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Ashun's last KvK with K130

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/28/2024 18:23

In the month of June, the Kingdom versus Kingdom event was still yet to arrive in Westeros. It was an event where one would test his prowess in combat against opponents of the same calibre, obtaining great rewards in return. All Kingdoms across Westeros were going to clash in incredible fights which were going to be remembered in the history of their land. A victory or a loss, they were both bound to influence the fighters in the next events, as they lead to either calamity for their morale, or an incredible boost, which would push them forward to even greater heights.

One of the motivated yet distraught fighters this time around was Ashun, whose expertise led him a great length both in K130 and the Kingdoms before it. He is a great fighter of BaN, a newly merged alliance that aspired to win everything. They were a great reason why Ashun wanted to be successful and partook such great battles. However, in the Kingdom that he resided in, there were no BaN members, only SKR, his previous alliance with whom he was on friendly terms with, allowing him a place to belong to.

However, as Ashun's competitiveness grew, he knew he could not stay in K130 for too long, and would have to move closer to the BaN fighters. This was a dilemma for him, as he had to choose between friends and his desires, a complicated choice which was bound to have him give up on one or the other. Thus he seeked council from one of his best friends, Sir ST. He is one of the most prestigious fighters of SKR, with incredible prowess and resolve, as well as feats on the leadership of SKR, where his expertise would bring nothing but what he needs for Ashun in this situation.

''Tell me dear friend, what is on your mind?'' Sir ST asked, just as he saw Ashun in front of his doorstep. ''I am facing a dilemma, you're the only one I can turn to for this.'' Ashun responded. Thus their talk had started, Ashun explained his needs and wants, whilst Sir ST sat quietly, fully taking in everything that was said by his friend.

Once Ashun finished his part, Sir ST had only one sentence to say: ''Set your heart ablaze this next KvK, let your feelings during the fight decide for you.''. Ashun understood the meaning of his words and motivated tone. Sir ST wanted for Ashun to focus on the desires burning deep within him, they would decide if he values fighting above being close to his comrades who may not be able to provide the same level of combat. With this one sentence said, they smiled at each other, parting ways until the KvK arrived.

As the KvK had arrived, K130 got notice of their opponents, they were the neighbouring kingdom, K129, someone they were unfamiliar with, thus Ashun took it upon himself to quickly start scouting the area. The intensity and terror caused by the scouting would put many of the normal fighters under immense pressure, causing themselves to be caught by the enemy, but Ashun was no ordinary fighter, his skill in reconnaissance surpassed some of the best. He was quick to notice that the opponents stood no chance against anyone from K130, the event was a mismatch.

To be able to see if any of the opposition reacted, Ashun started hitting gathering sites, something that would usually trigger the opposition, causing them to let feelings get ahead of them, such as fury, something that would be bound to make their fighting reckless. Nonetheless, there was no reaction, Ashun was getting the kills for free.

As Ashun was attacking gathering sites, he had grown tired of it. He had noticed some castles dropping their shields, but they were low rated, he knew he would not obtain much from such discrepancy in power, but he had to get his rewards in one way or another. Thus he struck the castles and ventured back to k130.

After his attacks, there seemed to be no one to dare try and unbubble, marking the end of a noneventful KvK. Ashun had set his heart ablaze, giving it his all, but there was no opposition, leaving him with a feeling of emptiness inside. He was only left to process his feelings about his choice.

It took him a good while of looking within himself and the results of past KvK's, and eventually, it led him to the choice of leaving K130. He ventured once again to Sir ST's house to say his goodbyes, but once he reached his home, it was empty, with a note on the table wording: ''Good luck on your new ventures, we will be here for you should you need us in the future.''. Now his alliance awaited his arrival.
