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Wars & Stories in Westeros Siege of Winterfell
Article Publish : 06/26/2024 07:10

As Siege of Winterfell Season 13 Round 4, the clash between NWL and jPN promises to be an exciting meeting with high stakes. The outcome will significantly affect the path of Season 13, whether both sides will have a chance to go further in the event with Siege of Winterfell also having an ultimate tournament being added to the competition.  

The clash between NWL and jPN in Round 4 of the Siege of Winterfell is a battle for survival in the tournament. For NWL, led by Stalkerz379 and tengiza, the path to victory lies in careful planning and the ability to outnumber their opponent. Stalkerz379 knows NWL stands a strong chance of keeping their tournament hopes alive and creep closer to the goal of reaching ultimate tournament.

With tengiza leading the charge of NWL’s main force, his strategic insight will be crucial in directing real-time orders while heading towards the hot springs, a vital strategic location in the Siege of Winterfell.

On the other side stands jPN, sh1no and his commander CHOBI leading jPN, they face a difficult trial in defeating NWL, especially with tengiza's strategic knowledge of the battlefield. Sh1no's belief in a focused, overwhelming force approach could be the key to their success. The will want to overpower one side of NWL before engaging the rest, jPN can potentially put a spanner in NWL’s plans and gain a strategic advantage.

Commander CHOBI, while originally considering splitting their forces to target both the armory and the hot springs, he eventually recognized the value in following sh1no's plan of an overwhelming assault. Commander CHOBI knew sh1no's power would be the difference maker and decided to fully support the unified approach. Having trust in their leader would be crucial for jPN to successfully challenge NWL.

The armory a strategic structure that would give the occupants an attack power buff would be crucial to both teams. As the match got underway, scouts came back into NWL main camp, “we see jPN all facing towards the hotsprings, “Stalkerz379 gave a nod to his commander. “We should all head towards the hotspring,” commander tengiza said. With the intel that jPN is focusing their efforts on the hot springs, NWL's strategy needs to adapt swiftly to counter this movement, Ba1erion who would usually head towards Winterfell would now go with a small team of 5 towards the armory, while the rest of NWL head towards the hotsprings to face jPN.

The hotsprings would give the occupants a healing buff, this would be a crucial advantage to the team who held it. Sh1no and commander CHOBI start the charge towards hotsprings, “looks like they are all coming towards hotspring as well” CHOBI whispered to sh1no, “I will show them no mercy,” sh1no seemed angry. As sh1no and commander CHOBI lead their charge towards the hot springs, the realization that NWL had so quickly foiled their plans, made things worse for jPN. It did not help that NWL outnumbered jPN, sh1no was counting on NWL being split up but now he would have to show NWL why he was considered such a formidable opponent.

As the battle started at the hot springs, the odds appeared stacked against jPN. Despite being outnumbered three to one and lacking the attack buff that NWL gained from capturing the armory, sh1no's rage and power kept him in the fight, cutting down any NWL warrior who dared to challenge him. Commander tengiza, aware of the power of sh1no remained focused on the battle, he shouted “victory is near,” while he cut down some of the jPN warriors in his way, directing his forces to target weaker enemies and gradually close in on sh1no. 

With the hot springs firmly under NWL's control, jPN was finally pushed back despite their fierce resistance. NWL now holds both the hot springs and the armory, giving them a considerable advantage. Sh1no and commander CHOBI must now come up with a new plan to counter NWL's dominance and reclaim the battlefield.

With NWL's sustained destructive advance, they now control the Greyjoy Outposts and have managed to surround jPN, pushing them back towards their main base. “Once we have them cornered, this will be over, “Stalkerz379 shouted. Stalkerz379, confident in his warriors, now plans to corner and crush jPN to secure a decisive victory. Seeing jPN in this dire situation, CHOBI now confronts sh1no, “why did we give up the armory side of the map, “he demanded an answer. With the same angry face sh1no looked at CHOBI with disgust “you dare challenge me? “CHOBI quickly put his head down as he saw the red in sh1no’s eye’s, something he wished he had never seen.

As Ba1erion and his five warriors secure the package from Winterfell and make their way to Base 1, Ba1erion and his crew describe being in an alternative reality where there are no opponents as they travel the battlefield, “there is no one here,” Ba1erion echoes into the wind. Compare that with the devastation happening to jPN on the other side of the battlefield. With the crucial package in their possession and no immediate threats in sight, Ba1erion and his team now talk amongst each other freely without a fear in the world.

Inside their base camp, jPN's leadership assembles to devise a plan to counter NWL's crushing domination. “Should we use the trick again,” CHOBI says to sh1no. “I don’t think that trick will work again brother, not against this opponent.” Sh1no scratches his head “maybe a diversion will work?” CHOBI looks at some of his men, sending some of the cavalry out could work but we would lose a lot of good men. “I have already sent some men, long ago, they were hidden inside Winterfell itself.

On the other side of the battlefield, a group of hidden warriors that were mentioned by sh1no have successfully taken Stark Outpost 1. This move could lead to the comeback of the century, it forces NWL to divert forces to the other side, which is what sh1no was waiting for.

As NWL fights to reclaim Stark Outpost 1, they also aim to secure the package but this time face resistance. With only six minutes remaining in the match, the battle for control of the package becomes even more critical, jPN need every point they can get if they wish to stay in the top 50 of the leaderboards. 

As sh1no had planned most of NWL went to the northern side to take back what they had lost, leaving the southern side of the map unguarded, sh1no and jPN broke out of their main base and had taken Base 3, which they used to secure the package and score much needed points.

In the final moments of the match, NWL's numerical advantage played a massive role in securing their victory. Despite a valiant effort by jPN and their leadership, the combined strength and coordination of NWL played a decisive role. As both Stalkerz379 and tengiza embrace each other on a job well done, they both took time to say some good words to their teammates, congratulating each warrior on their team work, not really mentioning the final 15 mins of the match, which may come to haunt them in the future.

Sh1no and CHOBI came close to something special at the end but ran out of steam once NWL realized what had happened. The experience highlighted areas for improvement such as attendance to the matches which they will have to resolve sooner rather than later.
