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SKR's first round of SoW

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/04/2024 17:15

It was a freezing winter night, typical for the Siege of Winterfell season. But there was no time to shiver, for it was the first round of Season 13, and SKR was ready to showcase their hard-earned improvements over the last match of theirs, now fully motivated to aim for greater heights. Their past successes on the battlefield had bolstered their confidence, propelling them toward their goals with determination and high morale. Despite their historical struggles a few seasons ago, they were set to prove everyone that they can keep a run of good wins and seasons. They were led by experienced warriors like Bower, who was their duke and second strategist, but also the one who had guided them through their best seasons. SKR was now entering the first round of the 13th season in the Super League, aiming for the top 100 and the rewards for the SS castle skin, they needed the shards desperately.

Their goals were clear: break into the top 100 and secure at least three wins this season. Achieving this required a strong start, and their spirits were high from the past season. Yet, Sir ST, the strongest fighter of SKR and leader strategist, couldn’t shake the feeling of the formidable opponents they would face. WLB, their first opponent, was a strong alliance, and Sir ST knew they would need to strategize carefully.

As the leaders gathered in the Alliance Hall, Sir ST noticed Bower's worried expression. But he was not worried, as despite Bower’s anxiety, everyone knew his leadership had united the team through past mergers and struggles, pushing them to their state of today, which they were very happy with. Their unity could make any strong alliance jealous.

With everyone assembled, Bower spoke firmly, “We’re up against WLB. This will be a fierce fight. We need to show them we can pose a threat at all times!” The team knew this was a critical match as it could push everyone to fight even more in the next rounds and this would in turn give them a better chance at reaching their goals. Should they win, they hoped for an easy opponent in the next round, but Sir ST relished a challenge, eager to test SKR’s strength and strategies.

Bower continued, “The plan is to fight on two sides of the map: the Armory team and the Hot Springs team.” This tactic had worked well in their last season, as they employed it in every match, and they were confident it would work again. Their objective was to control key buildings, then converge on Winterfell and fight off any remaining enemies. With the goal to reach the top 100 and secure three wins, they were determined to put up a good fight.

Led by Bower, the fighters departed for the battlefield. The journey was cold and treacherous, but their resolve was strong. Arriving on the battlefield, the pressure was palpable. The SKR members felt the weight of the upcoming fight against WLB’s powerful forces.

The battle began, with SKR splitting its forces between Hot Springs, and the Armory. WLB focused predominantly on the Hot Springs, aiming for the healing buff but still sending a weaker army towards the Armory to put up a good defense and stall SKR with all that they could. Sir ST led the charge on the right side of the map, heading into the mightiest part of the enemy army.

A fierce fight erupted at the Hot Springs. Despite being outnumbered, Sir ST’s leadership and combat prowess turned the tide. He fought valiantly, keeping the enemy at bay, buying precious time for SKR’s left side to secure other objectives. His relentless efforts began to shift the battle in SKR's favor.

Meanwhile, at the Armory, Bower led his forces with precision and strategy. The fight was intense, but SKR’s well-coordinated efforts prevailed. Both the Hot Springs and Armory were now under SKR’s control, tipping the balance of the battle.

With the key points secured, SKR pushed forward towards WLB’s bases. Sir ST, invigorated by their success, led his forces to capture the bases and then the outposts. The battles were brutal, but SKR’s determination and unity shone through. They overwhelmed WLB, capturing bases and back-to-back outposts and pushing their opponents back to their spawn points.

The final push was a display of SKR’s strength and strategy. Sir ST and his team fought tirelessly, driving WLB to the edge. Their opponents, now confined to their spawn points, could only watch as SKR secured a decisive victory. The battlefield was littered with the signs of their triumph.

As the dust settled, Sir ST reflected on the victory. “We did it,” he thought, feeling a mix of pride and relief. Their strategy had worked flawlessly, and their improvements were evident. SKR’s confidence soared, knowing they had started the season with a strong victory.

The road ahead would still be challenging, but this win set a powerful precedent. SKR was ready to face whatever came next, with Sir ST and his comrades leading the charge. The first round of Season 13 had ended in triumph, and SKR’s journey towards the top 100 continued with renewed vigor and determination.
