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Arena of Honor, S2 R8, Bearface has a plan

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/05/2024 23:01

It was a mild autumn Sunday noon, and Rhaella’s inn, which offered special prices for the arena participants, was bustling with activity, serving early lunches and drinks. Banter and laughter was all around, but somehow did not quite manage to make it all the way in the dark corner where ChristianOr was drinking a cup of mead. Her mood was morose, as she had managed to lose not one but two steady arena teams. This led her to random join and the last such foray had left a really bad taste in her mouth. Just the thought that she would need to do it again in the evening was making her murderous.

She was so deep in thought, she did not notice Bearface till he was sitting across her.

Hi Chris, he saluted her apprehensively. His air of nervousness was so obvious she looked up at surprise. I am sick and tired of joining random teams, and I am making my own arena team. A cavalry infantry team, where i will be the cav rally leader and I would like you to be its inf rally leader.

Sure, she said. This sounded like music to her ears, and she had always gotten along with Bearface. Who else is in?

Bearface smiled shyly. 

I came to you first, would be a weird cav inf team with no inf rally leader.

But why no spear? she had become interested beside herself

Because the reinforcers do not have enough troops to cover for everything. Way i see it, i can handle inf and cav. Here he gave a modest smile, but truthfully his cav was exceptional, and I need you to handle the spears. I have booked a private room here in the inn, so as soon as we assemble a team we can talk strategy. We have about two hours to find members.

He seemed so earnest, and certain, that ChristianOr felt motivated despite herself. They rose and started talking to anyone they could find. Bearface was already talking to Ruffles McChip who was an enthusiastic regular of the inn. After a lot of hassling, Bearface and Chris were counting the team members and they were one short. The door opened and Chip walked in with Rhaella.

Bear don’t ya worry, he said happily. Rhaella will close the inn and help us.

But Rhaella, are you not spears? asked simultaneously Bearface and Chris

Good Heavens, I certainly am, said Rhaella brightly, but grasping the situation quickly, assured them she had a mean cav team also, and had no problem switching for them.

Finally they had a team, and Bearface had a plan. They barely had time to discuss and argue about it, when the trumpets heralded the beginning of the arena.

There was an air of nervous excitement and they were assigned to represent House of Baratheon. Their opponents were mostly unknown to them except for a very strong bow lead that was leading House Stark.

Bearface assumed command with ease. Chip was sent to guard their Clan House, and the rest started with the strongholds. Bearface was spying what the other Houses would do as from this it would depend which strategy he would follow. 

Okay, it looks like they will all go trade camps, except for two Houses that have chosen spear. So i think we should go trade camps also, and try to secure as many altars of Maiden as you can.

Why Maidens specifically? Rhaella started to ask but was interrupted by a loud shriek. 

House Baratheon had just been lost. Definitely not the glorious result they had been hoping for. ChristianOr started running but Bearface was faster and regained House Baratheon.

They looked around nervously. That was a close call. As their neighbours had started with spear camps they had no problem overrunning Chip’s cavs.

On it, yelled RedImpulsive. He was infantry oriented which made him ideal to hold the castle. The drawback was that they were losing an inf warrior that would not be able to help them as much with capturing altars, and mines as his lord was now proudly residing at Castle Baratheon. But since the alternative would leave them dead last, it had to be borne.

They started working in earnest. The hiccup with losing their House had left them behind in score, and had cost them some buildings. Normally this was the point ChristianOr would get anxious, but Bearface’s plan was not to spend themselves fighting for altars, except for Maiden altars. 

ChristianOr was so focused on fighting over the maidens, she did miss the opening of the dragonpits, but luckily RedImpulsive had a great vantage point from the Clan Castle and was helping by pointing where to focus. Bearface though was being very silent. ChristianOr remembered their dialogue at the strategy room at the inn.

So what is the plan? What will we do to pull ahead? she had asked.

I will go for Glory City, Bearface answered simply.

Glory City? she gulped nervously. Are you sure?

I always go for Glory City, isn’t that the point? he answered simply.

But, if we fail, we risk being last, she said.

And if we win, we will be first. Isn’t it the point of participation to win?”

Now was the time. She faltered for a second, maybe it would be wrong not to try to get the dragon pits and mines. What if they lost? Then she drew a big breath and decided to trust him. There was no point in being in a team if she did not abide by the leader’s decisions. So she kept her troops in reserve, and as soon as Glory City opened, she knew where she would find Bearface. Immediately she sent her troops to reinforce him.

