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SKR faces GeN in their second round of SoW

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 07/04/2024 17:16

The night air was crisp and cold, the kind that cuts to the bone, typical for the Siege of Winterfell. The fighter of SKR, readying themselves for the fights to come, however, had no time to dwell on the chill as they needed to be ready for the second round of Season 13 of the event, as it would prove to be an important round for them down the line. Their victory in the first round had filled them with confidence, their morale high as they aimed for even greater heights.

The stakes and goals were clear to everyone in the alliance, they had to break into the top 100 and secure at least three wins this season to claim the rewards in SS castle skin shards and make a name for themselves in Westeros once again. Their previous success had set the tone for how they want to advance into the competition, but Sir ST, SKR’s most formidable fighter and lead strategist on the Hot Springs side, knew their journey was far from over and that it was only going to get harder and harder with every single passing round. Tonight, they were going to face against GeN, a renowned alliance known for their tactical prowess.

As the leaders met in the Alliance Hall, the tension was palpable ahead of the match, as the anticipation was very high. Bower, the duke and second strategist, addressed the group with a steady voice in order to try and motivate everyone further for the match. “GeN is our opponent tonight. This will be a fierce battle, but we must demonstrate our strength and unity once again, fight like you always do, we can do this.”

The plan was to split their forces between the Hot Springs and the Armory, a strategy that had served them well before, but this time Bower had wanted a special team. He gathered a few fighters and informed them of a secret mission. Controlling these key points was essential before moving to secure the enemy bases. The fighters of SKR nodded in agreement, ready to execute the plan given by their leader.

The journey to the battlefield was tough, the wind howling and snow biting at their faces through their armor. Yet, despite these difficulties caused by the weather, the warriors of SKR marched determined to win, that was their only thought. As they arrived, the anticipation was electric, they knew GeN would not be an easy foe.

The battle commenced almost immediately after arriving onto the field, with SKR dividing their forces as planned, GeN seemed to do the same with great confidence that they could withstand the incoming army of SKR. Sir ST led the charge at the Hot Springs as usual, where the fiercest fighting was expected, and looking ahead at the incoming forces, that seemed to be the case. GeN had heavily fortified their army and went to the HS area, hoping to gain the healing buff that was crucial for continuous combat. Simultaneously, Bower directed the assault on the Armory, facing a well-prepared but slightly weaker force.

At the Hot Springs, chaos reigned. Sir ST, with his trusted blade Eternal Winter, the Night King's weapon, gleaming in the moonlight, charged headlong into the enemy lines. His movements were a blur, a deadly dance of steel and fury. Outnumbered at the moment but unfazed as his leadership and combat prowess began to turn the tide by itself, he was the difference-maker. His fierce fighting inspired his comrades, holding the line and buying time for SKR's left flank to secure the Armory. His relentless assault was a masterclass in battlefield strategy, gradually shifting the momentum in SKR's favor.

On the other side, Bower's forces engaged in a brutal struggle at the Armory. With precision and coordination, SKR managed to outmaneuver and overpower GeN, securing control of this critical building on the map. The balance of power tipped decisively towards SKR.

As the battle raged on, a group of mysterious figures emerged from the shadows. Clad in dark cloaks and moving with eerie silence, they were a part of SKR's forces. Sir ST recognized them immediately - they were the men which Bower talked to before the match,, an elite group of warriors sworn to aid those who fought for justice and honor inside SKR. Their intervention on Armory and also Hot Springs in mere seconds apart, was timely, as they swiftly dispatched several of GeN’s elite fighters, turning the battle further in SKR’s favor.

With the Hot Springs and Armory under control, SKR launched a coordinated offensive towards GeN’s bases. Sir ST, invigorated by their success and bolstered by the presence of the fighters that Bower prepared with instructions, led his forces with renewed energy. The battles for the bases were intense, but SKR’s unity and determination shone through. They captured the bases and then the outposts, systematically dismantling GeN’s defenses.

As the dust settled, Sir ST surveyed the field. The signs of their victory were clear, and pride welled up within him. “We’ve done it again,” he thought, satisfaction evident in his eyes. Their strategy had been executed flawlessly, and their improvements were undeniable. SKR’s confidence soared, knowing they had secured another crucial win.

 SKR was ready to face whatever came next, with Sir ST and his comrades leading the charge. The second round of Season 13 had ended in triumph, and SKR’s journey towards the top 100 continued with renewed vigor and determination. Their resolve was unshakeable and hope towards the top 100 was undeniable.
