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Arena Of Honor S 2 R 8

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/05/2024 05:53

A new round of Arena of Honor was beginning. The scoreboard was five minutes in and the faction castles were starting to come in. This time, our group was assigned to the Star House. As usual, Killer Marta began to look at what opponents we would be up against this time, and at first glance, it looked pretty tough: there were T5 infantry, T5 cavalry, and T5 spears, to sum it all up. Our group had spears and infantry, so at first, it looked like we wouldn't be able to take over the City of Glory this time.

This event is not just about conquering the City of Glory, there are also quite a few objectives to collect points. That being said, we decided that this time we weren't going to fight for the City of Glory, but rather focus on making as many points as possible. First, we would create trading posts and bring infantry troops into our faction city.

Once the scoreboard was set to zero, we determinedly rushed to create the trading posts. We quickly managed to achieve the objective; We created the trading posts. This objective is easy to achieve since you have no opposition to creating them. Now the next objective would come, which would be to get as many altars as possible, always prioritizing the Maiden's altar. This altar was crucial, since it generates more points from our trading posts, making it a key piece of our strategy.

The battle was fierce from the beginning. Many factions followed the same strategy as us, which made the competition even fiercer; if I sent my spears, an enemy troop with infantry would come to get me out of there. Then, our stronger infantry would get the enemy infantry out of there. In turn, they would send enemy cavalry to get our infantry out of the altar. So, it was a tug-of-war all the time; this was close.

Next to open was the Sept of the Seven. That location is important because it reduces the healing time of troops, so it was quickly conquered. The next location to open was the Dragon Pits. At that moment, it seemed that the attack on the altars was easing up a bit, which allowed us to act. With effort, we managed to conquer a Dragon Pit and, after four minutes of intense fighting, we managed to hold it. With the Dragon Pit under our control, we returned to the fight for the altars, which continued incessantly. Fortunately, we had several altars in our possession, which gave us a certain advantage. Our strategy was to be vigilant: every time an enemy troop tried to conquer an altar, we sent scouts to assess the situation and deployed the appropriate type of troops to prevent them from obtaining it.

The minutes ticked by and the development of the event remained the same: our altars were conquered and our effort was focused on getting the altars of the other factions to score points and prevent them from doing so. The next thing to open was the Mining Site. As our strategy was to get as many points as possible, we conquered the objective; this would give us 8000 more points once emptied and so we did.

Killer Marta, immersed in the task of securing the altars and accumulating points, did not realize how and when the City of Glory was opened. To her surprise, it had already been conquered. That was very bad news; surely, our chances of reaching the first place were fading. However, we had to move forward. From the beginning of the game, we had decided not to focus on the City of Glory, so we continued with our tactics.

The next thing to open would be the mines, and as we were short of points, we needed to conquer at least two. Each mine would give us 2000 points, which would be a huge boost to our score. So as soon as they opened, we charged towards them. And so it was: we managed to conquer two mines and reinforced them to the max to make sure that no one could dislodge us from there. Finally, we emptied them, adding valuable points to our total.

With 10 minutes to go, our scoreboard put us in fourth place, and that wasn't enough. We needed at least third place to get some points, so we had no choice but to grit our teeth and set out to conquer more Maiden altars. We had an advantage: many factions were still immersed in the fight for the City of Glory, which had already changed hands three times. I couldn't say exactly when this happened, as I was so focused on our objectives that I barely paid attention to what was happening in the city.

With this situation in our favor, the entire group began bombarding the Maiden altars. We even created a rally to award them as time ran out and the attacks followed one after another. We had managed to get two more Maiden altars, and the scoreboard, with 3 minutes to go, put us in third place. So we had to keep those altars at all costs.

The enemy attacks did not cease, but with a well-coordinated strategy and exceptional teamwork, we managed to hold our positions. Every second counted, and the tension increased with each attack. Finally, when the score reached zero, a great relief washed over us, it had been an extremely hard and close fight, where every move had been decisive.

The satisfaction of having overcome the challenge and having achieved our objective was indescribable. We had fought with everything we had, and in the end, it had paid off.
