months. "Together, as always.", was his response. 

As the sun set over the now blood-stained meadows, the couple and their friends were celebrating their second victory in a row. They knew at some point they might face even stronger enemies, however that would not be their concern for now as they had enough time to prepare for the battles to come. 
