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Outnumbered and outgunned? TsM vs tSN - SoW round 4

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/23/2024 09:13

As the evening settled in, the summer sun still lit the battlefield spread out before Eyaka. In the distance, just about visible above a mass of trees, beaten paths and tundra rose the magnificent towers of Winterfell.  It was a fantastic castle, the architecture somewhat bleak and functional but absolutely fitting in the harsh northern landscape. The “Siege of Winterfell” was about to begin. It was called a siege of Winterfell but that was not really the objective of this tournament, perhaps “Siege around Winterfell” would be more appropriate? The name wouldn’t catch on. Eyaka laughed to himself at how silly it sounded in his head, sometimes his pedantry verged on an obsession. 

No, thirteen seasons of tournaments had cemented the name and that was that, he even liked the name. The goal however was simple; across the landscape at the opposite side of Winterfell another great alliance was making preparations just like his own, as the sun dipped to 7pm the horns would blow out from Winterfell signalling the start of the tournament and each alliance would send forth its armies to secure locations, bases and outposts around the great city and raise the alliance flag, for as long as each flag flew they would earn points. However, perhaps more important than simply holding these locations were the treasures released from Winterfell. When one was released the alliances would fight for control of them and try to escort them to one of the locations flying their flag. If the treasure reached a base or outpost and it was still under the control of the alliance escorting it the alliance would receive a huge number of points. At the end of the day, the alliance with the most points is declared the winner. “Simple” Eyaka thought to himself, however, the tactics and strategies as well as the coordination needed to win were far from simple. Victory relied on a strong turnout, capable warriors and tight coordination of armies.

“Eyaka, you’re daydreaming again, the battle will commence in five minutes, what is the strategy?” Bezedash’s question jolted Eyaka out of his trance. “Apologies my Duke, I was merely contemplating our options”. Their opponents today were the mighty tSN, or theSINNERS, as they were officially titled. On paper tSN outmatched TsM on almost every measure. They had more collective power, they had more members and the average power of each lord in their service was far greater than that at TsM’s disposal. However, Eyaka knew not to despair at this. TsM had some outstanding warriors and though they may not have as many men at their service and so less “power” by the standard measure of the lands, many of the lords had spent a great deal of time and effort training them into the most elite combatants possible.

Unfortunately, as Eyaka looked at the strategy map laid out before him he could see not all of TsM’s numbers had shown up. In fact, it was a particularly poor turnout, no doubt many of their members were over in Essos watching the new fangled “football” tournament being held there. Eyaka didn’t blame them of course, even he had ordered ravens to be sent to him throughout the battle updating him of the results. It did pose a problem for TsM though, the scouts had reported that fifty three lords from the opposition had turned up with their armies while only thirty nine of their own had made their way into the north.

“EYAKA?!?! For the love of the old gods and the new, snap out of it!” Bezedash once again, though this time with slightly more venom, jolted Eyaka to attention. “Right, we do not have the numbers to take both the Armory and the Hot Springs, let’s focus our attention on Hot Springs alone. We will attempt to hold it until close to the release of the first treasure then divert our attention to Winterfell. I think our numbers will be a problem if we spread too thinly. We make sure the south east base is held and try to transport the treasure there. Agreed?” He looked around at the gathered commanders: LadySam, Neveziad, Smoker, ScottTeller, STar, Beauab, Archi and DeeAnna were in the tent, fire in each of their eyes. “Agreed” they responded in unison. “To battle then! Remember, we compete for glory but more importantly, for fun!”

Almost the moment they left the camp the horns of Winterfell blew resounding across the field of battle. Eyaka sent his three armies out towards the Hot Springs to the east of Winterfell and watched in awe as TsM’s cavalry thundered ahead. His spears had been well drilled in marching and unbelievably they could almost keep up… almost.

The marches arrived at the Hot Springs just in time to head off some approaching enemy Cavalry. “Perfect! The first blood of the match, exactly the opponent I want” Eyaka quickly ordered his spears to intercept. For just a few moments it seemed not many tSN lords were coming to reinforce the cavalry and Eyaka allowed a mere moment of complacency to creep in but this idea was soon put to rest as wave upon wave of enemy soldiers descended into the battle. Within minutes TsM were heavily outnumbered. Eyaka tried his best to target the enemy cavalry first, his spears managed to dispatch several units but they were soon swamped as his first march routed he sent the signal to head to Winterfell. “The Hot Springs are lost, follow the plan. Secure Base 4 and regroup at Winterfell!”.

Eyaka reformed his units and sent them to Base 4 to reinforce the lords bravely trying to keep TsM’s flag held high. He trusted his comrades would be able to bring the treasure here but the fighting was fierce at their nearest base and if their flag fell holding the treasure would mean naught. He arrived to more chaos but thankfully TsM still outnumbered the enemy and he saw their flag still flew high. Neveziad’s horns were blowing, that means he must have taken the treasure. It was imperative that they held on here. Eyaka targeted the enemy cavalry one by one, dispatching many but they kept on coming. Just as the banners of Neveziad came into view another wave of tSN reinforcements arrived, they were outnumbered! Eyaka fought on, each time one of his armies fell he would replace it as quickly as possible but to his horror he saw the TsM flag being torn from the base, mere moments later Neveziad brought the treasure within the boundaries. It would not count, the tSN flag was being raised. Eyaka prayed for reinforcements but it seemed for every one who arrived two of the enemy would appear. They were hopelessly outnumbered now, Neveziad’s soldiers fell and the treasure was dropped, Eyaka rushed to collect but it was for naught, all he could do was carry it away to delay the inevitable but the inevitable came and tSN won the first points from the treasure.

