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Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/03/2024 22:57

Season 2 of Arena of Honor Round 1 is about to begin and teams have a fresh start to achieve goals that seemed impossible in season 1. A new team has formed with Tanella, known as a plucky warrior with a sense of humor leading the group. The team consists of mostly NW1 members, warriors like GAGAS, BaRa whom have always trusted Tanella’s leadership. The group also has a lone wolf named KraKeNShroom, he joined at the last minute and wanted to prove himself to the group. Tanella and her crew want to start the season of with a bang and this will be their chance to quickly shoot up the rankings for greater prizes.

Tanella was used to coordinating with BaRa and GAGAS, “this will be like taking candy from a baby” she said. “We did well last season and we can do better in this one, “BaRa was looking forward to showing Tanella how much stronger he is. Tanella and her strong bound with her two friends plus KraKeNShroom’s fresh energy, the team is well-poised to take on the challenges of Season 2.

As this new squad entered the battlefield, they were filled with hope and dreams but that was quickly squashed when they saw who resided in the other teams. “I have seen Gaily before, we faced him last season and didn’t end well for us, “BaRa said. BaRa was speaking of House Targaryen and their powerhouse leader Gaily, things only got worse when they started mentioning other teams. Tanella started joking around and she always does “it could be worse, “she sarcastically stated. House Baratheon would need some luck to win this one, when looking around the competition seemed to be a step ahead when it comes to raw power.

Gaily and House Targaryen could be one of the teams to watch as BaRa had stated before. They had many strong warriors such as YUROK MASTER and Sashok086 to name a few. “We are facing small beans today and I’m hungry, “YUROK MASTER said. Tanella wasn’t afraid of losing but she didn’t want her team to lose hope, “KraKeNShroom is our secret weapon, trust the plan” she never missed a chance to bring a smile to the faces of her teammates. 

House Tyrell led by their strong bowman a b c d, has a team full of warriors that mainly used bowmen, as the match got into full swing, House Tyrell would focus of bowmen offensive structures for their strongholds, a fringe strategy but if anyone could pull it off a b c d would be the one to start the trend. 

Facing House Tyrell and their bowmen-centric strategy would usually be good news for Tanella and her spearmen weakness focus but the raw power of a b c d seemed to be too much for even a strong-willed warrior such as Tanella. 

As the alters opened up on the map, House Lannister got to quick work capturing alters and harassing their opponents with dive-bomb tactics, they wanted to spread their influence across the map and make sure their home alters were not the main battleground. House Lannister was led by the wily old fox Xkatana, whose wisdom would be an asset to most teams, his tactics of trying to focus teams on their side of the map has put his team into second place in the first 20 mins of the match.

The Dragonpits on the map have now opened up and House Targaryen have taken 3 out of 4 Dragonpits with the other taken by House Baratheon, Tanella herself held the structure. “We got one, we can still win, “Tanella laughed as she tried to motivate her team mates, BaRa was having none of it, “we are in 4th place, things are looking really bad for us, we need a plan.” GAGAS nodded in agreement with BaRa, “when the City of Glory opens, we need to take and hold it or we may even slip further down.” All teams were now looking towards the City of Glory to open up, as it would determine the rest of the match, teams in the bottom half would have a chance to win and the team at the top could lose it all, as always it all comes down to the Glory City. 

The City of Glory had now opened up, House Baratheon was busy trying to take another Dragonpit at that time, they didn’t focus on the City of Glory at first, which allowed their opponents to gain an early foothold in the City of Glory. The first to take the City of Glory was House Targaryen but it didn’t last long as out of the ashes came House Tyrell, who were in 6th place for most of the match, now had a chance to win it all. 

It was the lone wolf KraKeNShroom who took the City of Glory from House Tyrell and was now defending for his life. As always Gaily would have none of this and started his solo rampage, he would solo the Glory City again and again until House Baratheon was on the verge of defeat. “I can’t hold them off for much longer, “KraKeNShroom was worried for his team, they had gone all in with the City of Glory and forgot about any other objective. 

Gaily was not done with House Baratheon, he wanted total domination, even though the City of Glory was under the control of House Tyrell, he didn’t want House Baratheon to capture the Glory City as it would push his team into 3rd place. He continued his pursuit of conquest not caring for the losses his solo attacks would produce.

The City of Glory changed hands once again between House Targaryen and House Baratheon. YUROK MASTER was the warrior solo attacking and sending rallies from House Targaryen, both sides knowing that they didn’t even have control of the Glory City because they kept kicking each other out before the 5 minutes bubble could begin. 

In the meantime, House Tyrell continued to receive points and remained in first place because they were able to fully capture the City of Glory and the back and forth between House Baratheon and House Targaryen was playing into their hands.

The battle for the City of Glory has come to its final moments with House Targaryen launching another assault, this time led by Sashok086. The situation is dangerous for Tanella’s team and House Baratheon, who are both vying to hold their ground from rallies and solo attacks relentlessly coming from Gaily. With only 2 minutes left to capture the City of Glory and 20 minutes left in the match, this could change everything for House Baratheon.

House Tyrell with a b c d took the Glory City and it was up to Tanella to save her team from total defeat, “we must go for 2 rallies at the same time me and KraKenShroom will go for our last stand.” KraKeNShroom was not used to taking orders but this time he put his head down with determination.

Sadly for House Baratheon both rallies bounced off the City of Glory and it would seem in that moment went the hopes of Tanella and her team. “Atleast we gave it our all, “ GAGAS said. “I cant believe they were able to hold both rallies, “ BaRa looked disgruntled. Tanella shrugged “ I didn’t want the City of Glory anyway, they can keep it.”

In the end, House Baratheon ended the match in 6th place but they gave it their all, the back and forth between House Baratheon and House Targaryen gave the win to House Tyrell. Tanella looked at her teammates who were tired from the City of Glory battles and begins her speech, “I know we ended in 6th place but look how exhausted we are, that means we gave it our all and for that I’m forever grateful. “She continues on “look on the brightside, we couldn’t do any worse,” she never misses a chance to sneak a joke in. GAGAS and BaRa laugh with her, they both know the difference between 6th and 1st was a few minutes inside the City of Glory and they felt content with their performance. KraKeNShroom on the other hand sighs “we were very unlucky, Targaryen really didn’t want us to capture Glory City, “he knew how close they came to winning it all.

House Tyrell celebrate in the background of Tanella’s speech, a b c d seems very happy with his performance, he tanked many rallies and kept his team in 1st place because of his determination. “They never gave up and neither did we, that’s why we deserve this win, “his teammates nod in agreement and start the celebrations.

Tanella seeing House Tyrell celebrating, “look at them, that could have been us but today was not our day, we will learn from this and will become stronger than ever. “The Arena of Honor had taught them a lesson they will never forget, you can't put your eggs in one basket, they didn’t change strategy when things were still up in the air, they could have finished much higher in the ranking but choose to risk it all and in Westeros taking risks can be a death sentence.