ChristianOr was checking their reinforcements as they only had 3,4 m troops in the Glory City while Bearface’s rally size could accommodate at least 2 million more when the bow rally hit them hard and fast. Fully reinforced they would have won, but as it was they were ousted.

Let’s try again, Bearface asked his team. Let’s see if a full rally can beat him.

While the rally was being filled, ChristianOr once more turned her attention to the Maidens. If they failed to capture the Glory City those Maidens’ buff might save them from total destruction. She pounced while the not quite full rally started walking.

At the same time, Baratheons started cheering and she knew they had the city.

They won the rally but took a lot of their troops. ChristianOr saw with terror that noone refreshed troops and screamed in panic for new troops. But it was too late.

They lost, barely, but lost to a spear rally, which Bearface if full would have won, even if countered. Thay did not rejoice for long as House Stark with its bows, kicked him.

Again? she asked, turning to Bearface.

Yes, and we rally both of us. You hit first and I follow, as this way, if you take most of his troops out, maybe i will have left more for defending, he explained.

Immediately they called for the banners and the team, admirably, considering their lack of practice filled both, to the best of their abilities. On they marched, and Glory City appeared.

Will this work, you think, Rhaella? she heard Chip asking, but the din of the battle drowned out her reply.

ChristianOr looked at the scroll of the report and certainly was not impressed with the results. At this rate, Bearface would reconsider his choice of inf rally leader for sure. Bearface though upholding his part of the deal, had once more established occupation in Glory City.

Once more the defense of the Glory City started dwindling fast, and this time instead of screaming for new ones, ChristianOr decided to renew her own fast, but as soon as she left, they lost the city again.

Oh for Seven Hells, she yelled in frustration, while Bearface calmly asked her to double rally with him again, which she did eagerly.

Well it is the sign of insanity to do the same thing and expect different results, she muttered to herself trying to be philosophical in her disappointment. Bearface as usual, had no trouble capturing the Glory City one more.

She could hear in the background Red Impulsive pointing altars and mines, and while this helped them, in a way it was causing their problems as the rest had spear their armies too thin, not leaving enough troops to reinforce Bearface.

Everyone, reinforce please, Bearface asked, one of the few times he spoke.

But it was not to be. 

ChristianOr got so upset with Bearface going to all this trouble and not getting the Glory City, she soloed 3 times in swift succession. And although her solos were not bad, she could not win the city alone.

She turned to Bearface again.

I rally? she asked.

No, is time to call it, or we really will end up with nothing. I will keep an eye on the city to make sure no one captures it for more than 4 minutes, and we hit everything we can for points. Let’s keep the team alive in its first effort. He never raised his voice, but the team felt inspired and responded.

Attack Green, Red Impulsive, yelled at the top of his lungs. They are very close to us, if we pass them we might even get third place.

Christianor cast her eyes around and saw there were mine shafts with points left. She never even bothered scouting, if she lost she would heal. 

She would not let the team down, and from the looks of it, her teammates were equally determined.

Chip, reinforce me please, I need to keep the Altar for three more minutes, Rhaella was saying. 

You better buy me a cup of mead tonight then, Chip laughingly answered, but his face was grim as he kept reinforcing her, attack after attack.

Bearface, true to his word, unleashed his rally when he saw the Starks, close to occupying the Glory City for four minutes. If they accomplished this, they would get first place which would plummet Baratheons. Everyone held their breath, they needed this rally.

Phew that was close, RedImplulsive whispered, having screamed himself hoarse.

ChristianOr ignored him as she attacked one more mine shaft. 

Bearface was holding in the city, and perhaps they pressure was off, they were holding on for longer than usual.

Spears did kick them in the end, but Baratheons did not care. Less than three minutes remained, which meant no one would take the Glory City. 

Difference was very close and sweat was running down their faces from running to regain what they could.

The final countdown started and Baratheons as one turned to look at the ranking. And erupted in loud cheers. They had obtained third place. They had done it.

They headed back happily to the strategy room, where they stayed up till the small hours talking strategy and what they could have done differently. And as ChristianOr lifted her tired eyes and looked at Bearface who was talking animatedly with RedImpulsive about the merit of having the dragonpits, she realised they had achieved their goal. They may not have captured the Glory City, but they had something better. They had become a team, and that was the greatest prize of them all.