“Do not worry, we will regroup at Winterfell and try again” Neveziad sounded resolute, he would not be perturbed by such a close call. Neither would Eyaka. The lords refilled their armies from their reserves, healing who they could, before marching on Winterfell once more. Eyaka arrived to a depressing sight. tSN were there in force and there were not many from TsM at the walls. Henomaus was putting up a good fight but TsM had not yet had time to gather. Nonetheless, they battled on. tSN managed to claim the treasure but as they did more and more reinforcements were arriving and the battle became more intense. Eyaka surveyed the field, they were still outnumbered but then, seemingly from nowhere, he noticed ScottTeller, he was leaving the field? “HE HAS THE TREASURE, QUICKLY SUPPORT HIM!” Eyaka was stunned, he did not see how it had happened but Scott had taken the treasure from right under tSN’s nose and it seemed they had not yet noticed! Scott was already en route to Base 3 which was as yet completely secured, with only a few sorties from tSN bothering the troops stationed there.

The chase was on, Scott’s march was under constant harassment from huge numbers of enemy soldiers, however, as he had had such a head start from his genius manoeuvre it was mainly cavalry and Scott’s spears were holding them off beautifully. Soon dozens of friends and foe were involved in an epic battle as Scott soldiered on. Eyaka tried his best to confuse the attacking soldiers and come between them and the treasure. The forces of TsM picked at the trailing tSN lines. Base 3 was in view. On they strove, closer and closer, soldiers falling in a gory blood soaked trail all the way from Winterfell until finally… Scott made it! TsM may have trailed in points but the moral victory of such an exhilarating capture boosted the entire alliance. They would fight on!

The masses of tSN soldiers that had arrived chasing Scott were now attempting to take back base 3. Eyaka and the other brave lords of TsM fought them off as long as they could, healing and replenishing troops again and again, time slipped out of mind. “The treasure is almost out!” Eyaka cursed to himself, he had spent too much time fighting for Base 3 and had all but forgotten to rally to Winterfell, he rushed there as fast as he could but his armies were split. One of his weaker marches arrived just as the treasure was being hauled away by the enemy. There was nothing that could be done. His army found itself stranded and surrounded, holding out as long as it could until it fell to the massed tSN forces and the treasure was gone.

Time really had escaped them, the battle was almost done, there would be one, maybe two more treasures and Eyaka was determined that TsM would be the ones to take them. They couldn’t win but this had become a matter of pride and he knew the other commanders felt the same. They WOULD take this treasure and they WOULD fight to the last man to do it!

Eyaka called for the alliance to regroup at Winterfell, they needed every last soldier they could muster. The call went out and the alliance responded. The treasure was released and the chaos started yet again. The battle raged on and the treasure changed hands time and time again but TsM were, very slowly, making progress towards their base. It was unbelievable but they were on top. 

Armies fell and were replaced on both sides time and time again. Progress was painfully slow. Base 4 had fallen and Base 3 had not been an option for some time. They had to move towards the south eastern outpost, TsM still held strong there. It was difficult to tell who had the upper hand in kills but it was becoming more and more obvious that the proximity to their home base was helping TsM greatly; tSN were taking longer and longer to return to the fight. If it weren’t for their greatly superior numbers they would have been at an extreme disadvantage. However, they fought on just as strongly. Scott, Smoker, Neveziad and several others had taken a turn carrying the treasure for TsM, Eyaka could not be sure which of tSN had done the same. Each time they fell they would heal and return. Eyaka’s elite march did just that, it fell not long before the outpost was in sight. He rushed to relaunch and marched straight back to the frey. As he arrived Neveziad, who had carried this treasure the furthest by quite some distance was down to a mere handful of soldiers. Eyaka fought to protect him but it was to no avail, the enemy managed to kill the last of Neveziad’s troops agonisingly close to the outpost. They beat TsM to recover the package, there were only minutes left before the horns of Winterfell would sound marking the end of the battle. Eyaka chased down the enemy with his allies and crushed the escort. Eyaka was first to the treasure, his march was still at over half strength, could he make it? His men heaved the prize towards the outpost as the enemy bombarded them from all sides… There would be no time for another shot, he had to make it…

Eyaka’s march passed into the outpost, treasure held aloft. They had made it. The match was lost but it did not matter to his team. They were outnumbered from the start and tSN were a powerful alliance, their members strong. Despite this, through excellent teamwork and bravery TsM had secured two out of only four treasures! This was a victory in their eyes, they could all be proud of what they had achieved.
