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Siege of Winterfell Season 13 Fifth Match MBL vs WLB

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/06/2024 02:49

The thirteenth season of Siege of Winterfell had started to draw to its finish, but the heatwave that had hit Westeros had still to relinquish its fiery hold. The MBL warriors gathered reluctantly at the Great Hall of the MBL alliance, the night of their fifth match. Their season, so far, had been a lacklustre performance of two easy wins and two crushing defeats and most of them hoped that tonight they would win, so they could obtain their three wins and stop dragging themselves up and down in a battlefield that was more reminiscent of Dorne instead of Winterfell.

Their Queen, LAH appeared among them, with an easy smile and a quiet word for everyone. Those who did not know her, confused her kindness for weakness, but apart from PinkyOr the legendary knight, she was probably the strongest warrior of MBL. She started speaking, and such was the respect she commanded, that the irritable crowd immediately fell silent. 

MBL tonight will be facing WLB, an alliance we have faced in the past season as well, she started speaking assuredly with the confidence that she did not need to raise her voice to the slightest to be heard. As you may have heard, they have lost some of their strongest warriors to HD!

A collective groan interrupted her. Everyone remembered HD! as they had faced them in the first round of this season and were soundly defeated by them.

WLB, she continued, has made a request for us to grant them points so they can obtain some rewards, and in return they have promised they would not fight us hard.

But LAH, what are you saying? Lord Strandli interrupted her. You know that MBL, since last season, has voted not to disband, as because of disbanding we lost the chance to join UC once.

I am aware, Lord Strandli, she replied curtly. However since it was a gracious request, i am bringing it to your attention, in order to decide together.

A heated discussion erupted, as soon as she had finished speaking. Arguments kept flying all around, and the loudest of them all, were Lord Strandli who was against and ChristianOr who was advocating for mercy. The votes were evenly split, till inspiration struck Lord Strandli.

You are a chronicler of the land, are you not?

Indeed I am, she responded with pride.

In that case, do you happen to have scribed how our last match with WLB ended? He enquired of her. I do not like it one bit, but if they were merciful, I suppose we could be also.

ChristianOr immediately pulled a very heavy volume out of her armour, which made LAH wonder if she was lugging her Chronicles even with her in battle. 

Found it, ChristianOr yelled in triumph, but as she pulled out the barely legible scroll, a silence fell to the Hall.

No deal, it is, said Lord Strandli with an air of satisfaction, and this time, not even ChristianOr opposed.

MBL took their places in the battlefield, determined to fight their best. For once, they had the arithmetic advantage, as they had six more warriors on the field. As usual, the large force of MBL, marched determinedly for HotSprings, while a small force, focused on creating a diversion, headed for the Armory.

It was soon evident that the forces that headed to Armoury were just wasted as WLB sent a very nominal force and seemed content to abandon the left side of the map completely.

The MBL warriors that had chosen the Armory side were disappointed not to be able to engage in an intense fight, but they were professional so they secured Armory and proceeded to secure Base 3 as well.

In the meanwhile at HotSprings, MBL and WLB met as equals. Both alliances had even numbers, MBL’s arithmetic advantage neutralised by the soldiers that were on the opposite side of the map and could not lend their assistance.

ChristianOr drew her sword and held it up high.

Time to fight, she yelled at the top of her lungs. She may have been in favour of granting points to WLB, but humiliating defeats never sat well with her, and was eager to take revenge.

MBL forces rallied around her and they started to make their way into the circle. Determined they were, and even though it was not very honorable, she was scouring the WLB forces for their most wounded warriors, as it was easier to get rid of them fast, and would make the pincer effect of WLB less.

On and on she fought, and she realised she had drawn a force of six seven cavalry warriors of WLB that had focused exclusively on her. Her vision turned to blood, and she was taking heavy losses, but she was holding her ground. Only way to leave HotSprings would be in a coffin. She gathered her remaining strength, and once more she yelled her battle cry. Her heart was pounding loud enough to be heard, but she was trying to conceal it. They just could not lose, and with a last surge she started beating down her opponents.

Strandli, who was nearby, rushed to her side to aid her, and inch by bloody inch, they started gaining on WLB.

We are capturing, lass, he cried exuberantly.

She was again surrounded, but heard him, and gave him a brilliant smile. WLB was making their last stand, but MBL was finally overcoming their resistance.

And as soon as HotSprings was captured, the majority of the WLB warriors did not venture out of their HomeBase again.

MBL however was not taking any chances and secured all four bases to be ready for the packs delivery. But their diligence was not necessary, it turned out.

Packs started coming and going undisturbed, and MBL warriors were scouring the battlefield for any sort of resistance, no matter how small.

In the end ChristianOr spotted that in the Greyjoy Outpost Two there were twenty enemy armies. She was alone but did not hesitate, not even for a second. And she charged them, not caring she wildly outnumbered.

However she was soon joined by the rest of her bloodthirsty fellow warriors and in the end they camped in the HomeBase of WLB.

They had already started sharing ale and mead between them, celebrating joyously the third win of MBL in the Siege of Winterfell. And if once in a while a bow warrior set his arrows loose on them from the safety of his Base, they did not mind in the least.
