Killer Marta reached round 15 of Arena of Honor, the finale of the event's second season. This demanding and adrenaline-fuelled competition involves 10 players forming a team to take on five other teams, fighting to conquer various strategic locations. Each location awards points for both being the first to be captured and for staying in control, making strategy and organization crucial factors for success.
On this occasion, Killer Marta was not playing with his usual team. For most of December, she had taken a well-deserved break, a holiday that took her away from the competitive routine. When she returned, she found herself in need of a new team. She turned to the announcement board that the game provides for forming alliances, and there she saw a promising group. The members were Lady Light, Light, DRSTONE, WaI, Alexadrn A, vonmikol II, theChris, Stphanovit and Kevin8370. After joining and discussing strategies with them, Killer Marta was convinced that, although they were not his usual team, they had what it takes to compete at a good level. Now all that remained was how they would measure up against their opponents.
The game plan was clear and would not allow for deviations: they would prioritize the creation of trading posts to accumulate points and seek to take as many altars as possible. The jewel in the crown would be the City of Glory, a location that awarded 20% of all points accumulated by the opponents. If they could conquer it, they could turn the tide of the event in their favor.
When the countdown ended, giving way to the start of the game, Killer Marta wasted no time in analyzing the opposing teams. The first thing she noticed was that the power levels were very similar, which boded well for a fierce and evenly matched-competition. In her mind, she was already visualizing the key moments: conquer the towers, protect the maiden's altars, and don't let the opponents take advantage.
With the timer ticking down to 0, his well-organized team began the creation of trading posts. This initial task did not present much difficulty, as the defensive troops at these locations were light and did not pose a challenge to experienced players like them. Meanwhile, Lady Light led the assault to secure her castle, a crucial move to consolidate her initial position. The rest of the team reinforced defenses to avoid early surprises.

As the first few minutes progressed, a second line of trading posts opened up. Killer Marta and his team, following the plan, moved quickly to secure them. Everything was going according to plan. After fifteen minutes had elapsed, it was time to move on to the next objective: the towers.

As they had previously discussed, the maiden towers would be their priority. These structures not only award significant points but also provide advantages in trade. However, towers were also targeted by other teams. What followed was a series of intense exchanges of blows. After several battles, Killer Marta managed to secure a Maiden's Altar and resisted the desperate attempts of the opponents to regain it for the two minutes needed to consolidate their control. Her partner also conquered another altar, marking a turning point in the game.

The clock was ticking, and with each passing minute, Killer Marta and her team conquered more towers. Although the opponents were constantly trying to recapture them, well-coordinated defenses prevented them from succeeding. The key was communication and teamwork, qualities that this group had perfected in record time.
Twenty minutes into the event, a new location was unlocked: the sept of seven. This location offered an invaluable advantage, doubling the healing speed of the troops. With impressive efficiency, the team secured it, strengthening their overall position and preparing for the next challenges.
However, the competition was far from over. Tireless opponents continued their attempts to retake the towers, especially those of the maiden. The fight was constant, and the level of tension increased with every second. At that moment, Killer Marta noticed that her team was in second place on the scoreboard. The first place had been taken by a team that had created offensive posts and conquered watchtowers and catapults, thus accumulating a considerable amount of points.

If they wanted to claim victory, they needed to take the City of Glory. When this location was finally unlocked, Killer Marta and her team did not hesitate to rush in. They managed to get in and maintain control for a few moments, but the onslaught of attacks from the opposing teams was devastating. Every second inside the city was a fierce battle. Despite their best efforts, they were unable to hold out for the four minutes needed to secure the city.

Faced with this situation, they decided to change their strategy. Instead of continuing to try to take the City of Glory, they focused all their resources on protecting the locations they had already conquered. This move allowed them to consolidate their second position and avoid any surprise drop in the score.

Finally, the timer ticked down to zero. Killer Marta and her team had managed a hard-fought second place. Although overall victory eluded them, the satisfaction of having played in a coordinated and effective manner was undeniable. As they said goodbye, each member of the team felt that they had done their best and that their second-place finish was a testament to their effort and determination.