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More benefits, more surprises
Hello everybody, it is me, back with another exciting story full of blood – this time it will be a bit of a friendly fire – and glory.
Last round of AoH season 2, was quite unexpected in terms of players I had to fight against, and to be fair, I am really pleased with the result, but more about it you will find out while reading the story. Usually i match players that are about same level as me, because of tactic i use, but this time, well lets say it was quite a suprise, stay tuned!
Cheeky tactic
During my adventures in AoH, I have noticed that if I played with pre-made team, full of players my level or higher, I would always match the unplayable whales, and result would usually be 4-5 place. I had to change that so from quite a few games I started to play solo and the event has randomly allocated me to one of the teams that was missing a player. This way was very pleasant for me as I managed to play against players which were reachable for my set of skills, and therefor I could get a higher position in the event.
This time was no different and once again I played as solo player hoping that once again I will be allocated to the battlefield without too many whales from BaN.
What am I doing here?!
What am I doing here?! Was exact words I have used on the alliance chat when I realized who I am about to fight against in the event. It was truly disgraceful, and damaging to my soul. One of the team was full of FFS, so my alliance teammates, second team was full of BaN with BAIZIMING on the top of them. If that was not enough, 3rd team was made of BTa with NIGHTKING and BA NA NA.
Then we had two more teams which were a bit weaker but one of them had FFS member in it, named Maiae, which will be crucial for this story. When I have seen the players against me I was truly disappointed and demotivated, all I wanted to do is to not be last, I knew I will be farmed, as in situations like those, the whales would aim to steal our altars rather than fighting against other whales.
Rock and roll
The only thing that was playing in my head at that point was song below.
I mean what could I potentially do against NIGHTKING, BAIZIMING or the FFS big players like NEO STRIDER, only warm their troops while they go to capture our altars!
The game started very quickly as my teammates were up for it, and went for trading camps, so I joined the idea. In this situation we had to try to capture altars of maiden to increase our points which obviously will be also aim of the whales.
Immediately when the altars have opened, as we were stationed next to green, it was convinent to focus on them, but we had yellow in our mind too.
Our only chance I could see in attacking yellow or green, where green, had FFS member in it.
The fight for altars has began and Maiae kept sending small army of troops to our altars to try to hijack them if we don’t hit them back within requested time.
Fortunate I was on the station and kept knocking him off.
This has unfortunately backfired on me as then me trying to occupy the altars I left some troops inside, and immediately Maiae sent a full regiment of troops to knock me off.
This was a big loss, while at the same time, Sh1no has attacked my main troops in other altar.
This was quite an equal battle considering
Sh1no’s army had a lot more t5’s and also, denearys 4 star, which for me should make huge impact. Somehow I was still almost beating him. This made me smile, as I am stronger than I thought.
As the game was progressing, Pink, so the FFS team, has captured stronghold of Yellow automatically leaving us with only one option which was to attack green.
This is when the fun has started as we were fighting against green for the 3rd place, which was very surprising as red, which was BaN were last!
Immediately Yellow has found out as us and green are the weakest links which they can aim, so yellow started attempting to steal our altars, but hey, not on my watch!
As you can see one of the hits was against SHS member, pain69, known from k50 before they left to find new – safe lands. It was exciting for me to meet them in game on such high level, and even more exciting it was for me to knock him from every altar.
While I was capturing altars from enemy troops, just before my troops hit one of the altars, red has captured it, which ended up in me going against BAIZIMING. You probably know the result..
So I had to sweeten my sore heart with easy hit.
The game was coming to an end, we did not even attempt to go for glory city, as it was pointless, there were too many whales. We have aimed ourself towards the mine shafts, and there the rallies began.
At the same time I captured another mine but quickly Woodd from FFS has given me a lesson.
Following which I re-grouped and hit with my full force, but still was not enough which was very disappointing. I actually enjoyed fighting against FFS members as I could test myself.
Following that we kind of stopped hitting each other with the whales, they kind of lost interest in us, and focused more on green. So I have used the occasion.
I tried to do cheeky hit hoping people are asleep or not aware of whats happening but once again, FFS shown me where my place is.
End of the day we managed to secure 3rd place just couple of points above green. It was very frustrating for the enemy fraction, because following the game, Maiae started to show behaviour, calling us names, and showing his frustration. Everything resulted in rage quit from alliance, which was not needed really.
My message to you folks is to not take too serious all the events, it is meant to be pleasure and fun. I can understand it might be frustrating when your teammates are going after you in an event, but try to put yourself in their situation, to understand, if there was any other option, any other direction, that could’ve been taken, or simply, you were the team, that provided the easiest points.