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Champion City Siege | HOH | W4R | SbG | WoW | NoS | Season: 50

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/06/2024 02:03

Between one match and another within their alliance, on rest days, the warriors of Westeros still faced numerous challenges. Confronting these challenges meant earning the best rewards to improve their gear, and that's why today Neik, along with his loyal friends Ferrious and Mayhem, were ready to do their best on the battlefield of Champion City Siege.

This arduous event guaranteed its participants excellent rewards, like Battle Diamonds, upon reaching a minimum elimination points quota. This was the goal for the members of HOH, but they knew they had a tough task ahead as their opponents were of the highest caliber, and achieving their target would not be an easy feat.

Once they reached the battlefield, they began preparing for the imminent conflict and looking for allies, as unlike alliance events, here they could form alliances with other members.

"Hey," a voice called from behind them. Neik turned and was pleasantly surprised to see it was Skuld! He was a powerful member of HOH who favored combat with his fierce cavalry, which was good news for them as Skuld's leadership would make their rallies more effective against rival infantry.

The battlefield, lit by the scorching sun and enveloped in heat, became a furnace of epic clashes. Everything was ready for the start of the match. There were dangerous groups like SbG led by BAIZIMING, certainly the favorites for the conquerors' throne today, but they would have to contend with NoS led by Wisnia or W4r by MightyRed.

Neik knew that 1.5 million elimination points were not many, but it wouldn't be easy for them to reach their target with opponents of this caliber ready to clash, unless they had a bit of luck.

And so, the fiftieth season of CCS began!

As soon as the city became available, the fastest to reach and take possession of it with swift allied reinforcements was Alan556 of SbG!

As predicted, they were the favored group to hold the city the longest, and they did not disappoint. There were no surprises for Neik and his companions.

"He is a warrior who prefers using infantry," said Skuld, who knew the rival well. After all, he was a warrior with a lot of experience and knowledge of his opponents, and he made that clear right away.

"Alright, I think you should lead our cavalry," replied Neik.

Not aiming to conquer the city, as opponents like BAIZIMING were far too strong for them, their strategy of countering the rival in possession of the city had always paid off until now. Neik knew that cavalry led by Skuld rather than Mayhem would be much more effective against such a strong opponent.

Without wasting any more time, the group began to gather their troops to strike at the rival!

Their strategy paid off once again!

Reaching the walls defended by the formidable rival, the attack led by Skuld inflicted enormous damage on the member of SbG, who simultaneously had to defend against attacks from other groups on the battlefield, causing significant problems. After Skuld's initial assault, the group quickly reorganized to launch as many rallies as possible, showcasing their efficiency in organization.

However, after enduring yet another rally, things changed!

Having been put in great difficulty and having reached the possession time set by SbG's strategy, BAIZIMING took command of the city!

"This could be a problem," Neik said to his allies, who then hesitated to launch another rally led by Skuld, who was ready to go. The rival this time was of an entirely different level and favored combat using spearmen, which would have been a bloodbath for the HOH member and his troops.

The decision to wait was an obvious consequence, but time was passing inexorably, and their target had not yet been reached despite Skuld's efforts.

"I want to try a rally myself," Ferrious said. "I want to test my skills and see how I fare against such a strong opponent." Neik understood what drove his ally to make this almost suicidal gesture; after all, he was also curious to test his abilities. So he said, "Alright, but I want to do it too!" He had now set this crazy goal in his mind, and no one could change his mind.

Thus, the plan was to strike the city first with Ferrious's infantry and then with Neik's spearmen!

And without any surprises, both sieges were won by the defender from SbG!

The rival's combat skills were incredible, managing to overpower Neik's spearmen and even Ferrious's infantry.

After these failed attempts, the group decided to wait for a rival more within their reach. BAIZIMING wouldn't hold the city for the remaining time, as he aimed to secure second and third places in the battle for his teammates. This was when they planned to strike!

As the sun began to set and time was running out, suddenly...

"We're ready," Skuld began upon returning from reconnaissance.

HOH's member, undoubtedly the quickest in reconnaissance thanks to his cavalry, returned from the city with new information.

"At the city's defense is Algoss, an incredible rival from SbG who fights using Female-Cav formation," once again his knowledge proved incredibly useful. "I suppose it's your moment," Ferrious added, turning to Neik who was eager to lead an assault against a rival within his reach, as it entered its final stages.

Neik carefully plans the assault, gathering as many spearmen as possible and demonstrating his leadership skills.

The group's attack was a success!

The counter worked perfectly, unlike what happened against such a strong rival as Baiziming, and they emerged victorious from the siege! In euphoria, Neik decided to launch another attack immediately. However, during the march, Skuld caught up with him and informed him that Algoss had been displaced by another mysterious rival of whom they had no information — ChainsawMan! Despite reaching their target with the previous attack, Neik's objective remained to strike the city under all circumstances, and so it was.

The clash between the two put the HOH member in great difficulty. The defender used Spear-Weakness Formation just like Neik, but his combat skills surpassed Neik's. After a prolonged battle, Neik had no choice but to retreat, suffering a painful defeat in battle.

"You were a bit reckless," Skuld reproached him once they returned to base, adding, "It's better to avoid attacking opponents when we have little information about them."

"You're right," Neik admitted. "But it was the last attack since we reached our goal, and I was curious to see how strong the rival was to have ousted Algoss," he said, smiling. Despite the defeat, he was satisfied to have put up a good fight.

With no need for further attacks, the HOH group decided to wait for the match to end, which came just a few minutes later!

Without any major surprises, BAIZIMING ascended to the conqueror's throne. For him, it was a relatively straightforward challenge, aided by the massive presence of allies in SbG providing reinforcements against opponents of his combat level. Following him on the podium were Alan and Algoss.

The eliminations achieved by Neik and his companions were sufficient to obtain the predefined reward of 60 Battle Diamonds, valuable resources to enhance their equipment for future challenges.

"Thank you for the tremendous support, you were crucial today," Neik said to Skuld.

"Thank you to you," Skuld replied. "I was uncertain coming here today, but when I saw you, I knew we could collaborate to achieve our goal together smoothly." With these words, Skuld bid farewell to return to his own kingdom.

And so ended the fiftieth season of Champion City Siege. The members of K345 fought well today against formidable opponents, but the question remained: would they ever manage to contend for the conqueror's throne, or would they have to settle for the (albeit valuable) lesser prizes available?

Only time will tell. Stay tuned to discover the fate of these brave warriors!
