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Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/06/2024 06:32


Previously on the quest for revenge,

   We met two powerful warriors who seeked to gain dominance over Kingdom 229.

Our heroTheKillerFks was known for his virtue and strength and the other was named Nahash who was crafty and cunning. The two were once friends and fought against each other countless times in a friendly rivalry until one day their friendship burned into ashes. Nahash backstabbed his friend and attacked him while his guard was down; causing our hero to seek vengeance upon Nahash and hunt him everywhere he journeyed to.

Nahash later joined the alliance TQL and seeked to gain refuge in their kingdom until one day he got an unexpected visitor.

    Now ThekillerFks stands alone in a foreign kingdom full of enemies who would tear his castle apart at any given moment. These were the warriors of TQL who were ready to protect their kingdom from all intruders. He acknowledged and respected this act of devotion but since they were also allied with Nahash he vowed to attack anyone and anything for standing in his way of enacting revenge on his sworn enemy, Nahash.  Since TQL was renowned for their power and courage in battle, ThekillerFks knew he had to be vigilant if he wanted to survive and carry out his revenge.

    Prior to invading Kingdom 73, the young lord had decided to search for Nahash and make him pay for what he did to him.  A few days before the invasion began, he called forth his scouts and spies to see what information they could uncover about Nahash’s whereabouts. Though it was a tedious and challenging task that lay before them, they did not want to fail their lord and spent hours upon hours searching relentlessly for Nahash.  Eventually after a long while they returned to ThekillerFks’ castle bearing great news. They found where Nahahs was hiding!

This greatly pleased the young warrior as he now began to set forth and venture into Kingdom 73, a realm to which he had never journeyed. After a long journey, ThekillerFks finally arrived at his destination. Now this leads us to where we left off from before.

 KillerFks now walking on the grounds of Kingdom 73 was more powerful than before. This newfound power also contributed to his undying desire to defeat Nahash. As our hero continued his stay in his enemy’s kingdom, weeks were transformed into months as days passed by. 

TheKillerFks waited patiently and formed partnerships with other warriors who also disliked Nahash. Nahash was the one responsible for planning the downfall of TheKillerFks. Thekillerfks would not let this betrayal go so easily.  He practiced and fought for many hours so he could finally defeat his opponent. ThekillerFks also planned and plotted how he could catch Nahash silently and with surprise, perfecting his skills and focusing his mind on the upcoming fight.

TheKillerFks was aware that Nahash's troops, while strong, could still be defeated.

As the days became shorter and the nights grew colder, TheKillerFks put his plan into action, but there was a problem in k73 for ThekillerFks.  Nahash had TQL’s support since he was the master of deception and was very crafty.

Thekillerfks needed all the information about Nahash’s Castle to Defeat him properly.

The plan of TheKillerFks was bold and full of danger, yet it was his great opportunity to regain his honor and seek revenge. The army of TheKillerFks may have been small, but it was strong, made up of experienced soldiers and clever planners.

    One day on a peaceful and quiet summer morning, Thekillerfks stumbled upon something only he could dream about. He had found Nahash’s castle without a protective truce. However, being the great warrior that he was, he stopped and thought for a moment. He looked into his surroundings. Everything seemed in place, nothing was out of order but then he saw it. Coming from the tree’s was a bright shine that could only belong to someone that was armed. He found that some of the TQL fighters were behind the trees waiting for him to attack Nahash and saw that the reinforcement from TQL was already there.

. It was a trap set up by Nahash who cowardly used his allies to try to defeat and trick him, but Thekillerfks used his intelligence and outsmarted his enemy. found that some of the TQL fighters were waiting for him to attack Nahash and reinforcement from TQL was there already,

Nahash sends messages on World Chat to instigate Thekillerfks but, if he attacks him, his armies will be destroyed and all his hard work and efforts would only be in vain. After all of that TQL’s  DarthElrick invaded Thekillerfks family alliance 1ss in kingdom 268 and after killing one of his allies in k268 he lost his lord to aTree. Then he jumped back to kingdom 73 and the Hunter came to help Thekillerfks and seek revenge from TQL because he hurt his friend aTree.

Days passed and no more action came from either side. Thekillerfks couldn't go back to K25 ( His home kingdom) because he didn't have scrolls to go back and was trapped there for a while. For many days, ThekillerFks had been collecting scrolls so that he could return to his home kingdom because things were getting harder and harder.

 But time was running out and it was taking too long to collect scrolls, and Killerfks was in danger. Now Killerfks needed new planning, so he decided to join his comrade the Hunter’s alliance and be on the strong side.


Then he started gathering alliance coins to get scrolls, it was a big matter because 1 wrong move could destroy everything that had Killerfks planned for many months.

Killerfks gotta know that Nahash was going to invade k193 and prepared to attack in the next 1-3 days but Killerfks did not have full information now about where he was going to attack in k193. There was no location, no area, and no time. ThekillerFks knew nothing else about his enemy.

However, thekillerfks waited patiently for the right time and started to keep a watchful eye on Nahash. 

If he makes a wrong move he will be caught by Nahash and kill him on the spot. Giving Nahas the victory that was met for himself.

 He got to know he was ready to fight with the riddler then Thekillerfks prepared himself. Nahash started fighting with the Riddler and Killerfks was ready to hit him on the spot and seek revenge. Thekillerfks successfully caught Nahash, but he moved from that place again and then he saw Nahash again fighting with someone, and Killerfks reached K193 Now everyone will see what happens when you mess with the killer. Killerfks changed his gear to the fighting gear. 

Nahash was very calm and confident, thinking that no one would attack him because of his strength after beating Thekillerfks. This would become his downfall as one day Nahash was in the valley of the Kingdom K193 not knowing that  Killerfks was watching all that time. He was worried as if he had a powerful army sitting inside of his castle.

Killerfks got his attack report from somewhere. His defense was in Spear and Cav but his main line was Spearmen. Killerfks had infantry so he would destroy Nahash with his infantry troops, but Cav could hurt Killerfks. But, Killerfks decided to risk his life to get revenge and he launched an attack on Nahash Castle. Nahash was Surprised at how weak KillerFks got the power to attack Nahash. But it was too late to think or react to the attack of KIllerfks. Killerfks (BornInFire) entered Nahash's castle and killed all the Spear army of Nahash but Nahash ran like Coward with the help of the cavs .

Killerfks got success after a long time because a wise man said “Patience fruits are very sweets.

Revenge Sucessfulllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

After that day we didn’t see Nahash anywhere fighting with anyone.

Thekillerfks relished his long-awaited victory of defeating his foe. He gazes across the horizon at the last moments of daylight as the sun continues to set thinking of what future

now holds for him in his next battles.

Chronicler - kaneki ken
