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Lost Realm for SFu dragon slayers vs Dragon Priest

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/01/2023 06:54

The Lost realm.

This event brings out the best, and the worst of us.

It is very important to understand what is happening on the battlefield, fighting Dragon Priest or the Dragon.

But each time you see who are people just going in the game, not checking how to maximize (or optimize) their performance, just going in, doing what they think is the best.

In Lost real, strategy and team work is also very important, same as in AC or SoW or AoW etc

What are the basics: you need to heal your troops as sometimes the enemy Boss is so strong that it kicks you out of your shoes or smashes you like a fly.

But the catch is to keep giving damage to the Boss, while having enough healers to support..

Balance between fighters and healers is most important.

Time to kill the Boss is limited, and once you get killed, there is no resurrection mode. Also there is no way to reset your deployment. So you must be careful to set it correctly.

And on top of all, there is no refill of the grain, a resource for healing other players.

Healers for their safety are to go with bows only, healing from distance, and after they spend all grain, attack the dragon from distance.

Also healing a limited number of designated fighters is smart use of resources.

If your health is too low, it is best to get back to more distance, and there you can be healed.

And also, it is very important to kill one type of Boss, as until you kill him, you can’t attack higher level.

You kill one level, next time you get a stronger Boss.

So, we have decided to go against Dragon Priest.

We were not sure how it will end, as many of our players were announcing their absence.

But we didn’t want to surrender upfront, and at least give it a try.

We knew who were fighters, and who were healers.

So we were ready, made formations, give them instructions how to increase amount of grains they carry with them, why is beneficiary to go to logistic mode even if you are fighter,

and not to forget to go to logistic mode and and very very very important.. to get a healing chart.

My task was to be a healer. Setting up formations, using bows and taking heal chariots.

All set and done.

And there we go!

We started strong. Everything was according to the plan. 

I’ve tried to find the best position to heal fighters close to Dragon Priest, but not to get hurt.

And I had one job, heal!

So I've healed those who needed it.

And ofc, there were those who were not designated fighters, but didn’t read the memo, and they thought their way is the best way to play this event.

And of course, there were questions, how can I heal? Why can’t I heal others? Will someone heal me? etc.

Each time.. those who were skipping classes were again lost in this event.

We told them, do NOT kill towers, and yet, we had to repeat over and over.. stop attacking towers.

We told them to stay away from Boss, and again, since they didn't use bows, to be able to heal they need to be in closer range to fighters, meaning, right next to the Boss.

well.. there are always those few.. it is more or less ok, until those few do not turn to many!

While trying to heal one of those comrades, I got too close to Dragon Priest. 

And they are nasty and sneaky.

They use special attacks, which are able to kill you in an instant, in case you are too weak for them.

With a single blow, or short and fast series of attacks, your health drops right before your eyes.

So in one of those special attacks, I got burned on one of my deployments, but luckily I've managed to escape just in time.

I’ve pulled back, and used other 2 deployments to heal myself.

And I was back in action.

Heal that player.. done! .. move to another.. done!.. move to another.. done.. ect..

very fast, very hectic.

As some players were getting in the way and I was clicking on the wrong person, or healing non fighter.

and expected moment has come.. that unfortunate message appeared on the screen:

“Insufficient resources.. “

ok.. time has come to go to suicide mission mode, and start attacking the Boss.

Again, bows in formation are very useful, as I could hit him from a safe distance.

But always keeping one eye open, in order to run away if Boss decides that my troops are his next focused attacks.

We were attacking more and more.. more healers were joining the attack as they also ran out of grain.

But the Boss was also not giving up. He used poisonous gas attacking those in the clouds over and over.

But this time he was no match for us.

We were merciless, and we kept attacking him

We wanted him dead, even if it kills everyone last of us!

Almost there.. just a few percentages more.. and we will be victorious. 

And BAM!

He was dead!

We did it!

that felt good.

But we know this was just another chapter in this event. As we have to kill the very strongest epic Dragon itself.

We have learned a lot from this round. And we had a clear picture of how to do the next round, final Boss!

I sure hope we will manage to kill him.

Stay tuned to see what will happen.

Meanwhile, stay safe & have fun!
